View Full Version : Connection Issues

July 3rd, 2016, 22:22
Right, so I am a new GM and am setting this up for a new group of 7 players. We are moving off for Uni to different parts of the country and want to stay connected. I tried connecting to another computer within the house (test connection success) however we couldnt get a connection through internal IP, external IP or alias. I then tried using an external computer but to no avail. I have looked up on these forums and have found many people have this problem and I have followed some of the solutions described. (Im not tech savvy so don't know how to do a lot of what is said) I have forwarded port 1802 on my router (not sure if it was successful) and tried opening up another instance of the game, but as Im using steam I tried to download it from the website directly. This didnt work and since then the test connection has been a failure and running the game on a different computer (Mac) shows a test failure as well. Can someone please help me get through this, as I feel this game has so much potential for us. Thanks.

July 3rd, 2016, 23:08
A couple of suggestions. First check that you have set up a rule to allow Port 1802 through your firewall (either the Windows one if you use that or the one on your antivirus software) if you are on a wireless network make sure that your router is sending then input to your computer's internal IP address.

to start a second instance of FG start it from the exe file. You can't run two instances from Steam. Also connecting internally like that won't tell you if you have set up your ports correctly. The test connection is the button to use for that.

July 3rd, 2016, 23:26
Hey Rahvim - send me a PM and Ill work with you.