View Full Version : Prismatic Breath

May 20th, 2016, 02:50
Im trying to figure out if there is a way too parse an ability so that when i cast it it rolls a table for a damage type. There is a homebrew Prismatic dragon breath that does a certain type of damage based on a dice roll

[d6] [Color] [Damage Type]
[1] [Red] [Fire damage]
[2] [Orange] [Acid]
[3] [Yellow] [Lightning]
[4] [Green] [Posion]
[5] [Blue] [Cold]
[6] [Special] [Roll twice more, rerolling any 6]

Is there any way to automatically assign the damage type with the damage roll from the table?

Moon Wizard
May 20th, 2016, 03:17
There is no way to currently chain rolls together like this. It will need to be handled manually.

You can set up one damage roll for each basic damage type in advance to help speed up the typical cases.

Also, you can drag the table roll to the hot key bar for faster rolling of the breath type determination.
