View Full Version : more of cant connect i know you see it alot

May 30th, 2016, 19:46
bought new comp and now cant get a positive test to host games. i was able to do it on my lap top with hard wiring it but that dont seem to be working for my comp. im thinking its a windows thing sence this is a win10 comp and my lap top was win 7. ive configured the roughter for port 1802 in the past. not really good with firewalls or routers so i may have done it wrong. i have disabled windows fire wall but there may be anouther on the system im not 100% sure. any help would be apprecieated

May 30th, 2016, 19:57
we are playing today and am on the ts server i can switch channels if that would be easer for someone to assist. my turn to dm is coming up quickly and i really need to solve this

May 30th, 2016, 20:50
If it's on a new computer the static IP can only point to one computer. You will need to run through setting up a new static IP to the new computer.

May 30th, 2016, 22:10
It's difficult to give precise advice since you haven't given many details of your set up.

However in all cases you need to make sure that Port 1802 is open both ways for any and all firewalls/routers/AV software or anything else that sits between you and the internet. Your router is the obvious place to start and how you set up the port forwarding will depend entirely on which router you have; your instruction manual is key to finding out how to forward the port there. Net up make sure that your AV software is also open to port 1802. Usually AV firewall will disable Windows firewall so switching off Windows firewall won't really make any difference since it's probably not active anyway. If you are on a wireless network you'll also need to make sure that you set up the wireless router to send all of the incoming data to your computer's internal IP address; whilst you are at it as Nylfans I think is alluding to is to tell your wireless router to always use a specific address for your computer so that if you ever reboot it it will not change the internal IP address. Again your instruction manual should tell you what to do.

Some more detail here (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/faq.php?faq=fantasy_grounds_faq#faq_networking).

Moon Wizard
May 31st, 2016, 00:33
In most situations where FG does not automatically configure for port forwarding , it is because UPnP option is disabled on the router, or there are actually multiple routers.

Multiple routers usually happen when the modem provided by your internet provider contains a router, and you also have a separate router that you purchased. If you do have multiple routers, you have to chain the port forwarding between the routers.


May 31st, 2016, 06:08
I know Im late to the party but feel free to drop me a PM if you cant solve this.