View Full Version : Quick (and ignorant ;)) question:

May 11th, 2016, 03:34
I'm in the middle of setting up some parsing for custom data and as part of t HD at I modified a 5E.Pak lua script to be able to add multiple languages one per line into character sheet once you drag it in.

Is there a way to "override" a particular script via a "mini-extension" since the is no real functional play difference from 5e?

I haven't looked at extensions so no Clyde what they can do and if limited overridibg is possible :)

May 11th, 2016, 03:54
yes - that is what an extension is designed to do.
open up a basic extension and see how it works.
basically the extension.xml file includes all other files that are being used by that extension.
you would basically identify what files in 5e.pak you want to modify the behaviour of and include these in your extension and update them.
the best way is to include only the specific functions/items you are changing as other things are likely being defined in those files that may be effected by other changes to 5e that Moon Wizard deploys....

May 11th, 2016, 05:28
Yeah, I will be checking in the unpacked 5E.pak file into git in order to be able to merge in changes as I need them.
Cool I will look at an extension to see how it is done. I'll try to find a minimal "code" vs GUI extension to compare against.

Currently busy coding on my parser. I will be doing it iteratively of course, so once the Background part is complete (initial features), I will setup the extension to use the output.

Thanks again