View Full Version : What extentions do you guys use what cant you live with out

June 26th, 2016, 02:06
Just wondering what you guys are using and what you think are the must haves.

June 26th, 2016, 02:27
Personally (and I'm being biased as hell here) I can't live without any of the DOEs (Dulux-Oz Extensions) - that's why I wrote the things in the first place :)

They're on the Extensions sub-forum of the Armory Forum if you weren't sure.

June 26th, 2016, 02:38
What I must have (because I'm spoiled):
Remove Effects ext
Hotkey Party Sheet Skill Roll

What else I use:
Enhanced Images (just started using)
Expanded Tabs (personal; adds more tab icons)

I used to use more, but now I try to keep it to a minimum.

Hecklerus Prime
June 26th, 2016, 03:22
There are only two that I use:

5e Player Effect Removal (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?23566-5E-Player-Effect-Removal-Extension) by Trenloe. I consider this a must have. It opened up whole new avenues for us, as it allows players to add/remove their own effects for abilities (sneak attack, svirfneblin's Stone Camouflage, spell effects, etc.) without DM intervention. I don't know about you, but when I was DM I got a little annoyed every time I had to stop what I was doing to manage a player's effects just because he was flanking.
5e Critical, Fumble, and Random Encounter Charts (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?27400-5e-Critical-Fumble-and-Random-Encounter-Charts) by myself. This one is still under development, as my group and I are refining some of the rules, although I think it is safe enough for routine use. The standard Crit/Fumble side is finished, and we're refining the Random Encounter as we learn more about how to appropriately build an encounter in 5e. The magic Crit/Fumble stuff will take a while to figure out, I think, but there is some...interesting results in there [cue evil DM laughter]. If you check that one out, please give feedback on that thread.

June 26th, 2016, 03:53
5e Player Effect Removal by Trenloe. I consider this a must have. It opened up whole new avenues for us...

If you sweet talk Trenloe, he might add more of the code to his extension. There was a tag for stacking effects (such as images from mirror image). I made a new tag that allows effects with bonuses/penalties to stack by compounding. All the code for this goes in the same block as the remove effect code, so it isn't any harder to maintain.

June 26th, 2016, 04:51
If you sweet talk Trenloe, he might add more of the code to his extension. There was a tag for stacking effects (such as images from mirror image). I made a new tag that allows effects with bonuses/penalties to stack by compounding. All the code for this goes in the same block as the remove effect code, so it isn't any harder to maintain.

Ahhh it would be nice to be able to tag people but then some people like @Trenloe would be driven mad by all the tagging!

June 26th, 2016, 09:04
This, I think, is another of these questions which revolve around how you play and what your players like.

Personally I use the 5e Theme with one of the decals, Moodlighting, Language Fonts and replace GM token. I also use a couple of damned's decal extensions and a message of the Day one for FGCons.

But there's none that I couldn't live without, apart from the Wizard's Theme.

June 26th, 2016, 09:13
For me, the most useful extension is the Player Effect Removal.
I also use these Critical Hit and Fumble Tables :-)

June 26th, 2016, 14:56
Having just picked up CoC I found a need for the Big Font extension. With 5e I was fine at 100% UI scaling but can't live without it for CoC.

Paranormal GM
June 26th, 2016, 15:29
I'll plus 1 the Big Fonts. Using 2 34" ultrawides I sit back about 10 ft from the monitors

June 26th, 2016, 15:31
I'll plus 1 the Big Fonts. Using 2 34" ultrawides I sit back about 10 ft from the monitors

Lucky you! All I have is my 15.6" laptop to work with. Not bad for a player but when I start DMing I think I'm going to be lacking space.

June 26th, 2016, 16:39
This, I think, is another of these questions which revolve around how you play and what your players like.

Personally I use the 5e Theme with one of the decals, Moodlighting, Language Fonts and replace GM token. I also use a couple of damned's decal extensions and a message of the Day one for FGCons.

But there's none that I couldn't live without, apart from the Wizard's Theme.

Thanks, didn't know how to replace the GM token. I put an Elder Sign as my CoC GM token :)

June 26th, 2016, 17:53
Thanks, didn't know how to replace the GM token. I put an Elder Sign as my CoC GM token :)

Replace GM token extension is here (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?17239-Change-GM-Icon-on-Chat-Log/page3). Not sure whether it will work for all rulesets.

June 26th, 2016, 18:00
Replace GM token extension is here (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?17239-Change-GM-Icon-on-Chat-Log/page3). Not sure whether it will work for all rulesets.

I works for CoC.

Installation instructions copied from a later post in the thread you linked to:

Download .zip file into your extensions directory
Bring up a folder viewer and navigate to your extensions directory
Right click on .zip and select "Extract All"
Copy your wanted GM Icon into the "icons" directory within the extracted folder, using the same name name as the existing icon
Select "Replace GM Token" from the extensions list next time you start your campaign
Changing the icon within the icons folder in the future will change the token used the next time FG is started with that extension active

June 26th, 2016, 23:31
It should work for all CoreRPG rulesets. Someone should draw tentacles on Gary's chin and use that for CoC.

June 27th, 2016, 01:18
It should work for all CoreRPG rulesets. Someone should draw tentacles on Gary's chin and use that for CoC.

And just in case anyone wanted this...
Unfortunately at this size the effect is a little too subtle...

June 27th, 2016, 03:21
It wasnt doing it for me so i wasted *another* hour of my life and now Im happy :)


So... you you rolled a 1...?
Ia! Ia!

June 27th, 2016, 04:21
Not a waste; totally not a waste...

June 27th, 2016, 10:22
The ones I use for all of my 5e AL games are the MOTD and Player effect removal. I use the locations extension in my campaign, so my players can buy/sell without math, but it's not used enough to teach everyone who plays how to use it.

June 27th, 2016, 10:27
but it's not used enough to teach everyone who plays how to use it.

I don't understand what you mean by this ???

June 27th, 2016, 10:42
It wasnt doing it for me so i wasted *another* hour of my life and now Im happy :)


So... you you rolled a 1...?
Ia! Ia!

This really did make me laugh out loud ;)

June 27th, 2016, 11:40
> I don't understand what you mean by this ???

I have a regular campaign where the same 7 people play each week -- those people love my store where they can buy/sell goods without math. I also DM Adventures League games with 7 (kinda sorta) random people who show up. Trying to teach those people how to use the store takes more DM game time than just telling them to "buy anything in the player's handbook that's not magical, and you can also get potions of healing for 50gp." and I'm the ONLY DM that has stores set up, so nobody starts out knowing how to use them. I'm guessing about 15% of DMs use the effect removal extension, and so about 25% of players know how to use them -- and most of the time one of the players can be teaching another player how to set up the removal effects, and when they do it really makes *my* life easier. In contrast, when my campaign players use the store, it makes *their* life easier.

June 27th, 2016, 13:02
It wasnt doing it for me so i wasted *another* hour of my life and now Im happy :)


So... you you rolled a 1...?
Ia! Ia!

You, sir, win at the internets.

June 27th, 2016, 13:33
I have a regular campaign where the same 7 people play each week -- those people love my store where they can buy/sell goods without math. I also DM Adventures League games with 7 (kinda sorta) random people who show up. Trying to teach those people how to use the store takes more DM game time than just telling them to "buy anything in the player's handbook that's not magical, and you can also get potions of healing for 50gp." and I'm the ONLY DM that has stores set up, so nobody starts out knowing how to use them. I'm guessing about 15% of DMs use the effect removal extension, and so about 25% of players know how to use them -- and most of the time one of the players can be teaching another player how to set up the removal effects, and when they do it really makes *my* life easier. In contrast, when my campaign players use the store, it makes *their* life easier.

I see - that makes sense.

Well, you could always encourage your fellow DM's (or get your AL-Players to encourage their AL-DMs) to begin using the Extension - I know that a lot of people don't know that they are available or if they do know they're available they don't know how "powerful" they can be for their games - but if people like an Extension (ANY Extension) then they can always tell their friends about it :)

June 27th, 2016, 16:32
For me it's about perceived ROI. I only have so much time to game and do campaign development that I have to say to myself, "Self, how much time is it going to take to learn this extension? How much upkeep? Self, would you rather learn that, or work on your campaign?"

I have no doubt in the power, I'm just a bit lazy and would rather struggle through doing it the way I know rather than learn something new.

Not always the best, I admit.

June 27th, 2016, 16:46
For me it's about perceived ROI. I only have so much time to game and do campaign development that I have to say to myself, "Self, how much time is it going to take to learn this extension? How much upkeep? Self, would you rather learn that, or work on your campaign?"

I have no doubt in the power, I'm just a bit lazy and would rather struggle through doing it the way I know rather than learn something new.

Not always the best, I admit.

I can understand that attitude. I don't agree with it, but I understand it.

The thing is, as far as my Extensions are concerned I designed them to save time so that there is less over-all prep-work and more time for gaming - and campaign development becomes easier as well. Yes, it takes a small amount of time to learn an Extension, but you more than make up that time and then some once you have - sort of like the time you took to learn how to use FG properly; that's saved you a bunch of time in the long run with your gaming, hasn't it?!

It's like the story about the guy chopping down the tree with a blunt axe - he said to a passerby that he didn't have time to sharpen his axe as he was too busy spending his time trying to chop down the tree :)

June 27th, 2016, 18:56
It's like the story about the guy chopping down the tree with a blunt axe - he said to a passerby that he didn't have time to sharpen his axe as he was too busy spending his time trying to chop down the tree :)
Does this guy get paid per hour or by the tree? Cause if he's hourly, he may be a genius.

June 27th, 2016, 22:27
I like the effect removal, but I find at times when enabled there seems to be a parsing issue with the monster manual when there is a secondary dice roll. for example 3d6 bludgeoning and 3d8 fire damage. A lot of times the 3d8 does not parse correctly.

June 28th, 2016, 00:05
I can understand that attitude. I don't agree with it, but I understand it.

The thing is, as far as my Extensions are concerned I designed them to save time so that there is less over-all prep-work and more time for gaming - and campaign development becomes easier as well. Yes, it takes a small amount of time to learn an Extension, but you more than make up that time and then some once you have - sort of like the time you took to learn how to use FG properly; that's saved you a bunch of time in the long run with your gaming, hasn't it?!

It's like the story about the guy chopping down the tree with a blunt axe - he said to a passerby that he didn't have time to sharpen his axe as he was too busy spending his time trying to chop down the tree :)

I oh know. And am sure you're right.

It's more an emotional decision than any type of intellectual one. I'll get there I'm sure, just one step at a time :)