View Full Version : Single noob LF 5e Adventure

June 18th, 2016, 11:34
Hey, im new to D&D my only experience is watching an underdark stream, it was amaze balls.

i understand the gist of the game and would love to play 1+ sessions a week.
although i may need a little hand holding to start with but im a quick learner.
i would very much prefer to use some form of VOIP while playing im not fussed on the platform.

Please dont hesitate to ask me anything.

June 18th, 2016, 18:11
Welcome to FG, I'd recommend checking out the game calendar, PM the DM of a game you're interested in, don't be shy but have some patience, many of us on here have lives away from FG.
Also look into FG Daze next weekend, I've met some really good people there and one of them is in my current campaign, so just look around the possibilities and have some patience and above all contact any DM you're interested in playing with.
Good Luck

June 18th, 2016, 23:47
thanks for the tip!

June 19th, 2016, 00:03
Hi, I am also looking for a group for 5e. I would be more than happy to join you as a player :)

June 19th, 2016, 03:58
There are a bunch of one shots next weekend. D&D and lots of other groovy stuff. Dont limit yourselves to D&D. Thats what you think you want to play - you might just find that you will have just as much fun investigating a murder, committing a murder in Las Vegas, some scifi battlestar and several D&D variants. Have a look at the thread in my signature - some really good fun options there.

June 19th, 2016, 04:13
Hi, I am also looking for a group for 5e. I would be more than happy to join you as a player :)

I'm full up on PC's right now, but like damned said look for other games, one shots, and try some other systems from time to time, I'm guilty of not doing much of this, but have tried a couple others. Personally I like 5E, but it's not for everyone or it'd be the only thing being played. I do want to try Castles and Crusades and Pathfinder at some point. Some people love them, they can't be all bad or no one would be playing them... kinda like doughnuts, everyone has a favorite, but it's nice to have a variety too