View Full Version : LFG 1 Player LF Sunday/Friday CST US Time Zone

June 7th, 2016, 08:45
FG License: Standard
Time Zone: Central Time USA
Day(s) of week, frequency, and time: Any time on Friday or Sunday, how frequently is also open. These are days that can be switched to others, will just need to know in advance to have those days off of work in time.
Term: I'm ready for anything, though I would prefer to have a long-term game. I've only participated in shorter ones.
Voice: Discord, Skype, Teamspeak

Game System Preferred: I only have experience with 5e, but I'm open to just about anything.
Game System Experience: Only 5e, mostly to level 7 but the general rules are understood well. Always keep a PHB on hand too!
Fantasy Grounds Experience: None. However, I learn quickly, just tell me what I need to know.
Character Type Preferred: I enjoy quite a bit of it all, really. A witty gnome wizard or the half-orc "big brother". I enjoy thinking up different ones.
About me: I enjoy combat quite a bit, it's probably one of my favorite aspects. The role playing side of it is fun too, but I always end up saying what my character did rather than be them doing it, their actions are still based around their personalities however. Some OOC banter is fun though too much of it does drive away from the game itself in my opinion. Jokes are good though.

June 7th, 2016, 16:24
Good morning!

I'm putting together a 4E group that plans on running the entirety of the Scales of War AP, if that interests you. Our sessions are looking like Friday evenings, around 6PM EST. We look at running for 5~ish hours, weekly or bi-weekly is still up for discussion. It will certainly be a long-term game, as SoW runs from level 1-30 and I'd like to see us finish it up (yikes!). If you'd like to know more, send me a PM!

Looking forward to hearing from you!