View Full Version : Thursday Evening (7PM-10PM EDT) Game Looking for Players

Black Hammer
May 22nd, 2016, 21:09
My Thursday evening game group (currently playing 7PM-10PM Eastern Daylight Time, or 11PM-2AM GMT) is looking to try a different game as well as pick up a couple more players. We were playing 50 Fathoms, a fantasy pirate Savage Worlds setting, and we discussed a couple of alternatives that I'd be interested in running to change things up a bit.

1) Deadlands, using Savage Worlds rules. The definitive Weird Wild West setting, using the definitive "fast and fun" ruleset.

2) Cthulhu game, using Trail of Cthulhu. Trail of Cthulhu takes place in the same "Cthulhu Mythos" world as Call, only using the Gumshoe ruleset built for investigative games instead of a basic dice-based succes system. Probably my favorite system, after fifteen years of roleplaying. Would be set in the "purist" milieu, as in the 1920s or 1930s with characters being of a more professional or academic nature than the action heroes of a pulp novel.

3) Cthulhu game, Delta Green style. For those unfamiliar with Delta Green, it replaces the tweedy professors discovering the secrets of their dubious ancestry with Cold War era agents tasked with keeping Mythos activity both under wrap and under control (have fun with that second one). More leaning towards pulp than purist Lovecraft, expect a healthy dose of action mixed in with your research of loathsome tomes. I'd use either the new Delta Green rules that are sort-of partially released, or else a mishmash of Trail and Night's Black Agents to get the right mix of horror and action. Or as Darkest Dungeon is so fond of pointing out, "There can be no bravery without madness."

4) On a lighter note, Warhammer Fantasy. Actually, that's probably a darker note. I'm going to assume everyone knows what the Warhammer Fantasy setting is, and simply say I'd probably be using the 3rd Edition of WF. I would also be curious to hear more thoughts and opinions on how 3rd Edition plays, either on the table or on FG, since most of my experience is with the second edition. I'd be happy to hear any input or thoughts on the merits of one version over the other.

I just realized every single one of these games has horror elements and sanity mechanics. On the bright side, I left off the game Monsters & Other Childish Things, in which you get mechanical bonuses from eroding another PC's relationship with his parents.

I have an ultimate license, so anyone is able to join my games, provided they have at least the demo version of Fantasy Grounds. We do use Teamspeak for voice.

May 23rd, 2016, 17:50
I would be interested in joining a Trail of Cthulhu game. I've read the core book and many of the supplements (mainly because I'm head-over-heels for Dreamhounds), but have never played. So, player-wise, I'm a newbie, but rather well versed in the manuals and such. One Thursday a month I have a book club meeting, but I should otherwise be free this summer. Let me know if you still need a TOC player! (I'm also new to Fantasy Grounds, having just picked it up a week ago.)

May 24th, 2016, 22:28
Trail of Cthulhu sounds really interesting. I admit I don't know anything about the setting, but I've been roleplaying in different systems for over a decade and can usually learn a new system pretty quickly. I'm very dependable and am an enthusiastic player. Thursday nights are prefect for me because my husband's in person D&D game is that night, so I'm always free then.

Black Hammer
May 26th, 2016, 16:49
After some discussions, looks like we''ll be going with Trail of Cthulhu. Still a spot open if anyone is interested.

May 26th, 2016, 22:33
I'd definitely be up for Trail of Cthulhu, I've not played it before but friends of mine have raved about it. I'm keen on a more cerebral campaign, but with a bit of action. Let me know if there's still space. I'm in the UK, but midnight until 3am sounds perfect for this sort of horror!

I'm new to both FG and never played Gumshoe, but I'm an experienced roleplayer and have played Call of Cthulhu plenty.

I've signed up on your 50 fathoms game, I imagine that will be metamorphosing (in a horrific way) into Trail of Cthulhu?

Black Hammer
July 21st, 2016, 16:31
Just an update: this game is still going, but I recently had a player drop out due to work issues, so there's a spot open. We're playing weekly on Thursday evenings from 630PM EDT to about 930.

Calendar link: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/calendar/index.xcp?id=2005

If you're interested or have any questions, please post here or message me.