View Full Version : How to create Module adding new archetypes/specializations to core classes?

May 3rd, 2016, 21:06
I'm trying to create a module containing a variety of new nature/plant themed content (Sprouting Chaos (https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwjI2PKf1L7MAhVktYMKHT3yAb4QFggdMAA&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2Fdndnext%2Fc omments%2F3vh9b7%2Fhomebrew_sprouting_chaos_player s_companion_21%2F%3F&usg=AFQjCNGFa1i6FteuaCNRCTxozZtpnoc8TQ&sig2=fxnOWuxjDaOJu1RIwi4TAg)). The new content is easy with par5e, i.e. races, spells, npcs. But I can't figure out how to add a new archetype to a class, like the new College of the Ancients for Bard.

I don't mind editing XML but I need a reference or example to go from. Since all the 5e content is protected I'm not able to find any examples in my built-in or purchased modules, nor have I been able to find any online.

May 3rd, 2016, 21:32
If you are using par5e then you add a new archetype by using the markups #abh; #ab; and #abf;

So for example in a Cleric
#abh;Divine Domains
#ab;Life Domain
#abf;Life Domain feature

Have a look at p7 of the Par5e DD5E user guide

Also you will have to put all the other information in as well; you can't just have a module of archetypes. So in the case of the Bard you'll have to put all of the Bard information in as well as your new archetype. You won't need to put in the existing archetypes since if you have the PHB and your module open at the same time you'll get the choice of all of them I think.

May 4th, 2016, 21:50
Also you will have to put all the other information in as well; you can't just have a module of archetypes. So in the case of the Bard you'll have to put all of the Bard information in as well as your new archetype. You won't need to put in the existing archetypes since if you have the PHB and your module open at the same time you'll get the choice of all of them I think.

This is what I was hoping to avoid. Is there a minimum amount of extra information needed in my module? I don't want any more dual-maintenance than I have to, nor do I want any issues with verbatim copying copyrighted content, SRD or not.

Doing some playing around with this, it looks like FG finds my extra Bard features even when dragging the original PHB Bard class to level up. This makes me think the duplicated fields in my module are ignored by FG. Does this seem correct?

May 4th, 2016, 22:01
To be perfectly honest I don't know since I've never created any archetypes outside of the official ones (back before the PHB was available for FG). However I don't think you can just par5e a list of archetypes and nothing else. If you check out the par5e user guide generally the information in red is the minimum required in order to par5e something. So in the case of classes you need a bit more than just the archetype, but not a huge amount more.

Also it doesn't matter where the archetype is either in a module or in the PHB; as long as both are open then all of the archetypes should be found for the class whichever one you drag it from.

Moon Wizard
May 4th, 2016, 22:43
I'm not certain and you'll have to test how Par5E handles, but you may be able to add with minimal class information.

The arechtypes go under:


<name type="string">Path of the Berserker</name>
<text type="formattedtext"><p>Formatted text description here.</p></text>

Any abilities for the archetype are embedded with the other class features, with a specialization data tag that exactly matches the archetype selection name and a level tag with the level obtained. The example below also appends the level number to the actual XML tag, which is useful when an ability with the same name gained multiple times at increasing power levels (such as Brutal Critical).

<name type="string">Frenzy</name>
<level type="number">3</level>
<text type="formattedtext"><p>Formatted text description here.</p></text>
<specialization type="string">Path of the Berserker</specialization>

You might be able to build in Par5E, and just rip out the class parts. If you do that, you won't be able to access the specialization directly unless you set up a separate link in the main library.entries section of the module. However, it should still appear as option when making the archetype choice on level up.
