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View Full Version : LFG 1 Player (Mil Vet/Archaeologist) LF game on weekday afternoons GMT 5e/PF/CoC/SW

June 17th, 2016, 00:15
FG License: At the moment I have the demo license but I'll certainly upgrade if it lives up to the hype.
Time Zone: GMT (England)
Day(s) of week, frequency, and time: Any weekday afternoon would work, start time between 1 and 5 GMT would be preferred.
Term: I'd like to do a module...maybe see where things go from there. I'm at the point in my life where I'm ready for a long-term game but I don't want to just settle for the first one that strolls along.
Voice: I'm willing to download whatever software the group is using.

Game System Preferred: D&D 5e, Pathfinder, 13th Age, Call of Cthulhu, Star Wars: Edge of the Empire, Dresden Files
Game System Experience: I've played off and on for about 25 years but I've only been in a few regular groups due to frequent moves. I've got a fair amount of experience with WHFRP 2nd ed., Call of Cthulhu, Earthdawn and Mechwarrior. I've GM'd campaigns of Shadowrun, 13th Age and Pathfinder. I've also played several sessions each of D&D 3.5/4th ed., V:tM, and Rolemaster.
Fantasy Grounds Experience: None. I'm completely new to the system.

Character Type Preferred: I tend to play characters that have a lot of hooks and flaws. For me the fun of the game comes from trying to portray a realistic character in an exciting or unusual setting...so there's a good chance my fighter is going to be an alcoholic with PTSD, my cleric is going to have a crisis of faith at some point, my rogue is going to have debilitating trust issues from a life spent on the streets, etc.
About me: I tend to like lighter, more narrative games as opposed to heavy crunch. I played a lot of Shadowrun as a kid and it scarred me for life. I like chopping and shooting my way through things as much as the next guy but grinding through one combat for 2 hours...life's too short. Truth be told I care a lot more about the group than the system or the setting; a good group makes or breaks any game. I'm a peacemaker by nature, tend to get along with everyone. I'm also a United States Air Force veteran currently working on a PhD in archaeology (Byzantine Israel if anyone cares) in England. I go on digs a few times a year so every once in awhile I'll have to drop off the grid for 3 -5 weeks. Male, married, 34 years old, no kids, two dogs. Just looking to get back into the hobby again and maybe try out some of the stuff I've not had a chance to play yet.

Black Hammer
June 17th, 2016, 05:25
I'd be open to running a game on Friday mornings EST (which would be Friday afternoons GMT) if there's enough interest from the other side of the pond.

June 17th, 2016, 05:42
Welcome Arkham81. In most cases you will need to express your interest in games that GMs post rather than hoping GMs will come knocking. It does happen but mostly games fill quickly so checking the boards daily and posting on threads that catch your eye is your best option.

June 17th, 2016, 09:46
Black Hammer: Friday afternoons would be perfect for me actually...would give me something to look forward to at the end of the week. Do you have any particular system in mind? I'm open to just about anything.

damned: Thanks for the info, I'll start trying to chase a game down.