View Full Version : Table XML - labelcol# vs "resultscols"?

June 3rd, 2016, 05:27
Would there ever be a situation where the number suffix of the labelcol# elements would not equal the value of the resultscols element?

Trying to make sure my tool is accounting for all possibilities.

<labelcol1 type="string">Coin</labelcol1>
<labelcol2 type="string">Gems</labelcol2>
<resultscols type="number">2</resultscols>

Moon Wizard
June 3rd, 2016, 17:08
There shouldn't be. The ruleset code will only look at the number of columns specified in resultcols, and create/ignore any labels which are missing/extra.


June 3rd, 2016, 17:21
Great, thanks ... I just set the resultscol value as a const in the chorus based on size of column names array in the meanwhile, but didn't want to assume.

can't forget the Odd Couple lessons...