View Full Version : Background Features in Curse of Strahd

May 8th, 2016, 03:43
So I am curious about different background features in Ravenloft, for instance Ear to the Ground, would there be anyone the player could use as a connection, or would that feature be useless in Barovia?

May 8th, 2016, 11:48
This all comes down to your dungeon master and how much you role play, I can't find what 'Ear to the Ground' is so I can't be specific but as a DM I'd not make things totally useless if a player has picked it and wants to use it. However other DMs might take a less lenient view. Additionally it depends if you roll up characters knowing that you're going to play in Barovia or whether you roll them up blind. If you know you will be in a totally alien place where most of what you know is useless and you still pick a feature which isn't going to be used then ....

May 8th, 2016, 12:19
As I see it, the feature just allows the bounty hunter to find leads on his mark. I do not see how this could be less useful in Barovia. If his mark is a brigand, he knows what den of thieves to visit or which underworld cretins to approach and interrogate and if his mark is a noble, he knows where to find the right aristocrats to eavesdrop on for the information he needs. As Zach said, you should never hinder a player for a background choice unless that choice is, of course, meant to be some kind of flaw for story purposes. e.g. a criminal who has crossed the wrong noble and now he has goons looking for him.

May 8th, 2016, 17:54
Hmm, good information. I was looking at it as actual underworld contacts he would have acquired in his past, rather than just knowing what sorts of people to check out. Thanks for your help.