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December 28th, 2016, 11:52
Zeus - set it up to play a local sound and see if that works?

How do I do that?

December 28th, 2016, 11:54
And why are you forking the main project?
Current Project: Unity 5.2 migration (fork of main project tree)

So I don't paint a target on my back for Carl and John if I accidentally trash their hard work :)

December 28th, 2016, 12:04
How do I do that?

I believe that damned means "don't try to pump the sound down Teamspeak" for eg.

Can you email me your campaign file please - I'll take a look and see what I can find (just the DOE Sound tree, if its a big campaign file) - [email protected]

December 28th, 2016, 12:13
I believe that damned means "don't try to pump the sound down Teamspeak" for eg.

Can you email me your campaign file please - I'll take a look and see what I can find (just the DOE Sound tree, if its a big campaign file) - [email protected]

Yes, not using Teamspeak or other audio mixing software. Simply looking to playback on my laptop which I use at the game table to manage my 5E games.
I have sent you the extract from my campaign file.

December 28th, 2016, 12:19
Hi Zeus... I almost called you Z2 cos you know that other Z fella he has been around a lot more than you lately and all that ... what I meant was you can set it to: c:\users\zeus\music\killemall.wav - it doesnt ahve to be Syrinscape sound.

December 28th, 2016, 12:28
@Zeus => OK, so I loaded up your campaign file extract into my test campaign db.xml file, loaded up FG and Syrinscape, turned on the Sound option in the FG Options (because I forgot myself the first time - doh!) and I've got all three sounds(-links) playing - from the sound Board, the MiniBoard, and the Sound Setup window - so its NOT FG (assuming, for the sake of the argument, that the FG Option is set correctly).

That sound plays ok from inside Syrinscape, you said, so I don't know what the issue is - but the Soundstring is good, which means that the Miniboard is good.

I don't know mate - except double-check that the sound plays natively from inside syrinscape and double check that the FG option is turned "On"

December 28th, 2016, 12:34
Hi Zeus... I almost called you Z2 cos you know that other Z fella he has been around a lot more than you lately and all that ... what I meant was you can set it to: c:\users\zeus\music\killemall.wav - it doesnt ahve to be Syrinscape sound.

:) Yes Zacchaeus (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/member.php?30572-Zacchaeus) is doing a wonderful job of providing a friendly and vital interface for the community. I'm still around although I tend to spend much of my time working behind the scenes on the engineering side of things. Rest assured that Zacchaeus and I are in regular contact :)

I shall give your suggestion of using a local sound file a whirl. Is it only .wav thats supported or other formats supported as well?

December 28th, 2016, 12:40
:) Yes Zacchaeus (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/member.php?30572-Zacchaeus) is doing a wonderful job of providing a friendly and vital interface for the community. I'm still around although I tend to spend much of my time working behind the scenes on the engineering side of things. Rest assured that Zacchaeus and I are in regular contact :)

I shall give your suggestion of using a local sound file a whirl. Is it only .wav thats supported or other formats supported as well?

I know :) Keep it up!

It will play any sound that your computer can play (I believe) - mp3, ogg etc etc

December 28th, 2016, 12:41
Any sound file that can be accessed/played via a URL

December 28th, 2016, 13:05
I copied a simple .wav file to my local filesystem, setup a new Setup and Sound and no joy - no sound plays. Also tried copying the .wav file into the FG Wine wrapper - still no joy. So, given Dulux-Oz has tested my campaign and confirms its working, that eliminates the extension and FG. I'm guessing FG isn't interfacing to Wine's Audio drivers correctly or there's a conflict somewhere in the wrapper configuration. Which is a shame as I would have enjoyed using the extension directly from within FG.

I'll carrying on digging when I get some more time and I'll update this thread if I find anything helpful.

December 28th, 2016, 13:21
I think I know what the problem is - I think I remember reading on the Syrinscape Forums somewhere that the 3rd Party Integration feature of Syrinscape (which the DOE: Sound leverages) doesn't (yet) work on a Mac. :(

December 28th, 2016, 13:44
Totally had this working with Discord, then now it doesn't. Is there a list of "common things" perhaps that people (ME!) forget or change without knowing? I can't for the life of me figure out why it's not working all of a sudden.

I have the sound profile set correctly...


I change the default playback device to "Cable Input".
I open Syrinscape.
I change the default playback to speakers.
I have the volume up on the speakers.
I have the volume slider up on Syrinscape.



Hey, Rob. Can you trigger a sounds from Syrinscape and hear it? Is it just triggering from fg that is the issue? Just trying to figure out where the issue is. When I was messing around in your discord channel at the end of the session last night, I was triggering the sounds directly from Syrinscape. If that works for you and its just triggering from within fg that is the issue, the only other thing I would check is to make sure you didn't somehow turn off the sounds from within fg. If it doesn't work from Syrinscape itself, that is a different issue. Let us know so we can try and troubleshoot. The sound profile you sent looks good to me and how I have it set up.

December 28th, 2016, 13:56
One other thought that is a longshot. I know you posted your sound profile and it looks good. However, I know you use PTB, regular app and possibly the web discord player. Sometimes when I change which discord app I'm using my sound profile defaults back to "default" inputs and I have to change it again. Have you checked again just to make sure it hasn't defaulted back? I'm hoping maybe your screenshot was the "original" setup and perhaps it switched without you realizing it. That's the only other thought I have right now.

January 6th, 2017, 21:33
I'm trying to use the string "Parry: 7 -> Miss!" to Trigger in Chatsound. But i would like to use for any number of Parry "Parry: X -> Miss!". Can I use a neutral character in place of the number? Or can I split the sequence in two for the same trigger? like "Parry ; Miss!". Sorry for my bad english gramar....

January 7th, 2017, 00:45
I'm trying to use the string "Parry: 7 -> Miss!" to Trigger in Chatsound. But i would like to use for any number of Parry "Parry: X -> Miss!". Can I use a neutral character in place of the number? Or can I split the sequence in two for the same trigger? like "Parry ; Miss!". Sorry for my bad english gramar....

Not at this time. It is something that is being worked on.

January 8th, 2017, 08:07
Maybe I missed this, but I'm having an extremem difficulty understanding this...

I start a new campaign in FG to have just sounds, so I can export a module.

I open the Sounds (Chatsounds)
I open the DOM SoundLinnk Library
I click on All Sounds (Alphabetical)
I choose a sound, let's say "Blessing"
I drag the "Blessing Link into chatsounds
It does nothing.

What am I missing?

January 8th, 2017, 10:30
Maybe I missed this, but I'm having an extremem difficulty understanding this...

I start a new campaign in FG to have just sounds, so I can export a module.

I open the Sounds (Chatsounds)
I open the DOM SoundLinnk Library
I click on All Sounds (Alphabetical)
I choose a sound, let's say "Blessing"
I drag the "Blessing Link into chatsounds
It does nothing.

What am I missing?

And then you click the Green "Add Sound" Button on the ChatSound Entry - right?

And its the Purple Link that you're dragging, not the "standard" Brown one - yes?

January 8th, 2017, 18:54
And then you click the Green "Add Sound" Button on the ChatSound Entry - right?

And its the Purple Link that you're dragging, not the "standard" Brown one - yes?

Ah, you need to open a new entry and drag the purple link into THAT. That wasn't clear to me, as I am used to just dragging full links from one window to another. ThanX Dulux-Oz, I'll eventually have it all figured out.

January 9th, 2017, 01:36
Ah, you need to open a new entry and drag the purple link into THAT.

Yeah, that's because of the way the FG engine treats Links (as I mentioned in our emails). It is "non-standard" because the whole Sound system is "non-standard" and it was the only way I found I could get things to work.

I'm glad you've got it figured out now :)


January 9th, 2017, 19:52
Beginner question about the extension.
How do you delete sounds?
I've got a couple of New Auto-Sounds and Chat sounds that I want to remove along with a Mini-Board and I don't know hot delete them. As I have no Delete Item option.

January 10th, 2017, 00:40
Beginner question about the extension.
How do you delete sounds?
I've got a couple of New Auto-Sounds and Chat sounds that I want to remove along with a Mini-Board and I don't know hot delete them. As I have no Delete Item option.

My screenshot attached will be different because of the theme I use but same concept. There should be a circle with a slash through it at the bottom right of the sound popup. See where I circled in the attached screenshot. Once you click that it will open up the red slashes next to each chatsound as per the attached image. Just click on one of them to delete a sound.

January 12th, 2017, 19:57
I was able to delete the sounds.

January 12th, 2017, 21:53
Beginner question about the extension.
How do you delete sounds?
I've got a couple of New Auto-Sounds and Chat sounds that I want to remove along with a Mini-Board and I don't know hot delete them. As I have no Delete Item option.

There should be an edit button at the bottom/right of the window, hit that and it allows to create new or d we delete

January 13th, 2017, 03:02
I'm trying to use the string "Parry: 7 -> Miss!" to Trigger in Chatsound. But i would like to use for any number of Parry "Parry: X -> Miss!". Can I use a neutral character in place of the number? Or can I split the sequence in two for the same trigger? like "Parry ; Miss!". Sorry for my bad english gramar....

Teaser Alert!

This functionality is now incorporated into the next version of the Extension - however, it won't be released until FGv3.2.2 is released


January 13th, 2017, 03:20
Thanks, Dulux!

January 13th, 2017, 12:22
When? When?
Sorry for the pressure!!! rssss

obs: i am still using 3.2.2

Thanks man!

January 19th, 2017, 01:26
Hi Everybody,

I've just placed an update to the Extension on the first post. Be aware that you will also need to download the new version of the DOE: Base Extension.

As normal, if you have any issues or suggestions then please let me know.



January 19th, 2017, 12:25
Is it possible to add a delay time for the sound trigger? Like when there is a successful attack, in case there are two sound trigger for a single action, but the sounds overlap and you can not distinguish one sound from the other.

January 19th, 2017, 12:28
I don't know - I'll have to look into it.

But I have a feeling that because FG is asynchronist it might not be possible

Edit: Actually, thinking about this some more (in my late-night-addled-brain-state) unless I've make a massive coding error its not possible to trigger two Chatsounds off the same Chat Box string. The way the Chatsound system works is that it scans the entire Chatsound list looking for the best (ie longest) match of a Chatsound trigger to the Chat Box string, and then plays the best one found. So even if you've got two Chatsound triggers the same in two different Chatsound Entries only one of them will play.

But it's not the Chatsound that plays the sound; the Chatsound sends an OOB Message to all the connected computers which is picked up by other parts of the DOE: Sound which then plays the sound.

And even that's not true - its not that the DOE: Sound plays the sound; it sends a command to Syrinscape to play the sound.

The only way you'd get two sounds playing off the same Chat Box string is if you had a Chatsound and an Ausotsound with the Autosound triggered off the OOB Message cause FG to display the Chat Box string.

Unless I've made a massive coding/logic blunder

January 19th, 2017, 13:36
Like this:


For an attacking action, I have a sound trigger for "Fighting: Short Sword" and a sound trigger for "..] Parry: 7 -> Hit!" (The colon at the beginning is part of the name of the character to differentiate whether it is male or female: ".." for woman and "." For man to differentiate the sounds of each type.. kkkkkkkk!!!. When I make the attack these two sounds overlap.

Edit: I understood what you said

January 19th, 2017, 14:02
OK, that makes sense - but that's two Chat Box strings, and hence the first Chatsound is triggering off the first Chat Box string and the second of the second Chatbox string.

I'll look into the delay - I'm just not very hopeful, that's all :)

January 19th, 2017, 16:22
What about adding a delay (a period of no sound/volume) in the sound file itself? Not ideal, but wouldn't that work?

January 19th, 2017, 17:31
What about adding a delay (a period of no sound/volume) in the sound file itself? Not ideal, but wouldn't that work?

I use Syrinscape and i dont know how to modify the file.

January 20th, 2017, 09:16
Everything works, but as of 3.2.2 (yes I have the new ext installed) I am getting the following script error whenever i try to open a chatsounds record.

January 20th, 2017, 09:47
Let me take a look-see -5e Ruleset and other Extension (apart from the DOEs) loaded?

January 20th, 2017, 10:40
I would like to use this .ext for my campaign. Just one question before i buy the Syrinscape subscribe. Inside FG the .ext can play 2 or more sounds simultaneously (one ontop of other) or only one at a time (the 1st sound stop when the 2nd trigger)?
Thank you .

January 20th, 2017, 10:48
I would like to use this .ext for my campaign. Just one question before i buy the Syrinscape subscribe. Inside FG the .ext can play 2 or more sounds simultaneously (one ontop of other) or only one at a time (the 1st sound stop when the 2nd trigger)?
Thank you .

See Post #529 below - its not the Extension that plays the sound, its Syrinscape. Yes, Syrinscape can play two or more One-Shots or a One-Shot and a Mood at the same time, so yes, you can manually trigger Syrinscape to play sounds that overlay from inside this Extension.

Download Syrinscape and use the two free SoundPacks to try out this Extension BEFORE shelling out any money on Syrinscape - this'll allow you to "try before you buy"

January 20th, 2017, 10:58
Thank you sir.

January 20th, 2017, 17:16

- Ext is working in savage worlds. but exist a small framing error in the window.

- And a little improvement to the Sounds tab. Group the items with the same grouping done in the Setup tab. Since I already have several items of sounds, it would be easier to find in the grouped form.

January 20th, 2017, 17:26
Let me take a look-see -5e Ruleset and other Extension (apart from the DOEs) loaded?

5e yes, and it seems the culprit is the 5E theme - fg pro another extension that make the desktop a clean gray. That's the one that causes this error. I don't know what the process is for troubleshooting two extensions made by two different people that conflict when you want (need!!) to use both.

January 21st, 2017, 01:25
The 5e Theme that SW makes, or a Community 5E Theme?

We might be able to do something - it depends on a few things.

January 21st, 2017, 01:32
The 5e Theme that SW makes, or a Community 5E Theme?

We might be able to do something - it depends on a few things.

This is the theme... https://www.dmsguild.com/product/200892/Fantasy-Grounds-PRO-Skin

January 21st, 2017, 01:46
Then you need to get the author onboard and to contact me - I've made it quite clear to other authors (in the DOE Doco) that I'm willing to help to get the DOEs working with other Extensions but I don't have the time to chase up everyone who does up an Extension - I volunteer enough time with all the DOEs in the first place. :)

January 21st, 2017, 01:52
Then you need to get the author onboard and to contact me - I've made it quite clear to other authors (in the DOE Doco) that I'm willing to help to get the DOEs working with other Extensions but I don't have the time to chase up everyone who does up an Extension - I volunteer enough time with all the DOEs in the first place. :)

I'll try and steer him your way.

January 21st, 2017, 01:54

- Ext is working in savage worlds. but exist a small framing error in the window.

- And a little improvement to the Sounds tab. Group the items with the same grouping done in the Setup tab. Since I already have several items of sounds, it would be easier to find in the grouped form.

The framing error is in the SW Ruleset (I believe) and I have posted a notice in the FGv3.2.2 Bug Thread.

I'm not seeing the small "half-circle" object below the sound entry - could you give me some more details on what you did up to the time when it appeared (and have you done an update of the SW Ruleset in the last 24 hours?)

Grouping of the Sounds on the Soundboard proved error-prone when I first implemented it - I haven't given up, its just something I'm still working on


January 21st, 2017, 11:03
The framing error is in the SW Ruleset (I believe) and I have posted a notice in the FGv3.2.2 Bug Thread.

I'm not seeing the small "half-circle" object below the sound entry - could you give me some more details on what you did up to the time when it appeared (and have you done an update of the SW Ruleset in the last 24 hours?)

Grouping of the Sounds on the Soundboard proved error-prone when I first implemented it - I haven't given up, its just something I'm still working on


I checked my extensions and saw that happens when I use the "SW Enhanced Library extension".

January 21st, 2017, 11:11
I checked my extensions and saw that happens when I use the "SW Enhanced Library extension".

Well, if you can get the author of that Extension to drop me a line then we might be able to work something out to resolve it.

January 22nd, 2017, 02:01
i finded

January 23rd, 2017, 16:04
Just wanted to pipe in - I just set up the sound extension this weekend - IT IS AWESOME!

Thanks for the hard work and it truly adds to the this great software. Also, big thanks to Rob2E for his YouTube series on setting up the software side of things (virtual audio cables, voice meter and getting it all working together).

January 23rd, 2017, 17:42
Just wanted to pipe in - I just set up the sound extension this weekend - IT IS AWESOME!

Thanks for the hard work and it truly adds to the this great software. Also, big thanks to Rob2E for his YouTube series on setting up the software side of things (virtual audio cables, voice meter and getting it all working together).

You're welcome. Oh btw, Dulux, I did a video series on how to set up DOE sound. Lol

January 23rd, 2017, 18:55
Can we get a link to it in some place easy to find?

January 23rd, 2017, 19:00
Can we get a link to it in some place easy to find?

If you're talking about the videos, click my YouTube in my signature.

January 23rd, 2017, 19:02
There is no signature. Plus if it is good it should be linked somewhere where folks don't have to remember who made it

January 23rd, 2017, 19:04
There is no signature. Plus if it is good it should be linked somewhere where folks don't have to remember who made it

I don't know why you don't see my sig, but I already posted it in the 5E forums.

January 23rd, 2017, 19:24
Why is it unique to 5e?

January 23rd, 2017, 19:26
It's not that's just where I put it because I don't play anything else and my "peeps" know to look for stuff I post in there.

January 25th, 2017, 14:24
I don't know - I'll have to look into it.

But I have a feeling that because FG is asynchronist it might not be possible

Edit: Actually, thinking about this some more (in my late-night-addled-brain-state) unless I've make a massive coding error its not possible to trigger two Chatsounds off the same Chat Box string. The way the Chatsound system works is that it scans the entire Chatsound list looking for the best (ie longest) match of a Chatsound trigger to the Chat Box string, and then plays the best one found. So even if you've got two Chatsound triggers the same in two different Chatsound Entries only one of them will play.

But it's not the Chatsound that plays the sound; the Chatsound sends an OOB Message to all the connected computers which is picked up by other parts of the DOE: Sound which then plays the sound.

And even that's not true - its not that the DOE: Sound plays the sound; it sends a command to Syrinscape to play the sound.

The only way you'd get two sounds playing off the same Chat Box string is if you had a Chatsound and an Ausotsound with the Autosound triggered off the OOB Message cause FG to display the Chat Box string.

Unless I've made a massive coding/logic blunder

Dulux! I fell into this problem. I have a wizard and would like to use two sounds for the same chat box. One for evocation of magic and one for the sound of magic firing. As you said before, the code does not allow you to do this yet. And it would have to use Autosound to implement. The problem is that for both evocations and trigger effects, they have several different sounds.
Is it possible to make this improvement? Enable the use of two or more sounds for the same chat box?

January 25th, 2017, 14:33
No, its not possible to trigger two Chatsounds off the one Chat String.

January 26th, 2017, 20:24
Please help! Game time is in less than 5 hours and my DOE Sound extensino isn't working. I can go without tonight if I have to. I just want to be able to save sounds and trigger them from fantasy grounds so i don't have to jump into syrinscape to find the sound. First world problems, I know.

I got an error message a couple of times, but was unable to reproduce the error message to post a screen shot here. I initially recieved an error when creating a new sound. I'm not sure where in the new sound creation process the error popped up right now. I will continue to try and recreate the error message...

It's not doing the old "auto-sound" error like I've experienced in the past.

I HAVE added a couple of provisional extensions, but they shouldn't be interfering. I will disable them and check.

I have not used the sound extension since the most recent FG update, but I have updated all my extensions to the newest versions.

Any help will be much appreciated!

I'm an idiot... you have to turn sounds "on" in the settings if you actually want to hear stuff. Imagine that. LOL

January 27th, 2017, 01:00
Glad you got it sorted, wthrasherb. :)

That one's caught quite a few people since it was introduced with v2 - those that didn't RTFM, that is :p :ogre:

January 28th, 2017, 01:28
Please help! Game time is in less than 5 hours and my DOE Sound extensino isn't working. I can go without tonight if I have to. I just want to be able to save sounds and trigger them from fantasy grounds so i don't have to jump into syrinscape to find the sound. First world problems, I know.

I got an error message a couple of times, but was unable to reproduce the error message to post a screen shot here. I initially recieved an error when creating a new sound. I'm not sure where in the new sound creation process the error popped up right now. I will continue to try and recreate the error message...

It's not doing the old "auto-sound" error like I've experienced in the past.

I HAVE added a couple of provisional extensions, but they shouldn't be interfering. I will disable them and check.

I have not used the sound extension since the most recent FG update, but I have updated all my extensions to the newest versions.

Any help will be much appreciated!

I'm an idiot... you have to turn sounds "on" in the settings if you actually want to hear stuff. Imagine that. LOL

You're not the only one - thank you!!!

February 1st, 2017, 19:34
What fresh new thing has happened now? (I'm sure it might be me) - yes I said sure, then might.

I have DOE ext Main, OLE, and sounds only installed, yet no sound button?


February 1st, 2017, 19:36
What fresh new thing has happened now? (I'm sure it might be me) - yes I said sure, then might.

I have DOE ext Main, OLE, and sounds only installed, yet no sound button?

Edit: It WAS me! Of course. So I should turn on the sound button in the library then, er....


February 7th, 2017, 01:45

I'm trying the latest version of the extension ( Chatsound with 2 triggers ). I noticed that if the first trigger match, and the second trigger doesn't, the sound is played anyway. It looks like a bug compared to the previous implementation where a perfect trigger match is required.

Expected Result:
When I apply an effect I play a specific sound, but I don't want to play it when the effect is removed ( with removal extension ).

- I create a chatsound with 2 triggers:
- The first trigger contains the "Effect[DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION]" text
- The second trigger contains "-> [to PGNAME]".
- Apply Effect and the sound is played
- Remove Effect, the same sound is played too

Is this intended by design?

February 7th, 2017, 03:19
Trying to make a chat sound for some spells for players using the 5e ruleset and i get this error. Anyone know what im doing wrong?17801

February 7th, 2017, 13:41
Trying to make a chat sound for some spells for players using the 5e ruleset and i get this error. Anyone know what im doing wrong?17801

Does this come up any time you try and create any chatsound? I suspect it is an incompatibility issue but not sure. Can you post what extensions, if any, you have loaded? One thing I always try is to strip off all extensions and just load the DOE extensions and see if it all works and then start loading back the other extensions one by one. I know some of the themes can be incompatible as an example.

February 7th, 2017, 13:46

I'm trying the latest version of the extension ( Chatsound with 2 triggers ). I noticed that if the first trigger match, and the second trigger doesn't, the sound is played anyway. It looks like a bug compared to the previous implementation where a perfect trigger match is required.

Expected Result:
When I apply an effect I play a specific sound, but I don't want to play it when the effect is removed ( with removal extension ).

- I create a chatsound with 2 triggers:
- The first trigger contains the "Effect[DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION]" text
- The second trigger contains "-> [to PGNAME]".
- Apply Effect and the sound is played
- Remove Effect, the same sound is played too

Is this intended by design?

Hmm... Seems odd. I know you typed the triggers, but can you post a screenshot? Did you happen to hit the green + sign after you finished the first trigger and then added the second trigger later without clicking the + sign again. I'm not positive it matters but something to check.

February 7th, 2017, 17:00
Does this come up any time you try and create any chatsound? I suspect it is an incompatibility issue but not sure. Can you post what extensions, if any, you have loaded? One thing I always try is to strip off all extensions and just load the DOE extensions and see if it all works and then start loading back the other extensions one by one. I know some of the themes can be incompatible as an example.

Yes any chat sound and any mini board. The only extensions i have loaded are the Base and sound extensions.

February 7th, 2017, 17:16
Yes any chat sound and any mini board. The only extensions i have loaded are the Base and sound extensions.

Shoot. Hopefully Dulux-Oz will be around shortly. He usually is. Only other thing I would ask is are you 100% certain you have the latest versions of both the base and sound extensions? I believe they were uploaded by Dulux-Oz on 1/18/17. If you do then I've got nothing else! Hopefully he can help.

February 7th, 2017, 18:23
Hmm... Seems odd. I know you typed the triggers, but can you post a screenshot? Did you happen to hit the green + sign after you finished the first trigger and then added the second trigger later without clicking the + sign again. I'm not positive it matters but something to check.

Yes, tried it by pressing the green button too - Just a clarification, I'm pretty sure the green button doesn't apply triggers but only the Sound String field. I can confirm the behaviour.


February 7th, 2017, 18:48
Yeah, I think so too (as far as the green button), just grasping. Only other thought I have is I wonder if there is a character limit on the triggers. Your first trigger is very long and I just wonder if that is why it triggers on the remove action as well as it is only taking part of the trigger. However, now I'm just completely speculating. Hopefully Dulux-Oz will be by and get your squared away. Sorry I couldn't help.

February 7th, 2017, 19:28
Yeah, I think so too (as far as the green button), just grasping. Only other thought I have is I wonder if there is a character limit on the triggers. Your first trigger is very long and I just wonder if that is why it triggers on the remove action as well as it is only taking part of the trigger. However, now I'm just completely speculating. Hopefully Dulux-Oz will be by and get your squared away. Sorry I couldn't help.

Don't apologize, I appreciate the effort :)

I tried to take a look to the code and it looks like a little bug. Let's wait for Dulux-Oz :)

February 8th, 2017, 01:27
Yeap - that's a bug.

I'll get a fix out asap.

February 8th, 2017, 02:20
Yeap - that's a bug.

I'll get a fix out asap.

Any chance you can help me out? Everytime i try and make a chat sound i get this error box.


I only have the base and sound extensions on. Am i doing something wrong?

February 8th, 2017, 03:48
Any chance you can help me out? Everytime i try and make a chat sound i get this error box.


I only have the base and sound extensions on. Am i doing something wrong?

Are you using v3 of the DOE: Sound and v2.3.1 of the DOE: Base?

February 8th, 2017, 03:52
Are you using v3 of the DOE: Sound and v2.3.1 of the DOE: Base?

Yes I am

February 8th, 2017, 04:08
The reason I ask is because I'm not getting that error (actually, I'm not getting any error).

So, which Ruleset are you using, which Extensions do you have loaded, and wat - exactly - are you trying to do (in detail, please)?

February 8th, 2017, 04:15
The reason I ask is because I'm not getting that error (actually, I'm not getting any error).

So, which Ruleset are you using, which Extensions do you have loaded, and wat - exactly - are you trying to do (in detail, please)?

Im using the 5e Rule set, I only have the base V2.3.1 and Sound V3 extensions installed, and im trying to make a chatsound for a few spells one of my player has.

February 8th, 2017, 05:02
Im using the 5e Rule set, I only have the base V2.3.1 and Sound V3 extensions installed, and im trying to make a chatsound for a few spells one of my player has.

OK, but what are you actually doing (the steps involved) when the error occurs?

February 8th, 2017, 05:12
OK, but what are you actually doing (the steps involved) when the error occurs?

Load the Game, Open up the sound tab on the right side. open up the chat sound tab on the bottom right. Click the edit list (brown circle with white slash) at the bottom of the chat sound tab. Click the add item (green circle with white +) then i get the error

February 8th, 2017, 05:55
@sammyyp03 - please provide a screenshot of the chat window after you load up the campaign, we need to see all of the versions of the rulesets etc. you're running. This sounds like a version mismatch somewhere. The quickest way to checking that is for you to provide a screenshot of the chat window showing everything that is loaded.

February 8th, 2017, 06:54
@sammyyp03 - please provide a screenshot of the chat window after you load up the campaign, we need to see all of the versions of the rulesets etc. you're running. This sounds like a version mismatch somewhere. The quickest way to checking that is for you to provide a screenshot of the chat window showing everything that is loaded.

Ok here you go 17820 17821

February 8th, 2017, 07:10
So could you try it with nothing but the 5E Ruleset and the two DOEs, please - no themes, alternate decals, etc

And if that doesn't work, you could re-download the DOE: Base.

February 8th, 2017, 07:20
So could you try it with nothing but the 5E Ruleset and the two DOEs, please - no themes, alternate decals, etc

And if that doesn't work, you could re-download the DOE: Base.

Tried it and i still get the same error

February 8th, 2017, 07:28
Ok so Weird. I deleted all my extensions, re downloaded them. It doesnt work on my current campaign but when i created a new 5e campaign it works fine

February 8th, 2017, 08:12
Ok so Weird. I deleted all my extensions, re downloaded them. It doesnt work on my current campaign but when i created a new 5e campaign it works fine

Yeah - there's a few people who have reported that - I don't know why its happening, so I don't know how to fix it (if its even in my areas to fix :( )

February 8th, 2017, 08:16
Yeah - there's a few people who have reported that - I don't know why its happening, so I don;t know how to fix it (if its even in my areas to fix :( )

No worries. As long as we got it working

Hector Trelane
February 8th, 2017, 09:43
Any chance you can help me out? Everytime i try and make a chat sound i get this error box.


I only have the base and sound extensions on. Am i doing something wrong?

Oddly, I've reproduced this error in one spot (only)--when I (attempt to) create a new Mini-List in the Mini-List tab of the OLE window (v1.3). My workaround is to create a MiniBoard in the DOE: Sound Extension (v3.0) and drag the OLE "Sound" links to there--which is working fine.

Here's a screen shot of my what I've loaded, for reference: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=17823

Ok so Weird. ... It doesnt work on my current campaign but when i created a new 5e campaign it works fine

Also oddly, sammyp03's fix worked for me too -- creating a new campaign eliminates the error (while the old campaign retains the error--perhaps because it was created prior to the current versions of the DOE Extensions in question).

February 12th, 2017, 03:42
Am wondering how hard (or if it's even possible) to make the triggers for sounds NOT case sensitive. The workaround is to make two versions of every word one capitalized and one not but was just wondering.

Also, if I understand correctly, if there are two triggers in a chat entry it will only use the first one. So in order to get two sounds off one entry, you have to make a sound trigger with trigger #1 and then a separate sound with trigger #1 and trigger #2.

Is that correct?

February 12th, 2017, 04:12
The issue with case sensitivity is that some people want it case sensitive and some don't - and I'm still trying to come up with a way of allowing this.

And at the moment the logic behind multiple triggers isn't quite right => and that feeds into everything else - which means I'm working on it.

The issue is that the Chat Sounds are compared to the ChatString in an arbitrary order, so each one has to be compared and the "best" match returned. Historically the "best" match has been determined to be the longest (ie the one with the most number of characters). When we go to ChatSounds with multiple triggers we get situations where a single trigger 5 characters long is a "better" match than a ChatSound with two 2 character long triggers - but is this correct? And if the answer is "sometimes" then that's not good enough for a computer: computers don't do well with "sometimes" only with "yes" or "no". :(

So I'm working on it - people need to have a little patience (I am doing this for free, after-all) :)

And @Hector: That's not the way that the DOE: OLE and the DOE: Sound were designed to work, and I strongly encourage people NOT to do this (even though at the moment the DOEs allow this to be done) - just because you can drive down the freeway the wrong way doesn't mean you should - and don't be surprised if you receive very little sympathy from the police and the judge when you appear before them = "But your Honour, the car manufactures and the people who built the road didn't build their things to stop people from doing that" :)

And @Rob: no, that's completely incorrect - you will only ever get one ChatSound triggering of a single Chat String. There is no way to get two ChatSounds triggering off of one Char String. The multi-trigger ChatSounds were put in place to allow for those Chat Strings with a "wildcard-value" in the middle. What should happen with those ChatSounds is that BOTH/ALL the triggers need to match (in the order they are defined) for the ChatSound to trigger - but that's not happening now due to a bug.

Note that it is possible for a single action to cause two or more Chat Strings to be displayed, and thus get two or more ChatSounds to trigger (one per Chat String)

February 12th, 2017, 04:46
So in the case where I have in the chat:

[ATTACK (M)] Shortsword [CRITICAL HIT]

I would need a chatsound with a trigger for the attack to hear the weapon sound and then ANOTHER chatsound with BOTH the weapon trigger and the CRIT trigger to hear the CRIT sound.

Do I have that right?

February 12th, 2017, 05:24
No - you can only get ONE ChatSound triggering off of a single ChatString - so what should happen (in your scenario) is that the ChatSound with both triggers in it (the CRIT Sound) would (ie should) be the one that plays ONLY.

February 12th, 2017, 05:54
And now that I've tested it, that's ABSOLUTELY TRUE! It would be cool to have multiple sounds triggered since Syrinscape can play them simultaneously, but if I code out FIVE different ways a weapon can result in a chat sentence, then I have it all covered.

Name Syrinscape Trigger 1 Trigger 2

Blowgun Attack Bow Fire [ATTACK (R)] Blowgun
Blowgun Attack (Fumble) Sad Trombone [ATTACK (R)] Blowgun [AUTOMATIC MISS]
Blowgun Attack (Crit) Yay! [ATTACK (R)] Blowgun [CRITICAL HIT]
Blowgun Critical Bow Critical [DAMAGE (R)] Blowgun [CRITICAL
Blowgun Hit Crossbow Hit [DAMAGE (R)] Blowgun

This is a "crapton" of work, but it's cool to have every scenario for every weapon. Now I just have to build 40 more!

Gwydion and I are currently using sounds and have EVERY cantrip, 1st-3rd level spells, about half the weapons, about 30 environmental sounds (swamp, wind, thunder, etc.) as well as the following auto sounds:

Language Chat
Roll Initiative
Transfer Currency
Transfer Item
Transfer Parcel

So our games are super fun! ThanX for what you're doing Dulux-Oz!

February 13th, 2017, 22:21
And now that I've tested it, that's ABSOLUTELY TRUE! It would be cool to have multiple sounds triggered since Syrinscape can play them simultaneously, but if I code out FIVE different ways a weapon can result in a chat sentence, then I have it all covered.

Name Syrinscape Trigger 1 Trigger 2

Blowgun Attack Bow Fire [ATTACK (R)] Blowgun
Blowgun Attack (Fumble) Sad Trombone [ATTACK (R)] Blowgun [AUTOMATIC MISS]
Blowgun Attack (Crit) Yay! [ATTACK (R)] Blowgun [CRITICAL HIT]
Blowgun Critical Bow Critical [DAMAGE (R)] Blowgun [CRITICAL
Blowgun Hit Crossbow Hit [DAMAGE (R)] Blowgun

This is a "crapton" of work, but it's cool to have every scenario for every weapon. Now I just have to build 40 more!

Gwydion and I are currently using sounds and have EVERY cantrip, 1st-3rd level spells, about half the weapons, about 30 environmental sounds (swamp, wind, thunder, etc.) as well as the following auto sounds:

Language Chat
Roll Initiative
Transfer Currency
Transfer Item
Transfer Parcel

So our games are super fun! ThanX for what you're doing Dulux-Oz!

Hey rob2e!
Do you get all the sounds from Syrinscape? I've syrinscape too but for those sound effect I take them from other rpg games at the moment.

February 13th, 2017, 22:54
Getting the following when trying to create chatsounds in the Castles & Crusades ruleset:

Runtime Notice: Host session started
Script Error: [string "wlListIconAdd"]:1: attempt to index upvalue 'oWindowNode' (a nil value)

I have made sure I have the latest sound, base, and OLE extensions, and I get this error with all other extensions disabled.

February 13th, 2017, 22:58
Hey rob2e!
Do you get all the sounds from Syrinscape? I've syrinscape too but for those sound effect I take them from other rpg games at the moment.

All sounds from Syrinscape to keep with consistency. I started doing sounds I like better of my hard drive, but it just became a nightmare.

February 13th, 2017, 23:10
I started doing sounds I like better of my hard drive, but it just became a nightmare.
But that's one of the major bonuses of this extension and the OLE extension - you don't need to worry about jumping around all over the place during your game to use sounds from your HD, sounds from Syrinscape, sounds from Soundcloud, etc.. Set them all up as DOE: Sound or DOE: Ole links within FG.

February 13th, 2017, 23:14
But that's one of the major bonuses of this extension and the OLE extension - you don't need to worry about jumping around all over the place during your game to use sounds from your HD, sounds from Syrinscape, sounds from Soundcloud, etc.. Set them all up as DOE: Sound or DOE: Ole links within FG.

That's what I like too. I'm actually playing ambient sound with syrinscape, background music with youtube and something else from my pc for soundeffects ( weapons, spells, etc... ). There's a lot of extra work during preparation but the outcome is awesome.

February 14th, 2017, 04:43
Getting the following when trying to create chatsounds in the Castles & Crusades ruleset:

I have made sure I have the latest sound, base, and OLE extensions, and I get this error with all other extensions disabled.

OK, this may be a problem with the DB for that campaign. I tried it in another campaign, and it worked fine. Will try to track it down myself.

February 14th, 2017, 06:17
This is just my first attempt on using this extension:


I've actually put some work on the code, every weapon has three different sounds when it hits and three different sounds when it misses, they are selected randomly and then played using OOB, not Chatsound. Also I'm not using Syrinscape at all.

February 14th, 2017, 14:51
This is just my first attempt on using this extension:


I've actually put some work on the code, every weapon has three different sounds when it hits and three different sounds when it misses, they are selected randomly and then played using OOB, not Chatsound. Also I'm not using Syrinscape at all.

OOOOH, can you share the extension changes? I wanted to do something for random sound too

February 15th, 2017, 00:52
OOOOH, can you share the extension changes? I wanted to do something for random sound too

Actually, that would be in violation of the License.

February 15th, 2017, 12:00
Actually, that would be in violation of the License.

Even if I only shared my own code?

OOOOH, can you share the extension changes? I wanted to do something for random sound too

I didn't change the sound extension, I've put entries in the SW ruleset to trigger OOB messages, so it appears on the Autosound tab.
Basically on the SW code when an attack is rolled, I make it check what weapon is being used, if it's a short sword, for example, I make it randomize between 1 and 3, and then it sends an oobmessage like "shortswordhit1" or "shortswordhit2". It also checks if it hits or misses in the code, so they are actually 6 different sounds for each weapon. So you get the idea what has been done.

I've still have to put some work on the npcs sounds when they get hit, it's still using chatsound but I don't know if I'm putting work on the code for it because I'm lazy and there would be too many npcs.

February 15th, 2017, 12:18
Even if I only shared my own code?

You May Not:
Modify this Program and/or the Accompanying Materials in any way, in full or in part, except for personal, non-commercial use.
Distribute a modified version of this Program and/or the Accompanying Materials, in full or in part, to anyone else, without the expressed written consent of The Author.
Distribute any part of this Program and/or the Accompanying Materials, in whole or in part, modified or not, except as specified under Section (4)(a)(iii), without the expressed written consent of The Author.
Distribute any and all Content of this Program, in whole or in part, modified or not, except as specified under Section (4)(a)(iv), without the expressed written consent of The Author.

February 15th, 2017, 12:41
What damned said when he quoted the License.

(Thanks damned)

However, if its the SW Ruleset that you changed by getting it to send out new OOB messages, then that's OK, as long as there is nothing from any of the DOEs (or their content) - so no Chatsounds or AutoSounds, etc, but a new/modified Ruleset with new OOB messages is fine by me (I don't have to maintain it or worry about it - that's up to the original Ruleset author - cold-hearted, maybe, but I don't have the time to support other people's "stuff" :) )

February 15th, 2017, 12:52
I didn't mean to distribute my modified files or extensions. Just paste here the part of code I've added, just some basic LUA and how I've poorly implemented it. All my own code and none of the rulesets or extensions codes. Now I'm really curious, is it really in violation of the License if I were to just "This is the function I've created, and this is how LUA randomizes stuff"

Still, not a problem for me since he'd have to know what to do with the code, and if he does he can figure out what I did. I just found it really curious that if I share my code, and my code only, that would be violating the License. Thanks for letting me know :)

February 15th, 2017, 13:17
What SmiteWorks does with the licensing of their code and other Intellectual Property is up to them - I have no say in that except to repeat their instructions. I'm talking about my IP as it exists in the the form of the DOEs, which each come with a License stating pretty straight forwardly what is and is not allowed. As there is SmiteWorks IP included in the DOEs it's easier (ie less legally risky) for me to restrict the use of the DOEs and the content that they produce (etc) to private, non-commercial use only - this also makes it easier for me to control my IP as well.

Its also why I get permission off people to use any graphics they create and acknowledge the same in all copyright statements - basically I don't want anyone in the future coming back at me with a copyright violation law suite.

February 15th, 2017, 13:27
I'm not complaining, I just didn't really think it was against the License since I was sharing my code, not anyone else's.

February 15th, 2017, 14:36
In general with code that modifies an existing system, you can share new code or functions as long as you don't package it with the original code by another author. Providing a list of instructions is something that is commonly done.

February 15th, 2017, 15:08
In general with code that modifies an existing system, you can share new code or functions as long as you don't package it with the original code by another author. Providing a list of instructions is something that is commonly done.

Which was what I was going to do, just sharing my own function that has exclusively my own code with instructions on where to put it and how to customize it to one's own needs. But I'm not sharing anything if it's a problem.

February 17th, 2017, 19:03
I'm having some trouble with multiple triggers...

I have two chatSounds set up in the picture. 17960

I always hear the Miss sound. Never the hit. Hit, Miss, Nat 1, Nat 20, I get the same sound.

I'm sure I'm doing something wrong.

Also, I noticed that sometimes the output is in a different order... would that matter?

February 17th, 2017, 21:08
I wonder how hard it can be to create a script to populate the standard sound effects of Syrinscape. I am talking about just the free stuff you get without subscriptions. All those effects that you can associate with chat text, if we can manage to automatize the population of that table in FG we take off the major hassle from the whole setup because the voicemeeter part is actually pretty straightforward..

February 19th, 2017, 17:41
I just installed the extension and am very excited about the integration with Sirynscape. I already have a Syrinscape/Teamspeak3 setup working for GM sounds.
After reading a few forum posts and even watching some videos I am still having issues with getting it working as I was expected. It is probably something on my side (read brain!) but for some reason I cannot get the chatsounds triggers or even miniboards to work in my campaign.

The sound-links will work when dropped on a map (pin) or as a link (icon) in text but cannot be played when I click the soundlink in the Sounds or a mini-board as I have seen in most videos.
The chat triggers will not trigger at all. Dropping a sound-link in the chat will play the sound though if someone clicks the link in chatbox.

Here is a screenshot of my setup: 17978

Any help would be appreciated

February 19th, 2017, 17:54
Did you turn on "Sounds" in the Options windows?

February 19th, 2017, 18:30
Thanks a lot Andraax, so silly of me!

<Gets an eraser out and starts scrapping off his previous post from his screen>

Hector Trelane
February 19th, 2017, 20:24
Also to get chat sounds to play you may have to have a second instance of FG connected as a player to your GM/DM/host instance.

February 19th, 2017, 21:41
Also to get chat sounds to play you may have to have a second instance of FG connected as a player to your GM/DM/host instance.

I've never had to do that.

February 19th, 2017, 22:10
Chat sounds are triggered only by chat messages that travel between client and host. Some of the chats messages that can be triggered by the GM fall into this category, but not all. Some can only be triggered from a second instance of FG, or a remote client/player.

February 19th, 2017, 22:17
For testing, yes. Not required for play, however.

February 19th, 2017, 22:31
Yes, there are a set of chat sounds you can get to work when only a single instance of FG is running.

February 20th, 2017, 01:43
This comes up every so often (especially with people new to the DOE: Sound) so let me explain things in detail - there is an option in the FG Options to turn "Sound" On or Off, which defaults to "Off" in a new Campaign (or when the DOE: Sound is first installed - which effectively is a new (Sound) Campaign anyway). The reason this Option exists and the reason it defaults to "Off" is to prevent any Windows and FG Errors from being displayed by a PC without Syrinscape installed (or whatever the SoundEntry URL plays) when a Sound is played/triggered by any one of the other Players/GM that the person is gaming with.

In other words, all "Play Sound Commands" are sent to everyone and without this Option (and without it being turned "Off") if you don't have Syrinscape (or whatever) installed then your PC will throw up Windows and FG Errors.

So, remember to turn "On" the Sound Option if you have Syrinscape installed and you want to hear sounds, or "Off" otherwise.

I hope that helps explain things. If you've got questions then please ask (and/or RTFM :) )

Incidentally, Ben over at Syrinscape has said that up to three different devices can use the same Syrinscape License - so in a group of 5 players & the GM everyone can have Syrinscape sounds playing locally with only two Syrinscape Subscriptions. This is great for Text-Only games that still want to use sound, or for those with "troublesome" Internet Connections that can't handle a lot of bandwidth. BUT even so, I think we should show our appreciation for Ben and Syrinscape by each having a Subscription. :)


February 21st, 2017, 03:23
Hi Guys & Girls,

So its 21-Feb-2017 and I find myself in the position to be able to spend the next week or so on ensuring that the DOEs are working properly for people. In an effort to make my life easier in this, I'm going to ask you all to please post a message here about any outstanding Bugs you may have with this DOE (copies of this post are being made in each of the DOE Threads, so only post here about this DOE, please). However, before you do, please take a brief moment to read through any other Bug Posts made after this Post so that you're not telling me about something I've already been made aware of - sure, if you have further information, add it to the mix, but multiple posts about the same Bug are actually counter-productive - no "Me too" posts, please - thanks.

Also, just to spell things out explicitly, BEFORE you post a Bug could you please ensure that you have the latest Ruleset and Extensions (possible by downloading the Extensions again).

I'm going to use the Post # as the Bug Tracking # from now on, so if you do need to add information about a previously reported Bug, include the original Post/Bug # in your updated information - thanks.

Please note that this is about Bugs, not Desired Features (I'll probably do one of those "requests" requests later on).

If you do post a Bug, please include the following information:

The Ruleset you are using, including version numbers
A full list of any Extensions you have loaded, including versions numbers (where available)
If the Bug only occurs when a Module is loaded, the Module Name and version number (if applicable)
A detailed explanation of the Bug and how to reproduce it

I am already aware of the Bug(s) around ChatSounds and Multiple Triggers, as expressed in Post 611, plus the work needed to resolve Posts 580 & 595

So, let's see about making sure everything's working properly - your help and patience in this is appreciated.


February 21st, 2017, 07:24
1. I wanna click buttons to play sounds from mini-boards. But when I click purple button, nothing happens. Is this normal?

2. When I export my module to open it in another campaign, all links does not works anymore, hovewer nothing in my computer is changed.

February 21st, 2017, 08:11
1) Do you have Sounds turned On in the FG Options?

2) You can't export Soundlinks directly to a module - you need to export then indirectly via a MiniBoard (that's what they were designed for)

February 21st, 2017, 12:05
Thank you! Turned "on" sound option and all works!
I even do not need this links (#2) anymore because want use mini-board.

February 21st, 2017, 12:27
Hey dulux, I would like to see continued support for playing sounds from map pin. This is a great "feature" and I am not sure why you would want to intentionally deprecate it.

February 21st, 2017, 12:37
Hey dulux, I would like to see continued support for playing sounds from map pin. This is a great "feature" and I am not sure why you would want to intentionally deprecate it.

Its not - its just that you can't subsequently Export them (the SoundLinks on a Map) to a Module. That's why I discourage people from using SoundLinks directly and instead recommend using them via MiniBoards.

While Soundlinks look and act like regular FG-Links, they aren't, and they don't Export directly, only indirectly via the MiniBoards. That's because the code to get them to work is over-written by the FG-Engine when they are re-imported. Remember that the FG-Engine is designed to work with Exported/Imported FG-Links, not the modified/special code that makes SoundLinks (and, incidentally, DOE: OLELinks) work.

BUT, by indirectly Exporting/Importing them via MiniBoards then the correct coding is preserved inside the MiniBoard and thus the SoundLink remain correct and working.

That's what I get for hacking a system and getting it to do things it was never designed to do - ie the FG Engine and regular FG-Links :)

So, use the SoundLinks directly on Maps if you want, but you won't be able to Export them and therefore I won't support them if you try :)

February 21st, 2017, 12:39
Dulux, I believe this is a known issue related to the chatsounds you already identified, but in running the savage worlds rule set with no extensions other than the doe base and doe sounds, I am unable to have the second or third trigger recognized - the first will always trigger the sound.

February 21st, 2017, 12:39
Dulux, I believe this is a known issue related to the chats pounds you already identified, but in running the savage worlds rule set with no extensions other than the doe base and doe sounds, I am unable to have the second or third trigger recognized - the first will always trigger the sound.

Yeap, I know about that one - thanks

February 21st, 2017, 13:01
Thanks for explanation, Dulux!

February 27th, 2017, 01:54
When i create a chat sound it does not play when I roll it. For Triggers [ATTACK (M)] Greatsword and I have the sound attached from "Syrinscape". when in chat and i roll to hit no sound is played. can someone help me with this. I am using the 5E D&D Rules set.

February 27th, 2017, 02:07
Do you have Sound turned on in the options?

February 27th, 2017, 02:09
Yes I have it turned on. when I type the text in chat the sound plays. When I roll the dice the sound does not play.

February 27th, 2017, 02:13
I figured it out I had to turn on show GM rolls.

February 27th, 2017, 18:27
Dulux, would it be possible to add the GURPS ruleset in your extensions?
I would be extremely grateful, because your extensions are wonderful!

February 28th, 2017, 02:03
Is the GURPS Ruleset based on (ie is a child of) the CoreRPG Ruleset?

Because if not, then the answer is "No", because there is too much work to retro-fit both the DOE: Base and the DOE: Sound to an FG-2-era Ruleset.

If it is a child of CoreRPG, then I'll have to take a look :)

February 28th, 2017, 12:43
Yes the GURPS, made by Ronnke, the GURPS based in CoreRPG.

March 14th, 2017, 23:32
Are you going to do one for the Edge of the Empire system?

March 15th, 2017, 02:09
As a general rule, I make the DOE's compatible with the "standard" Rulesets that SmiteWorks supplies (plus my own Rulesets :) ) because they're the ones I've got access too and so they're the ones I can test against.

If the author(s) of a CoreRPG-Child Ruleset would like to have their Ruleset included in the compatibility list then I am certainly happy to go about getting this accomplished, but it does mean that the author needs to supply me with their Ruleset (and keep on supplying me with the updates to the Ruleset) and to also supply me with appropriate graphics.

The other option (which I will be making available Soon(™) ) is a child Ruleset of the CoreRPG with all the DOEs pre-included.

So if people would like to use this or any of the other DOEs with a Ruleset currently not supported then I suggest you get in contact with that Ruleset's author and get them to contact me :)


March 15th, 2017, 10:53
Having difficulty getting this to work -- my first time trying. I've created a sound under Setup called "Festival Morning" which is a link to the "Festival Morning" mood in the Syrinscape BO Attack on SandPoint soundpack. I've pasted the link generated by Syrinscape (syrinscape-fantasy:moods/YXR0YWNrLW9uLXNhbmRwb2ludDo6VGhlIGdhbWVzIGFyZSBvbg/play/) and clicked the + sign to create the sound. I think I've followed the instructions.

Nothing happens when I click the purple button for the link. Syrinscape does nothing. It's like Syrinscape has no idea Fantasy Grounds is trying to communicate with it.

Troubleshooting steps?

March 15th, 2017, 10:59
Having difficulty getting this to work -- my first time trying. I've created a sound under Setup called "Festival Morning" which is a link to the "Festival Morning" mood in the Syrinscape BO Attack on SandPoint soundpack. I've pasted the link generated by Syrinscape (syrinscape-fantasy:moods/YXR0YWNrLW9uLXNhbmRwb2ludDo6VGhlIGdhbWVzIGFyZSBvbg/play/) and clicked the + sign to create the sound. I think I've followed the instructions.

Nothing happens when I click the purple button for the link. Syrinscape does nothing. It's like Syrinscape has no idea Fantasy Grounds is trying to communicate with it.

Troubleshooting steps?

Is sound turned on in Settings?

March 15th, 2017, 11:41
Is sound turned on in Settings?

Also known as Options :)

Thanks JHale.

March 15th, 2017, 11:53
Yes that was it. I did figure that out by myself already.

Is it possible to export the sounds links as a module, or is that not possible?

March 15th, 2017, 12:49
Yes that was it. I did figure that out by myself already.

Is it possible to export the sounds links as a module, or is that not possible?

Not really (well, sort of) - but see post #1 :)

March 16th, 2017, 09:43
Is it possible to export the sounds links as a module, or is that not possible?

Not the normal way. If you try to export them through the export interface, they don't get exported.

What you have to do is to manually copy the Sound settings from the db.xml file in the campaign into db.xml in the module. I have done it that way, and so far it seems to be working as intended.

All you have to do is copy the <MJB_Sound>...</MJB_Sound> block.

March 16th, 2017, 10:54
Not the normal way. If you try to export them through the export interface, they don't get exported.

What you have to do is to manually copy the Sound settings from the db.xml file in the campaign into db.xml in the module. I have done it that way, and so far it seems to be working as intended.

All you have to do is copy the <MJB_Sound>...</MJB_Sound> block.

If you're going to do this (and I don't recommend it) you might end up needing (or needing parts of) the <MJB_Extensions> block as well.

March 16th, 2017, 11:06
If you're going to do this (and I don't recommend it) you might end up needing (or needing parts of) the <MJB_Extensions> block as well.

Ah, that is good to know. Worked fine without, but guess that depends on the situation.

However, i don't do it this way any more. I have the sound part in my Campaign, so i can use the sound settings for all my games.

March 16th, 2017, 12:22
Hey folks! I'm having trouble with the little message console popping up every time I create a new sound. I'm not sure when this started happening. In the past there was a problem where new autosounds were being created and that was causing some kind of error message to pop up on the console, but that is not what is happening this time. I can't figure this one out... any hlep would be greatly appreciated.

Here's a screen shot of the console:

Thanks in advance!

March 16th, 2017, 12:28
Are you using the latest versions of the DOEs?

Are you sure?

Are you really sure?

And does it happen with a fresh campaign?

March 16th, 2017, 12:38
Are you using the latest versions of the DOEs?

Are you sure?

Are you really sure?

And does it happen with a fresh campaign?

Yes, to all of the above...


March 16th, 2017, 12:41
I haven't attempted to turn off/on each extension until something changes yet... so I could try to see if another extension is causing it, but it seems like it started happening after one of the recent minor FG updates. I can't be sure. I don't remember when it first happened exactly. I've just been ignoring it...

March 16th, 2017, 13:22
Its come up before in the past (I can't remember where/when) - I think I fixed it and uploaded a fresh version of the extension - look, just to indulge me, could you grab fresh copies of the DOE: Base and DOE: Sound from these Forums - and then let me know if its still happening - thanks.

March 16th, 2017, 13:26
Its come up before in the past (I can't remember where/when) - I think I fixed it and uploaded a fresh version of the extension - look, just to indulge me, could you grab fresh copies of the DOE: Base and DOE: Sound from these Forums - and then let me know if its still happening - thanks.

Tried that since last post... still getting error
Script Error: [string "bLocked"]:1: attempt to call global 'notify' (a nil value)
Script Error: [string "bLocked"]:1: attempt to call global 'notify' (a nil value)

March 16th, 2017, 13:39
OK, thanks, let me look into it

March 21st, 2017, 13:08
I use Discord to voice chat with my players. I have a music bot and a soundboard bot already installed and working great. Is there any way to control those bots with this extension? Accessing them from Fantasy Grounds would be awesome.

March 21st, 2017, 14:00
If they can be controlled via a URL/URI then yes, the DOE: Sound can handle it.

March 21st, 2017, 14:28
Not sure what a URI is. They are controlled with chat commands.

Webhooks seem to be a thing for Discord. Does the that make it possible?


March 30th, 2017, 20:13
I love that you have multiple triggers - thank you!
Is there a way to do more than one sound back to back?
IE Right now I have the Crossbow sound go off when someone uses one. I would like for a miss or hit sound to go off afterwards. The miss seems to be timed right, but the hit goes at the same time. Is there a way to put a delay in? or have multiple sounds go off one at a time within one chat-sound program using a multi-trigger?


... Reading all the posts, a lot on this. Trying the multi triggering and it is not working... yet. Does it look wrong?

April 2nd, 2017, 14:26
I recently set up DOE's sound extension and Syrinscape. I spent a ton of time setting up autochat links but I have an odd glitch happening. I'm running two different campaigns (so I set up the chat links seperately for each). I have noticed in both games that during play sessions, suddenly the autochat starts triggering the wrong sounds. In some instances it's triggering sound effects that I did not even create a link for. Any idea what the issue might be?

Sorry, I should clarify. I set up the CHAT links, not the AUTO links that begin populating as rolls are made.

April 2nd, 2017, 15:14
First of all, this should probably be part of the DOE: Sound Thread, and so I'll move it over as soon as I finish this post. :)

Secondly, assuming that the two sets of ChatSounds are in two different Campaigns, then there should be no way that is happening - its like having two different characters in two different campaigns and when you click on one the other one opens. So if these are two different campaigns could you please email both of them to me ([email protected]) and I'll take a look.

On the other-hand, if you are running two different games but both from inside the one FG Campaign, then I can totally understand what's going on.

Please let us know what's happening (& email me both campaigns if that is the case)

Hector Trelane
April 10th, 2017, 14:56
Apologies if this has been asked before, but... Can a miniboard be shared with players, so the players can trigger sounds? i.e. a set of sounds could be created appropriate to PC allowing them to trigger these, leaving the DM/GM free to focus on other things? (I'd think the answer would be "yes"...)

April 10th, 2017, 15:19
Apologies if this has been asked before, but... Can a miniboard be shared with players, so the players can trigger sounds? i.e. a set of sounds could be created appropriate to PC allowing them to trigger these, leaving the DM/GM free to focus on other things? (I'd think the answer would be "yes"...)

Yes, you can do this. In addition, a player can actually be the "sound host" if you want to free up the DM's computer a bit. To be clear, if a player is the sound host, the DM must still load the appropriate sounds on their machine, but a player could turn on sounds in the options menu on their end if memory serves and act as the host. (They would also need to load syrinscape if you are using that and the appropriate sound packs).

But, back to your basic question, miniboards can absolutely be sent to players for them to trigger their own sounds. I've done that on occasion.

More info here: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/wiki/index.php/DOE_Sound_Extension

April 15th, 2017, 10:32
Hi Everybody,

I've just placed an update to the Extension on the first post (v4.0). Be aware that you will also need to download the new version of the DOE: Base Extension (v3.0).

This one has quite a few new features, including Multi-Trigger ChatSounds (that work), the use of Magic Characters in Chatsound Triggers, the ability to give a Delay to a Sound, Chatsound and Autosound, and also the ability to Chain-Sounds together so that one will trigger another. All of these features ONLY work via a proper SoundLink, not via regular FG-Links - even more reason to use MiniBoards and Soundlinks.


Let me also remind everyone that while I go on about Syrinscape a lot in the documentation, the DOE: Sound can be used with ANY 3rd-party sound system, provided that the 3rd-party sound system can be controlled via a URL (or URI) - please see you favorite 3rd-party sound system's documentation for how to use it with a URL/URI.

For everybody's interest I've included a screen-shot of a ChatSound Record which is the start of a 7-sound Sound-Chain (also shown). I've also included (as a zip file) an audio capture of the Sound-Chain in action. I've called in Wilhelm Tell - if you know the legend of William Tell you'll get the joke. So picture the Baron's men, poor Wilhelm standing against the tree with an apple on his head, the villagers gathered around, and Wilhelm's father drawing back his bow...


As normal, if you have any issues or suggestions then please let me know.



April 15th, 2017, 11:22
The new updated version dosen't work with Savage Worlds anymore? Its now gone from the extensions list when i select Campaign. :(

April 15th, 2017, 11:31
The new updated version dosen't work with Savage Worlds anymore? Its now gone from the extensions list when i select Campaign. :(

Give me a second....

... try that (FG's website / Cloudflare is giving me some issues tonight, causeing some uploads to go wrong)

April 15th, 2017, 12:51
Now it all works. Thanks

April 15th, 2017, 13:54
Hi Everybody,

I've just placed an update to the Extension on the first post (v4.0). Be aware that you will also need to download the new version of the DOE: Base Extension (v3.0).

This one has quite a few new features, including Multi-Trigger ChatSounds (that work), the use of Magic Characters in Chatsound Triggers, the ability to give a Delay to a Sound, Chatsound and Autosound, and also the ability to Chain-Sounds together so that one will trigger another. All of these features ONLY work via a proper SoundLink, not via regular FG-Links - even more reason to use MiniBoards and Soundlinks.


Let me also remind everyone that while I go on about Syrinscape a lot in the documentation, the DOE: Sound can be used with ANY 3rd-party sound system, provided that the 3rd-party sound system can be controlled via a URL (or URI) - please see you favorite 3rd-party sound system's documentation for how to use it with a URL/URI.

For everybody's interest I've included a screen-shot of a ChatSound Record which is the start of a 7-sound Sound-Chain (also shown). I've also included (as a zip file) an audio capture of the Sound-Chain in action. I've called in Wilhelm Tell - if you know the legend of William Tell you'll get the joke. So picture the Baron's men, poor Wilhelm standing against the tree with an apple on his head, the villages gathered around, and Wilhelm's father drawing back his bow...


As normal, if you have any issues or suggestions then please let me know.



Awesome! Can't wait to download and try it. I have a game tonight and everything still seems to work with the versions I have of everything so I might wait until tomorrow when I can download and start testing everything. Awesome enhancements! Thanks for all your work on this!

April 15th, 2017, 14:17
I will wait till after my game tonight as well, but OMG - that must have taken a tone of work! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

April 15th, 2017, 15:14
WOOOOW, I'm gonna try it asap

April 15th, 2017, 21:25
Wonderful work Dulux -The Chatsound functionality in Savage Worlds works like a dream now.

I do have a question on differentiating chatsounds. If I have 2 different beasts - both using "Fighting: Bite" as an attack - can I use different chatsounds for the attack depending on the creature? It doesn't appear to recognize the monster rolling the attack - perhaps because that piece is not transferred over the internet?

By way of example, I have a dragon and a giant worm, both have "Fighting:Bite" as their attack - but when I use the trigger as "Giant Worm: Fighting: Bite" or "Dragn: Fighting: Bite" - the chatsound doesn't trigger.

April 15th, 2017, 21:26
Love the new updates to the sound extension but I cannot for the life of me figure out how to chain the sounds. I have created a Crossbow, Hand (Hit - Fire) and a Crossbow, Hand (Hit - Impact) and I am dragging the shield from my impact sound and dropping it in the chain sound "next sound" box but nothing happens.


I am sure it is something simple I am overlooking.

April 15th, 2017, 22:06
Love the new updates to the sound extension but I cannot for the life of me figure out how to chain the sounds. I have created a Crossbow, Hand (Hit - Fire) and a Crossbow, Hand (Hit - Impact) and I am dragging the shield from my impact sound and dropping it in the chain sound "next sound" box but nothing happens.


I am sure it is something simple I am overlooking.

Got it figured out. I had to drag the sound link created not the shield.

April 15th, 2017, 22:33
The sound extension has a red "x" in the load up screen, I have never seen this before... any ideas? Eve when I try to create a new Campaign it remains.



April 16th, 2017, 02:54
Hi Everyone,

I have been searching through this thread, but I still don't think I am understanding how to set this up correctly. I am having trouble getting chat sounds to work. In the photo below neither of the chat sounds I have created seem to be working. I have sounds enabled in the options so I know it is not that. If i create a sound that just says [ATTACK (M)] Dagger with no second trigger then it will play, but I can't get second triggers to work :(. Any help would be much appreciated. Thank you all so much!


April 16th, 2017, 03:02
Wonderful work Dulux -The Chatsound functionality in Savage Worlds works like a dream now.

I do have a question on differentiating chatsounds. If I have 2 different beasts - both using "Fighting: Bite" as an attack - can I use different chatsounds for the attack depending on the creature? It doesn't appear to recognize the monster rolling the attack - perhaps because that piece is not transferred over the internet?

By way of example, I have a dragon and a giant worm, both have "Fighting:Bite" as their attack - but when I use the trigger as "Giant Worm: Fighting: Bite" or "Dragn: Fighting: Bite" - the chatsound doesn't trigger.

OK, so a Chatsound Trigger has to be exactly the same as the string of characters in the Chatbox. Check for things like double "spaces" etc. If there's a word/number/whatever that changes from time to time (like the amount of damage) in the middle of the string you're trying to trigger off, then use a multi-part Trigger that doesn't include the changeable bit, or see if you can get a Magic Character Trigger to work.

Other than that, all I can suggest is post screenshot of the Chatbox with the target string(s) and also the Chatsound Record(s) and maybe the Community can collectively work out the correct trigger sequence.


April 16th, 2017, 03:05
Love the new updates to the sound extension but I cannot for the life of me figure out how to chain the sounds. I have created a Crossbow, Hand (Hit - Fire) and a Crossbow, Hand (Hit - Impact) and I am dragging the shield from my impact sound and dropping it in the chain sound "next sound" box but nothing happens.


I am sure it is something simple I am overlooking.

RTFM :) - its not the shield that you drag-&-drop but the purple treble clef link - once you have hit the green "Create Sound" button on the "tailing" Chained-Sound, and then on the "head" sound.

April 16th, 2017, 03:06
The sound extension has a red "x" in the load up screen, I have never seen this before... any ideas? Eve when I try to create a new Campaign it remains.



The red X means that the Extension is not compatible with the current Ruleset - check that you have the latest versions of the Extension AND the DOE: Base Extension (this one needs that DOE: Base) :)

April 16th, 2017, 03:11
Hi Everyone,

I have been searching through this thread, but I still don't think I am understanding how to set this up correctly. I am having trouble getting chat sounds to work. In the photo below neither of the chat sounds I have created seem to be working. I have sounds enabled in the options so I know it is not that. If i create a sound that just says [ATTACK (M)] Dagger with no second trigger then it will play, but I can't get second triggers to work :(. Any help would be much appreciated. Thank you all so much!


"[Attack (M)] Dagger" and "[Hit]" don't appear as part of the same chat-string, so the sound is not being triggered. Same with the other Chatsound.

The Chatsound Trigger must be exactly the same as what appears in a single line of Chatbox output - Chatsound Triggers can't span multi-lines.

Does that make sense?

April 16th, 2017, 03:15
Yes, I get it! i thought it was one text, as appears kind of together. But it is actually two, where as the extension can only due it via 1 line. Thanks for the help!

April 22nd, 2017, 21:08
"[Attack (M)] Dagger" and "[Hit]" don't appear as part of the same chat-string, so the sound is not being triggered. Same with the other Chatsound.

The Chatsound Trigger must be exactly the same as what appears in a single line of Chatbox output - Chatsound Triggers can't span multi-lines.

Does that make sense?

So if I am reading this properly there is no way that the attached sound string will work because the two chatsound triggers are on two separate lines?


April 23rd, 2017, 02:59
So if I am reading this properly there is no way that the attached sound string will work because the two chatsound triggers are on two separate lines?


That's correct - one Chatsound, one line in the Chat Box. The new Sound-Chain function allows you to "sort of" get around the one sound issue, but ATM there is no way to trigger off two separate lines of text in the Chat Box.

April 23rd, 2017, 13:41
I have been trying to integrate Syrinscape with Fantasy Grounds and have ran into an issue with the Chat Sound portion of the Sound tab in PFRPG. If I try to add a new Chat Sound, I get the following [Script Error: [string "wlListIconAdd"]:1: attempt to index upvalue 'oWindowNode' (a nil value)].

It does not do this in 5e, I checked it to be sure. Also, I am running DOE Base v3.0 and Sound Extension v4.0

Am I missing something?

Thanks for any assistance!

April 23rd, 2017, 14:51
That's correct - one Chatsound, one line in the Chat Box. The new Sound-Chain function allows you to "sort of" get around the one sound issue, but ATM there is no way to trigger off two separate lines of text in the Chat Box.

How would you suggest creating two separate sound strings, one for a hit with a weapon and one with a miss? The one on the miss will just be the (insert weapon) swinging, the second sound string would be the weapon swinging and then string down to the weapon impact.

April 24th, 2017, 18:10
The way I did it is create sound for the weapon and one for the miss with a 10 delay. works freaking awesome, then you don't have to over-program.


April 30th, 2017, 01:11
Did everything according to the directions on the wiki and it did not work in my Fantasy Grounds. I am running the deluxe packs for the handbook, dungeonmasters guide, monster manual and volos. Could that be the issue? I did not forget to turn off the 3rd party feature in Syrinscape either. I also watched the online video by Fantasy Grounds going over the steps and followed those and it still does not work.

Whoops, appears I'm a dumbass! I forgot to turn on the sound in Fantasy Grounds under options. Ugh.

April 30th, 2017, 03:42
I forgot to turn on the sound in Fantasy Grounds under options. Ugh.

And we catch another one :)

Don't worry kevdog, it's happened to quite a few people - I'm glad you got it sorted.


April 30th, 2017, 04:11
And we catch another one :)

Don't worry kevdog, it's happened to quite a few people - I'm glad you got it sorted.


So am I, and thank you for creating the extension. Once I get started DMing it will be a great tool!

May 5th, 2017, 18:42
Has anyone see and issue with sound and the new pathfinder theme. I can't seem to create new sounds.

May 5th, 2017, 22:49
Has anyone see and issue with sound and the new pathfinder theme. I can't seem to create new sounds.

My guess is Dulux hasn't had the chance to get in there and make the changes he needs to make to get it working. It just came out this week. I'm not sure though.

May 7th, 2017, 09:34
Hey there Dulux or Trenloe (as I think that you DO play local mp3s)

... was wondering about using DOE:sound URLs to play ogg or mp3 files that are local.
I run a linux OS, so I was wondering about the URLs used. I do have syrinscape installed and I know that

are working just great!

Now, trying to play a local mp3 file mystifies me! I've looked into DOE:OLE as Trenloe mentioned using that ... but either i'm doing something wrong, or this just won't work on LINUX. Here are a couple samples of what i'm entering as a Sound String:

mplayer /home/skj310/Music/DnD/gun-shot3.ogg

gst-launch-1.0 playbin uri=file:///home/skj310/Music/DnD/gun-shot3.ogg
I can run both of the command above from a command prompt/terminal successfully, and neither require opening an application but will just spool the sound.

Neither will work as sound strings; although dropping "file:///home/skj310/Music/DnD/gun-shot3.ogg" into the address bar of firefox or chrome will successfully play the music file.

Now I am not going to suppose that you're linux experts, but I do wanna know what a typical sound string would look like to play a local mp3 file? Can anyone show me what that syntax might look like? From there I ought to be able to figure out what i can do from linux. Can FG handle URLs like "file:///home/skj310/Music/DnD/gun-shot3.ogg"? Anyone else out there savvy and able to throw some help my way?

May 7th, 2017, 15:02
Can FG handle URLs like "file:///home/skj310/Music/DnD/gun-shot3.ogg"? Anyone else out there savvy and able to throw some help my way?

That's exactly the point of DOE:OLE.

May 7th, 2017, 22:58
Hi Andraax,

Agreed, and that is what I thought as well see attached image:

But when I setup the OLE as in that image above I receive the following error:

Script Error: [string "common/scripts/string_list_link.lua"]:55: attempt to index field '?' (a nil value)

And therefore I wondered if perhaps I was doing something wrong, or if linux OS was the problem?

May 8th, 2017, 02:42
There's an extra "/" in the URL string ie you've got "file:///" - shouldn't that be "file://" ???

May 8th, 2017, 04:15
Thanks for the response Dulux-Oz!
I've tried the // over the /// and i still get the script error message as shown above. The difference is that if i paste that URL into firefox/chrome as "file://..." it fails to play the sound file, whereas "file:///..." WILL PLAY the sound file. As well I've tried using both mp3 and ogg extensions.

I should mention that running the URL from DOE:sound over DOE:OLE provides a slightly different error message:

Script Error: [string "DOESound/Scripts/IsSoundManager.lua"]: 259: attempt to index a nil value
Runtime Error: desktop: Unable to create window with invalid class {url: file:///home/skj310/Music/DnD/gun-shot3.mp3)

Is this a situation related to OS?

May 8th, 2017, 04:44
OK, as far as I'm aware using 3 "/" in a URL won't work - as in, its against the standard. Whether your browser/OS is doing something "extra" to make it work (something outside of the URL-standard) I don't know. Someone can correct me on this if I'm wrong (which might just be the case).

Under Windows, if the OS has an association for the file type then the OS will use that association to load the correct app to "display" the file ie if mp3 files are associated with the vlc media player Windows will load up the vlc media player and use it to play the mp3 file - via the URL string. As I don't use Linux as a (general) Desktop OS (Kali doesn't count) then I don't know how it treats URLs like the one we're discussing.

The error message produced by the DOE: Sound is definitely complaining about the URL string, and if I had to guess I'd say it was that 3rd "/", because I use URLs exactly like the one you've got (without the extras "/") and they work fine.

So, stupid question: does Linux have the same "association" idea as Windows (I assume it does) AND does your system have a particular association between mp3 files and a media player (remember, of course) that just because your browser can play audio doesn't mean that there is an association between a stand-alone media player and mp3 files).

A puzzler, to be sure.

May 8th, 2017, 05:15
It is a valid URI/URL but that is all I have to contribute to this thread :)

May 8th, 2017, 05:25
It is a valid URI/URL but that is all I have to contribute to this thread :)

There you go, I've learned something - I didn't see it in the URL RFC.

May 8th, 2017, 09:43
At a guess, emphasis on the guess, the third / may actually be part of the path....


May 8th, 2017, 10:12
Yeah, that makes sense - I've never really thought about it until now :)


May 8th, 2017, 12:31
At a guess, emphasis on the guess, the third / may actually be part of the path....


Yup, damned is correct. 3 slashes have to follow the "file" header and using 2 slashes within a browser address bar returns an error and won't play the local music file. So here's the interesting bit that i don't know what to think, when I enter:

in the address bar of firefox or chrome the music begins to play immediately from within the browser. I had assumed this was some browser-ish feature but am not sure.

In linux it's possible to play music from the commandline without needing to open an application, for example:

skj310@hostname ~ $ play /home/skj310/Music/DnD/gun-shot3.ogg

File Size: 15.7k Bit Rate: 112k
Encoding: Vorbis Info: Processed by SoX
Channels: 2 @ 16-bit
Samplerate: 44000Hz
Replaygain: off
Duration: 00:00:01.11

In:100% 00:00:01.11 [00:00:00.00] Out:49.0k [ | ] Hd:0.0 Clip:0

skj310@hostname ~ $ gst-launch-1.0 playbin uri=file:///home/skj310/Music/DnD/gun-shot3.ogg
Setting pipeline to PAUSED ...
Pipeline is PREROLLING ...
Redistribute latency...
Pipeline is PREROLLED ...
Setting pipeline to PLAYING ...
New clock: GstPulseSinkClock
Got EOS from element "playbin0".
Execution ended after 0:00:00.675375801
Setting pipeline to PAUSED ...
Setting pipeline to READY ...
Setting pipeline to NULL ...
Freeing pipeline ...

So no need to open VLC to play the file!

Notice that in the 2nd commandline option, it requires me to enter the path using the "file:///" header as discussed above. At this point i'm gonna run FG in a windows VM and see if i can work out what happens when playing local files. Then perhaps i can workout what seems to be mising from linux.

My concern in all this was that perhaps there was something blatantly obvious regarding the URL syntax related to DOE:Sound or FG; but based on your replies, I am now thinking that perhaps this is not something tied to the code y'all are familiar with and I'll need to dig deeper into understanding the differences in OS ... i'll report back whatever i might find. Thanks.

May 8th, 2017, 13:28
Well, the DOE: Sound and DOE: OLE basically use the same "hack" of the underlying FG system that allows a website to be opened up from within FG - you know, the "Read User Manual" and other links on the FG Launch Screen.

The "hack" has to do with how FG treats these links when Exporting and Importing to/from a Module, not how the link is processed by the FG-engine, so a plain URL/URI should work, and up to now has. We tested our URL-strings and suggest others test theirs by putting in the URL-string into their browser: if it works in the browser, it works in the DOEs - up to now.

Mind you, all that's been done on a Wintel box - we've never done it before now on a *nix box (using Wine, I assume), so I'd be really interested to see if it works in your VM (a Windows VM, I assume).

May 8th, 2017, 14:36
Interesting ... my findings are as follows:

Yes it works in the VM as you mentioned. When placing a path like "Z:/Documents/DnDMusic/gun-shot1.ogg" to the address bar of firefox/chrome/IE it translates to "file:///Z:/Documents/DnDMusic/gun-shot1.ogg".

Ok that's all fine ... but what happens? I noticed 2 distinct things:

Well it looks like html5 will translate "file:///Z:/Documents/DnDMusic/gun-shot1.ogg" and automatically play the file from within the browser.
Whereas using DOE:OLE and DOE:Sound will take either URL "Z:/Documents/DnDMusic/gun-shot1.ogg" or "file:///Z:/Documents/DnDMusic/gun-shot3.ogg", then open the default music player (on my VM the default has been set to VLC), and play the file successfully.

Whereas on linux it is step 2 above that acts differently and where I get lost (hmmm, I wonder if this would be a similar issue on MAC)! Why? Cause I'm not sure what happens when the link is exported from the module. Is there anyway that I can turn up the debug level on FG?

Otherwise, you are also correct in your assumption of using wine in linux, therefore i'll run FG with the winedbg turned on and see if i can see anything there as well. As before i'll keep you posted on what i find.

May 8th, 2017, 15:31
When a Soundlink is imported from a module (or even played from a module) the DOEs strip a suffix (in the form "@module_name") from the URL which the FG-engine places there on Export - if it exists. This is one of the reasons that I created the Soundlink and OLElink classes/templates in the first place (from the link class parent), because of the FG-inherent Export/Import issue.

Short answer is this should have no effect on the issue you are having - provided you are actually using Soundlinks / OLELinks ie the link icons are purple and green, respectively.

I don't know of a way to turn up the debug level in FG.

BTW have you tried the URL without the "file:///" part?

May 9th, 2017, 07:02
Regarding debug level in FG, yeah I expected that, so I'll see what I can do using wine debug (a royal pain to deal with ... mostly cause I've not have much success in the past).

Otherwise regarding
have you tried the URL without the "file:///" part?, yes I have and the results are the same.

May 9th, 2017, 18:38
Regarding running in Linux OS: Fantasy Grounds doesn't know what to do with the "file://" protocol when opening the "url" windowclass within Linux.

Try typing this in the chat line: /openwindow url file:// In Linux, nothing will happen. In Windows this will open File Explorer. Now, this may depend completely on how you're running FG within Linux, but essentially Fantasy Grounds doesn't know what to do with the file:// protocol. At least, this is the case in my "PlayOnLinux" installation of FG.

Having said this, you can send commands directly to the "Windows" subsystem you're using within linux. For example: /openwindow url notepad will open the Window notepad application on my installation. If I use the path to a text file, notepad is associated with the .txt file extension, then it will open that text file in notepad: /openwindow url /home/martin/test.txt

What this tells us is that we can send commands to the Windows subsystem which FG is running within by just including the command/filename after the url windowclass name in the /openwindow command. *But* for this to work, the file we call must be associated with a Windows application available within our Windows subsystem. So, a media player needs to be installed within the Windows subsystem being used and then the file extensions must be associated with that file.

You can usually test this by going to the FG Images window and clicking the "Folder" icon in the top left. This should open a Windows file explorer ("Wine Explorer" in my case). Navigate to one of your music files and try to open it - you'll probably get "There is no Windows program configured to open this type of file" until you have a "Windows" application setup to handle these.

May 9th, 2017, 20:02
One thing to try in Linux is to setup a Windows command file to play each music file - a bit of a faff, but it seems to work.

@skj310 - On your Linux drive, create a text file gun-shot3.cmd

Edit this file in a text editor and have one line: winebrowser /home/skj310/Music/DnD/gun-shot3.mp3

winebrowser passes the second argument to Linux and Linux will decide the best application to play the .mp3 file.

Then you can use the full path to the gun-shot3.cmd in the /openwindow url command to test - and, hopefully, this will be the same path to use within DOE: Sound - i.e. the path to the .cmd file, don't include the test /openwindow url - just what comes after that.


Probably a better longer term solution would be to install a lightweight web server on the Linux box and put the audio files onto this. Then you could use a HTTP URL in DOE: Sound to player the audio through your browser.

May 9th, 2017, 20:45
The way I did it is create sound for the weapon and one for the miss with a 10 delay. works freaking awesome, then you don't have to over-program.


What are the units on the delay? It doesn't seem to be seconds or milliseconds. Is it just some arbitrary scaling number, and requires experimentation to get the desired effect?

May 10th, 2017, 00:00
Hi Trenloe my first impression of this is that it could be a moot point. Dulux_Oz doesnt this DOE share the URL to the remote computers and those computers then launch an appropriate app to run the file?
If so it shouldnt work because no one else will have access to files on that URL as it is both a URL valid only from being on that computer and other computers dont have access to it.

May 10th, 2017, 00:04
Wow, that's smart Trenloe! You are right on all accounts. Always happy when the community answers back, and knows so much!

Setting up .cmd files as suggested works perfectly, and now I am hearing the desired local sounds! So thx for that very valuable input!

May 10th, 2017, 00:06
Hi Trenloe my first impression of this is that it could be a moot point. Dulux_Oz doesnt this DOE share the URL to the remote computers and those computers then launch an appropriate app to run the file?
Only for those players that have sound enabled in their campaign setting.

@skj310 is wanting to run this locally on their Linux computer. I would also imagine that a lot (if not the majority) if people, use this extension to play sounds locally and pipe them to the players via an audio comms app. In which case, the discussion above is relevant to these people.

May 10th, 2017, 01:21
Yes, that is again correct Trenloe. Within linux there are some OS specific tricks and tweaks that are necessary to be able to provide the same experience to connected players that is available to GMs that host using Windows OS. My thoughts are that extensions ought to sit outside of, and are independent of OS ...

As Trenloe put it, as a GM, I just want to pipe sound to the players and within Linux there are just a few extra tricks a user needs to know as the majority of instructions are windows-centric (as most users tend to use that OS). In the end my goal is to run this extension to setup chatsounds that get piped back to the players as they interact within the campaign. The chatsounds are a FANTASTIC feature Dulux-Oz implemented to automate those interactions ... and hence being able to use local files for such sounds was a LARGE boon! Hope that makes sense regarding the conversation 'tween myself, Dulux-Oz and Trenloe.

May 10th, 2017, 01:37
My thoughts are that extensions ought to sit outside of, and are independent of OS ...
It's a nice thought, but... Community extensions very often push the bounds of what is possible within Fantasy Grounds - doing "stuff" that the developers never dreamed of. I'm sure the FG devs never thought that, when they added the "url" windowclass to allow clickable web page links in the chat window, someone would take that and allow launching of sounds, files, apps, etc. both locally and remotely.

It will be rare for community extension developers to test their extensions on any other operating system than the one they use themselves.

Plus, also remember, Linux has never been an officially supported operating system for Fantasy Grounds.

May 10th, 2017, 02:17
Don't I know it ... that's the case with MOST s/w ... never officially supported on LX. Although, thankfully, this is slowly starting to change.

May 10th, 2017, 03:35
What are the units on the delay? It doesn't seem to be seconds or milliseconds. Is it just some arbitrary scaling number, and requires experimentation to get the desired effect?

As it says in the manual...

The delay is (nominally) in 10ths of a second. However, its not a true clock function but a wait() timer, which may be effected by the system load - so yes, you'll have to experiment a bit to get the delay "right".

May 10th, 2017, 03:42
Plus, also remember, Linux has never been an officially supported operating system for Fantasy Grounds.

That actually is the main reason I don't test the DOEs outside of Wintel - its hard enough providing support for an OS that is supported "officially", but trying to do so on an unsupported OS means you start running into problems of "is the issue with the Extension or the FG-engine?"

And yes, its a PITA that Linux isn't generally supported - I run a Linux Server farm but I still use Wintel as my base workstation (not counting Kali for those... "special" projects). :)

Anyway, I'm glad we worked out a solution.


May 11th, 2017, 23:44
So quick question. What about a theme would not allow the DOE: Sound Extension to work properly?

I was using the 5E Theme - fg GAP.ext and it appears to have issues with the Sound Extension but not sure why. It appears to be blocking the string. I'll reach out to the theme owner as well but figured if this is something simple i could look into.

Here is the error generated when that Theme is enabled.

Script Error: [string "bLocked"]:1: attempt to call global 'notify' (a nil value)

May 12th, 2017, 01:44
So quick question. What about a theme would not allow the DOE: Sound Extension to work properly?

I was using the 5E Theme - fg GAP.ext and it appears to have issues with the Sound Extension but not sure why. It appears to be blocking the string. I'll reach out to the theme owner as well but figured if this is something simple i could look into.

Here is the error generated when that Theme is enabled.

Script Error: [string "bLocked"]:1: attempt to call global 'notify' (a nil value)

Just to cover the basics: you are using the latest versions of the DOE: Base (v3.0) and the DOE: Sound(v4.0), yes?

If so, then yes, there is a conflict between the DOEs and the Theme - usually its relatively trivial to correct, but it does invovle getting the Theme Author to get in contact with me.


May 12th, 2017, 15:26
Yep, i had downloaded the latest versions yesterday before trying this. I'll send a note to the Theme owner letting him know about the issue.

Thanks for the info.

edit...so the owner of the theme had fixed it, i wasn't running the latest version of the theme. Problem solved.


May 13th, 2017, 20:04
A newbie doubt, to use this extension with VOIP, the session chat has to be with Teamspeak? I can't chat on hangout of skype?

May 13th, 2017, 20:26
A newbie doubt, to use this extension with VOIP, the session chat has to be with Teamspeak? I can't chat on hangout of skype?

Although the setups will be slightly different for each, you should be able to use it with your VOIP of choice. I have used it with Discord and Teamspeak as examples. If you haven't read it already, read this wiki which explains the teamspeak setup, but it should be similar with hangout or skype I believe.


Good luck and lets us know if you run into problems!

May 13th, 2017, 20:53
Although the setups will be slightly different for each, you should be able to use it with your VOIP of choice. I have used it with Discord and Teamspeak as examples. If you haven't read it already, read this wiki which explains the teamspeak setup, but it should be similar with hangout or skype I believe.


thx for the quick reply. We use discord sometime and I'll try to set it up but I can't really relate to the wiki for the TS. I'll keep trying to figure how to create another user in Discord...
Good luck and lets us know if you run into problems!

Thx for the quick reply. I'm still trying to figure how to create another user in my discord, as for wiki says for the TS. If anyone know or posted a tutorial would be nice.

May 13th, 2017, 20:56
Thx for the quick reply. I'm still trying to figure how to create another user in my discord, as for wiki says for the TS. If anyone know or posted a tutorial would be nice.

I'm in the car right now but check out rob2e's youtube videos on setting up sound. 3 or 4 part series that should really help.

May 13th, 2017, 21:02
I'm in the car right now but check out rob2e's youtube videos on setting up sound. 3 or 4 part series that should really help.

thx a lot, I'll look into. Sorry for the trouble.

May 13th, 2017, 21:08
thx a lot, I'll look into. Sorry for the trouble.

No trouble at all! I keep learning things all the time by asking questions.

May 13th, 2017, 21:26
Ok, found the videos and found a tutorial


I ran into another issue.
Inside the FG, after enabling the sounds tab, I can't add any sound there... When I click the edit button, the add button doesn't appear.

May 13th, 2017, 21:38
Ok, found the videos and found a tutorial


I ran into another issue.
Inside the FG, after enabling the sounds tab, I can't add any sound there... When I click the edit button, the add button doesn't appear.

Are you trying on the setup tab?

May 13th, 2017, 22:09
Are you trying on the setup tab?

Ok, you're right. Just found it and added a test sound, but it doesn't work, as the discord configs, I'll just give up here. No soundtracks for me. Thx Gwydion.

May 13th, 2017, 22:20
Did you turn sound "on" in the config?

May 13th, 2017, 22:26
Did you turn sound "on" in the config?

yes. I'm trying to follow Gwydion's video here:


May 13th, 2017, 22:50
yes. I'm trying to follow Gwydion's video here:

I'm not home but when I get home in a few hrs I'm happy to try and help! I'm sure we can get in working.

May 16th, 2017, 02:19
My Syrinscape is finally being forward through Discord, my only problem now is that I can't find a way to put the sounds inside FG.

May 16th, 2017, 02:40
Just sent you a PM.

May 23rd, 2017, 02:09

I've linked quite a few sounds through Syrinscape and some through some soundclips that I've downloaded from the web. My problem is that there is quite a variation in volume between my downloaded clips. Some of them are much louder, and some are hard to hear. Any ideas on options to fix this? If I open them up with Audacity, can I export them so that they play at a louder volume, or something?

May 23rd, 2017, 02:55
If I open them up with Audacity, can I export them so that they play at a louder volume, or something?
Use the "Normalize" effect option in Audacity - this will give you files all around the same sound level. The one issue with this is that if, for example, a whole file was supposed to be quite low in volume then normalizing it will make the volume level for the whole file relatively high when compared to what it's meant to be.

May 23rd, 2017, 11:32
Use the "Normalize" effect option in Audacity - this will give you files all around the same sound level. ...

Thanks, will try that tonight.

May 24th, 2017, 00:56

When you say to use Normalize, you mean to apply it to each and every sound file, correct?

I was sort of hoping that I could just use it on the quieter files, and make them louder.

May 24th, 2017, 01:00
When you say to use Normalize, you mean to apply it to each and every sound file, correct?
It's entirely up to you - give it a go and see what works for you. If some files are already at a good enough volume then no need to change them. If it isn't broken, don't fix it! ;)

May 26th, 2017, 13:00
Hey, Dulux-Oz. So, I'm still loving the sounds. Question, though. Often during my session, the chatsounds work perfectly for the first couple hours. And then, like last night, something happens and then incorrect sounds/moods start triggering and the chatsounds do not work as intended anymore. I can still trigger sounds directly from Syrinscape but its almost as if the links within fantasy grounds stop working. I feel like I'm very close to having this all dialed in, but this still seems to happen without warning. Any idea at all how to troubleshoot or where to start? I do use a lot of "stuff". Voicemeeter banana, stream on twitch, etc. I'll try to find in my video where it started to happen last night and maybe I'll send you a clip. Anyway, just trying to get this completely dialed in! Thanks!

May 28th, 2017, 19:30
I don't know how to build the sounds for attack rolls with pathfinder ruleset...
Attack rolls give 2 sentences in the chatbox.
for exemple:
Regnak [ATTACK(M)] long sword
Attack [x]->[at goblin][HIT]

if i do Trigger 1 : [ATTACK(M)] long sword
and Trigger 2 : [HIT]

The second trigger is not taken into account so how do you do to make different sounds ? for miss, hit and critical ?

May 28th, 2017, 20:29
I trigger off damage so that if u hit it triggers when damage is rolled. For crits I trigger off critical in chat. U need to make sure show results is set to all though. Misses are tougher! Not sure how to do that yet.

May 29th, 2017, 19:08
I don't know how to build the sounds for attack rolls with pathfinder ruleset...
Attack rolls give 2 sentences in the chatbox.
for exemple:
Regnak [ATTACK(M)] long sword
Attack [x]->[at goblin][HIT]

if i do Trigger 1 : [ATTACK(M)] long sword
and Trigger 2 : [HIT]

The second trigger is not taken into account so how do you do to make different sounds ? for miss, hit and critical ?
I haven't been using this extension, but I'm pretty sure if you read up in this thread you will find that you can not have a second trigger on the same string. The extension will only take into account the first trigger. Which sounds like what you are experiencing.

Dulux or someone else might prove me wrong, but until then, I'd suggest not putting in any more effort on this.

May 30th, 2017, 01:34
I'm curious - does the extension work with any audio websites like Soundcloud or Fanburst ie. the sound would be played for each player from a website instead of having to stream from one computer over Discord/Teamspeak? I'm trying to increase the audio quality while also reducing the number of unique programs I need to have open and manage during the game.

(great extension, by the way ... in-game sound was the main thing keeping me locked into Roll20, and this extension was one of the reasons I decided to finally switch over to FG)

May 30th, 2017, 03:27
I'm curious - does the extension work with any audio websites like Soundcloud or Fanburst ie. the sound would be played for each player from a website instead of having to stream from one computer over Discord/Teamspeak? I'm trying to increase the audio quality while also reducing the number of unique programs I need to have open and manage during the game.

(great extension, by the way ... in-game sound was the main thing keeping me locked into Roll20, and this extension was one of the reasons I decided to finally switch over to FG)

The extension will play any sound controllable via a URI/URL, so provided Soundcloud, etc, can do that then it should work with the Extension. To test it out, put in the URI/URL into your web browser and see it the sound plays - if so, then that's the URI/URL to put into the Extension as the SoundString.


May 31st, 2017, 22:01
I don't know how to build the sounds for attack rolls with pathfinder ruleset...
Attack rolls give 2 sentences in the chatbox.
for exemple:
Regnak [ATTACK(M)] long sword
Attack [x]->[at goblin][HIT]

if i do Trigger 1 : [ATTACK(M)] long sword
and Trigger 2 : [HIT]

The second trigger is not taken into account so how do you do to make different sounds ? for miss, hit and critical ?

Lol I asked Gwydion that same question a week ago.

June 2nd, 2017, 18:18
I have been searching this thread and have seen this question asked a couple of times with no reply. I keep getting an error when trying to create ChatSounds "[Script Error: [string "wlListIconAdd"]:1: attempt to index upvalue 'oWindowNode' (a nil value)]."
I have the current version's of FG, and DOE extensions. I have tried using the 5e-wizards theme and using no theme. Nothing is working. Anyone have a solution for this? This is for 5e btw.


June 2nd, 2017, 19:06
I have been searching this thread and have seen this question asked a couple of times with no reply. I keep getting an error when trying to create ChatSounds "[Script Error: [string "wlListIconAdd"]:1: attempt to index upvalue 'oWindowNode' (a nil value)]."
I have the current version's of FG, and DOE extensions. I have tried using the 5e-wizards theme and using no theme. Nothing is working. Anyone have a solution for this? This is for 5e btw.


Hey, Aeast236. Have you tried creating a brand new campaign and loading only the DOE extensions and then see if the error still triggers when you try to create a chatsound? I can't replicate the error. Let me know and I'll see if I can help track down the issue....

June 2nd, 2017, 19:10
So, I actually found this post from November 2016. Might have been in this thread. Seems to have the answer I hope? I know it mentions pathfinder, but it seems to be the same issue and it appears a new campaign should solve it.

Hey, dulux-oz, I've just installed the latest version of this (and the DOE Base), and I'm really looking forward to using the new Chatsound (and MiniBoard) functionality. Unfortunately, when I try to add a new item to either of these, I get a console error:

Script Error: [string "wListIconAdd"]:1: attempt to index upvalue 'oWindowNode' (a nil value)

I don't get this error with the Autosound, Sounds, or Setup tabs. I guess this is probably because there are already items in these tabs (which I created with the previous version of the extension), whereas the Chatsound and MiniBoard tabs are empty.

I'm using the PFRPG ruleset, and the latest version of FG (3.2.1).

EDIT: I've discovered that the same error occurs with the 3.5E ruleset, with only DOE extensions turned on. However, it only occurs in existing campaigns. If I create a brand new campaign (with any ruleset), then the error doesn't occur.

EDIT: Further testing shows that the error only occurs in campaigns that already had sounds in, created using the previous version of the extension.

FINAL EDIT (and workaround): Looking at the db.xml files, it appears that the campaigns with existing sounds don't have the <ChatSound> and <MiniBoard> tags in, which is what's causing the error above. I guess that because the <MJB_Sound> section already exists, it's not being created afresh, and so those tags are not being added. I've fixed this in my campaigns by manually adding the missing tags to the db.xml files, but you might want to look at the root cause of the issue for others who aren't happy to edit xml files.

June 2nd, 2017, 19:31
Thanks a bunch! Creating a new campaign resolved it but am going to try and look through the campaign I'm having issue with to fix this.

June 2nd, 2017, 19:56
Excellent! Keep us posted.

June 3rd, 2017, 09:47
So, I actually found this post from November 2016. Might have been in this thread. Seems to have the answer I hope? I know it mentions pathfinder, but it seems to be the same issue and it appears a new campaign should solve it.

Glad to be of service! :)