View Full Version : How to model stealth on a rogue?

June 23rd, 2016, 19:13
In a pathfinder game, I am looking for a way to track the stealth roll for a PC rogue.
For example, the player says "I use stealth" and rolls a stealth check. After mod, his stealth is 33, so perception checks of npc's need to be a 33 or better.
Short of just recording or remembering that, is there a way I can model it with an effect or track it in some other simple way?

I was thinking I could make an effect that is applied to self without expiration, so the player has to dis/enable the effect and I will have an easy way to remind myself that the PC is hidden and NPC's need to roll perception. That's simple enough and I can make due with it. Obviously, it'd be easy enough to set up a "do nothing" effect with the title "Stealth" - But is there some way to creatively use effects or modifiers to track the PC's stealth roll?

While this is a specific use case, it seems like the kind of thing (opposed skill checks in general) that is easily generalized. Does this exist, or does something like it exist that I can use to my advantage?

June 25th, 2016, 04:16
In my games we usually just remove the rolls entirely. Passive stealth vs Passive Perception, then if you are in range for long enough, they get "take 20" on perception. That ways all you have to do is count the amount of time the enemy has been observing an area.

June 25th, 2016, 13:39
I think setting up the effect of stealth with the number rolled is the best way to go. You can remove it once he is done moving around but it gives you the info you need at a glance.