View Full Version : PF: Descent into Toreurkral (Group 2)

June 10th, 2016, 16:57
Hi there folks, I am looking for 6 Dwarves to dungeon crawl in an undead saturated fallen kingdom. This post will be short and dirty, as I opened a one-shot application event tied to the FGDaze on the 25th with all of the information already. However, that one-shot is just an application event which is meant to lead into a long term campaign. Hence, this post, I will need players long term. The information you need is all here: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?32048-FGDaze-Descent-into-Toreurkal-Training-Day and you just need to bring a character to my FGDaze event at 7 pm on the 25th. I'll have a handful of pre-mades I setup for folks who show up last minute who want to toss their hat in the ring, but making your own is better, obviously. Your information is in the link above, a background for context and flavor, my character creation rules and links to the optional rules, along with my Classless hack. Yes, I hacked pathfinder and have a WIP classless hack the strips out classes and allows you to pick your abilities, HD, Feats, Skills, spellcasting, etc by purchasing XP. You will be effectively 6th level Gestalt Dwarves, but built as you wish within the confines of my character creation.

After the 25th, I will have an idea of my applicants, and we can set a time slot together. My only time that is not available is the 11 am - 6 pm (NY Time) window on Saturday's which my Group 1 of this campaign will be occupying. Outside of that I am open, whether it be an NA, EU, or other time zone friendly game folks are looking for. Group 1 is setup to be viable for both folks in Germany and Italy as well as across North America, so I can fit whatever schedule you folks want. You can contact me here, or in the thread above. If you require real time back and forth chat, I run an IRC channel on the Darkmyst server, #DM|Mag_Game. You can connect by clicking this link: https://chat.mibbit.com/?server=mibbit.darkmyst.org&channel=%23DM%7CMag_Game if you are unfamiliar with how IRC works, just type in username and go.

Does anyone have questions?

June 22nd, 2016, 19:07
Just needing a place to track things, this seems the best place.
Keraki sheet https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1sIvCpZ5jlIVgmCB5LVmvh4FxX3wsuL-FSt-JIGAIctc/edit#gid=75388611 so I don't lose it.

I've gotten some interest here and elsewhere for this game in private and outside of this thread. Saturday at 7 pm Eastern is a chance to test it out before committing. You can spectate my 2nd session of the Group 1 campaign from 12 pm -5 PM as well if you don't interrupt us. Cheers!

July 24th, 2016, 07:50
im happy to test with you mate im just wondering whts happening i heard from a email from you that the other ppl that i play tested with you that day had changed there mind so i dont know what was happening

July 25th, 2016, 03:40
As stated in my PM, that's been covered, I need folks who are interested to pick a time slot together and I need at least 5 players in order to get this up and running. An unwell family member and another one dying recently have set me behind schedule, so busy busy and lack the time to rush about trying to do the organization of players for them. If folks want to play, organize among yourselves a time slot that isn't one of the following times:

Wednesday between 4 and 7 PM
Saturday before 7 pm
Both NY time (UTC -5)

I can run for folks anytime outside of these. Just requires players to communicate with each other their time availability.

I also may have a slot opening up for my 12-5 pm on Saturday session where my group is already playing, but their wizard/crafter got a summer job and hasn't been able to get involved. Vanished during character creation. If someone is interested in playing noon to 5 pm on Saturdays NY time as the groups arcane caster. It's very likely I will be needing one very soon. Let me know.

July 30th, 2016, 00:28
I would love to join, i am open for all the time frames listed above,

i have a fair bit of experience in pathfinder.

July 31st, 2016, 00:11
I'm interested in trying as well for both your saturday game and the potential second group. I'm fairly free and willing to adapt if necessary. I'll send you a message

July 31st, 2016, 01:32
I might have someone for my Saturday game, the guy who was building a character got into a bad car crash and is injured though and is delayed. I'll see how that pans out. The times listed above are times I *can't* run games for you. You folks need to pick a time that works together for all of you. Once you do that, let me know if there's at least 5 of you at the same time. Onus is on you the players to work that out. Pick a time, I will guide you through character creation and run this campaign for you.

July 31st, 2016, 07:19
im free monday australian time and im free wed from 9am to afternoon australian time and im sort of free sat im currently typing this at 4.18 pm 31/7/16 just so ppl know the time difference

July 31st, 2016, 10:35
So we are clear: I am in NY (Utc -5)
Berlin/Rome Time zone would be 6 hours ahead (UTC +1)
Sydney/Melbourne: (UTC +10)

Your message reads at 2:18 am in NY, but 4:18 pm which is a 14 hour difference. You are 14 hours ahead of me. 9 am Wed for you is 7 pm Tuesday for me.

July 31st, 2016, 16:09
The only time I really can't are Friday's night (6 pm UTC-5). So I believe it's 8 am Saturdays for you Dubbomale? Otherwise, I can anytime since I have a lot of leeway with my schedule, so long as we pick a time in advance and that it's not super late/early.

For info, I'm also UTC-5 (EDT)

August 2nd, 2016, 00:30
Noted folks, I'm recruiting on Mythweavers where I am hosting the 1st game I run on Saturdays, and will do the same for this game. There's an actual forum I can break things up and store things like character sheets and between session chatter there. I've added the limited info you folks have put here to a thread there so that players who are interested from that site can see what you've said there. In the event you want to jump into there, https://www.myth-weavers.com/showthread.php?t=367341 will take you directly to the interest/schedule thread inside my forum for this game. You can see the character sheets of the folks playing in Group 1 in the "Group: Reboot" folder, which is the group I am recruiting for a mage currently. Contacting me here, or in that forum is the fastest way to get in touch with me.

Update: The Mage Slot *is* open, and I've got someone looking into creating for it on MW's currently. If you want it for my Saturday noon to 5 pm NY time game, I need a good mage with crafting capabilities and the character input into my FG campaign by Friday, we play on Saturday.

August 2nd, 2016, 20:33
I'm willing, never used myth-weavers before though so I would have to learn.

August 4th, 2016, 01:27
Slys has Group 1's Mage slot given that he finishes finalizing, and shows up Saturday.

That said, there's a couple of folks who want a second group for this game. If you want to join them, just need my players to organize a time slot together and then give me a holler regarding when they want me to run. Do that, and I'll be your DM, easy.