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May 7th, 2016, 16:37
Sunless Citadel (3rd edition classic converted to 5th edition rules).

FG License: GM has Full so players need at least Lite, etc.
Game Systeme: D&D 5th Edition
Time Zone: 12 (noon) to about 5PM (US Central Time: GMT -6)
Day of week and time: Saturday May 7th (today).
Planned Frequency: This is game #2 of the original 3rd edition module. The goal is to finish the module tonight but we might have to finish at a later time. The Sunless Citadel was known for being a long module, especially for low-level characters.
Term: Short term (module) with the possibility of more modules (Forge of Fury, etc) down the road.

Text or Voice: Mix of both okay.
Voice software used: Skype or FG Teamspeak.

Roleplay & Combat mix: 25/75 Heavy Combat/Exploration. It's no Tomb of Horrors but there are a lot of traps in the Sunless Citadel.
Number of Players in game & needed: 3-5 players.
Character starting level & equipment: N/A. Characters are already rolled from last week.
Character restrictions: N/A. See above.

Details of your scenario: I just had two players drop out today and I'd rather fill them with players than NPC them or have someone play two characters. I also don't want to cancel game, since I don't get to run games often. If you join you'll likely either play as the halfling fighter or the elven ranger. Please shoot me a PM if you are interested and I'll get you the info you need.

YOU WILL NEED HAMACHI TO PLAY IN THIS CAMPAIGN! https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?20309-GM-Connection-Issues-Tried-Everything-Try-Hamachi

May 7th, 2016, 16:48
I can perhaps play today