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June 18th, 2016, 20:37
Congrats on the fine work!

The Adventure Generator implementation is probably the finest I've seen yet! Far as I'm concerned the author of every other Savage Worlds setting extension should be forcibly dragged back to their computer and re-work their Adventure Generator to work this way. Yes, I'm specifically looking at Interface Zero which doesn't use any of Fantasy Grounds' automation. At all.

About my only complaint with the Adventure Generator, and it's actually more leveled at how FG currently works than this extension, is that when you have all the output go to the a Story page, the specific table title is not printed. That would mean the author would have to write "Location:" (for example) as the first word of every single result in the Location table which is ugly and unwieldy. So the user still has to compare each result to see which result belongs to which table in order. If it were possible to have FG print the table name then result, that would be awesome for us lazy types! lol

If I'm disappointed with anything, it's that there's no custom theme for the desktop frame and the buttons. It's easy to get spoiled when 50 Fathoms, Interface Zero, Deadlands and others totally theme out the extension to match the game and I was kinda hoping for some angsty "40K meets Cthulhu in space" art (that's what Nemezis reminds me of anyway LOL). Perhaps in a future update???

Typos: Only have 2 so far. The first one is the more serious. Under Library -> Data Module Activation I have Nemezis GM Guide and Nemezis Player Guide. However once they are activated, they both read Nemezis Player Guide in the left column of the Library frame. Second one, under the "History" story page (I can't be certain which book because of the first typo but I suspect it actually is the Player's Guide because the character creation info is there) reads "There is a grain of truth in every story. Te stories about a dark star, a strange companion of Earth’s Sun had been told since the dawn of civilization." Obviously, "Te" should be "The."


June 19th, 2016, 05:20
Hi Talyn Ive put together a basic, basic theme for you - I have no familiarity with the setting and very few images come up from my searches so it is what it is.

As the base product evolves newer settings can incorporate more features and I suspect this is the case with the Adventure Builder. I dont think the auto-tagging is possible with the tech that is used to make the builder - not at this time anyway.


Download it here: https://www.fg-con.com/free-downloads

June 19th, 2016, 05:54
Awesome damned

June 19th, 2016, 07:36
Congrats on the fine work!

The Adventure Generator implementation is probably the finest I've seen yet! Far as I'm concerned the author of every other Savage Worlds setting extension should be forcibly dragged back to their computer and re-work their Adventure Generator to work this way. Yes, I'm specifically looking at Interface Zero which doesn't use any of Fantasy Grounds' automation. At all.

Buy me a copy of this so I can see how it's done and I'll give it a go with IZ.

June 19th, 2016, 07:40
Im guessing Doswelk that it is using Linked Tables and Output to Story?

June 19th, 2016, 07:47
Yeah, Doswelk using html tables instead of FG tables. WWRome uses FG Tables as well. ETU uses html tables because card draws isn't supported in FG.

June 19th, 2016, 12:57
Thanks for your recall!
I am pleased to see that you like the setting and conversion!
This is my first conversion, and I going to continue making new ones.
About issues..
1. I cannot replay your error with player/player guide, so cannot fix this issue. Even opened, both module shows correct.
2. I am a bad painter, so cannot draw a new skin, but certanly I thought about this a lot (((
3. About generator. Your idea about "Location:" is good. Thanks! In future updates (it depends on the success of this setting in a store) I'll add this!
4. Typos. And again, thanx! I found a few others "Te" right now. This typo in the book too, so it's rather refers to it, but I can fix text and will do (if there are new updates, see above)!

June 19th, 2016, 14:55
Yeah, Doswelk using html tables instead of FG tables. WWRome uses FG Tables as well. ETU uses html tables because card draws isn't supported in FG.

Something I am going to look into and update WWRome and build into Winter Eternal.

June 19th, 2016, 18:55
Yeah the actual Nemezis book / PDF also uses the card suits for the Adventure Generator. This extension faked it with die rolls instead but works great.


June 19th, 2016, 19:41
Adventure generator in Nemezis use same probability for each table row as you have with cards.
1-2 Joker...
3-6: Ace...

June 20th, 2016, 18:31
Would the code from the basic card extension work for this? https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?23099-Basic-Card-Tables-Extensions