View Full Version : Selectively un/hide actions on the PC mini sheet

July 9th, 2016, 21:43
Is this possible?
I have a fighter who switches between two regular and two handed grip on a longsword, as well as a rogue that switches between twf with normal/light and ligh/light and two handed grip on light (rapiers/daggers/shortswords).

To make life easier, I made actions for all the combinations, so there are entries for rapier (THF) rapier TWF Primary(OH-L) and rapier Primary (OH-N) (OH-[N/L] = off hand normal/light).
This clutters up the actions tab a lot. It's no big deal on the full sheet to have 5 entries for each weapon. But on the mini sheet, it's too much. If the character is going to be using the rapier and dagger as twf and switching between THF on the rapier and throwing daggers most commonly, I'd like just those to be in the mini sheet.

There are a lot of times I could see this being useful. Like when you don't need those +1 fire bolts for the first half of the adventure, but all of a sudden you need them for 3 encounters in a row. Rather than open the full sheet and scroll to them every time, could open the full sheet, add them to the mini sheet and then close the full sheet. I know they can be dragged to the hotbars, but the descriptions are more clear in the mini sheet, I think and it's nice to have the attack, cast, effect, dmg clickies there with tooltip functionality