View Full Version : Library

June 28th, 2016, 16:15
ok. maybe i worded it wrong. is doing a library the same as doing a module? skimmed through the user namual n unless i cant find it im not seeing anything about how to make a custom library. thanxs

June 28th, 2016, 16:44
The library is a collection of modules, so for the purposes of your question, yes they are one and the same. The simple way to make a module is to create a campaign for it, edit the story/image/npc/encounters/etc. and then use the /export functionality.

If you want to create modules that are more reference oriented and have things like draggable abilities/feats, tables of contents and links that open in new windows and whatnot, then you're into the realm of hand-editing XML to accomplish your goal. The following will be of some assistance:

Module Making Manual (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=1502&d=1281910885)

June 28th, 2016, 16:56
If you want to create a library module for 5E, you can use PAR5E to create the XML for you: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?27297-Par5e