View Full Version : D20 SRD Magic Items as Modules

August 5th, 2005, 20:33
I concerted the Magic Items from the SRD to single Modules (Armor, Weapons, etc.)
Cause of the restrictions from Fantasygrounds in the item descripten I had to cut off all the tables. So when you find the entry "Table!" you have to look in the SRD for the information.
The item names have prefixes like "SRDWeapons:" so you can activate all modules without confusion.

You can dowload the Zip-File here (https://www.bewahrer-der-welten.de/div/fantasygrounds/D20_SRD_magicitems_modules.zip)

August 14th, 2005, 15:39

For those not using the default 'd20' ruleset don't forget to change the setting in definition.xml.

And for those using the d20-SRD the setting IS case sensitive.

And I've approved the file on adventuresomedreams.com.
