View Full Version : Magic item damage

June 20th, 2016, 12:05
First time dabbling as a GM in FG so sorry for the dumb question.

But i must be missing something simple but when monsters who have resistance or immunity to slashing, piercing, like flesh golem but i have 2 members in my party with magic items and it should ignore that imunity. how can i reflect that into the item so that it will auto ignore those bonuses.

thank you all in advance!

June 20th, 2016, 12:16
Hi comal, welcome to Fantasy Grounds and to the community.

Add the magic property to their weapons. Click the little magnifying glass at the right hand end of the weapon line in the actions tab to bring up the dialog. Where it says 'type' add ,magic. So if it says slashing edit it to slashing, magic.
You can also edit the weapon in the Items dialog and in the properties box give it the magic property. Then when you drag and drop the weapon into the PC's inventory it will automatically set up the correct attacks.

More information here (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/wiki/index.php/5E_Character_Sheet#Creating_a_weapon) and here (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/wiki/index.php/5E_Item_Sheet#Using_The_Forge).