View Full Version : Multiple Connect Attempts

May 7th, 2016, 14:06
I've been having a nuisance issue the past month or so. When my players start logging into FG they have to make 3 to 4 attempts before successfully getting into the game. Each attempt gets progressively quicker. The first couple attempts shows the progress bar slowly fill up and at the end they get an error message "unable to load ruleset. Reattempt yes or no?". If they click yes nothing happens and the same error message immediately comes back. So they end up closing FG and restarting the login. Usually on the 3rd attempt it looks like the progress bar isn't doing anything and suddenly they're in the game. It's almost like each attempt is downloading portions of the game info before successfully logging in. This has been consistently happening over the last month or so...and I'm not sure what has changed to bring it about. Has anyone else seen anything like this?

May 7th, 2016, 14:37
Which ruleset are you using when this issue occurs?

May 7th, 2016, 16:57
Which ruleset are you using when this issue occurs?

Savage Worlds. Doesn't matter what campaign I'm running, issue is the same. I'm using FG via Steam running on a Mac (El Capitan). We play on Friday evenings starting around 1830hrs EST. I'm wondering if it's my internet bandwidth shrinking during this time frame. It just seems more prevalent lately.

Moon Wizard
May 7th, 2016, 16:59
If you are using a wireless network, it might be a sign of increased network congestion or packet loss from new interference.


May 7th, 2016, 16:59
Or it could be that your campaign size or amount of shared info has grown?

May 7th, 2016, 17:25
If you are using a wireless network, it might be a sign of increased network congestion or packet loss from new interference.


I'm connected to a power line adapter via the Ethernet port (not wireless). I'll try resetting the adaptor before the next session to see if there's an improvement.

May 7th, 2016, 17:30
Or it could be that your campaign size or amount of shared info has grown?

I had considered that. I try to keep the download as small as possible but it could be part of the problem along with bandwidth shrinkage.

May 7th, 2016, 18:36
Try to get each player to join separately - to keep the uploads to the players for the initial joining of the game to a minimum.

Also check that you don't have any other bandwidth being used with uploads, etc.. Try to keep everything to a minimum when the players are joining as this is the most intensive data upload time. The next time they join the game, if it has the same campaign name, the connection time will be a lot quicker as the data will have been cached on their local computer.

May 8th, 2016, 05:37
do an ipconfig and find out your gateway address.
then open 3 command prompt windows and do one of these commands in each window:

ping -n 500

ping www.fantasygrounds.com -n 500

ping -n 500
(substitute your gateway address for

now watch for any timeouts - when you see timeouts are you seeing them on all pings at the same time? give as much info as possible.
when it finishes it will tell you stats for each command. if you get less than 98% on the first two or 100% on the third there is some network issues impacting you.