View Full Version : Interest Check: Deadlands Noir The Old Absinthe House Blues Text Based Game

May 1st, 2016, 00:32
Hey all. I've been wanting to run this module for a little while now. This will be a TEXT ONLY game that would run once a week or bi-weekly (depending on the real life schedule) until the module is complete. The game would be on Saturdays from around 11:00am to ~3:00pm PST (GMT -8). There is something that I really need to make sure of if you are a player that is looking to sign up for this game- NO POWER GAMERS! Please, it is a text based game that will rely heavily on role play, not roll play. If you feel that you cannot contribute to the story in a character driven way, then please don't sign up. The way I see it is that if we spend a whole session never rolling one die, I'm fine with that.

Also, please understand what you are getting into when playing in a text based game- patience is a must. Things tend to run a bit slower, but I'm fine with that and I hope that you would be too. Respect for one another when people are trying to type is critical. Not everyone is a fast typer but would still like to play a RPG. Just please respect their time in the game as well. If I am coming across as brash, please forgive me. I have been burned with bad players in the past that "claimed" to be character/story driven players when all they wanted to do was roll perception on anyone who passed by because the GM stated that someone was walking by. C'mon, we are starting with 1st level characters who are being flung into the adventuring world.

Also, I am not new to running games in Fantasy Grounds at all. I promise that, from my end, you will have a good time if you are looking for the type of game I am providing- a laid back, role play heavy game where the story comes first.

With all that, here is the critical info:

FG License: GM has Full so players need at least Lite
Game System: Savage Worlds (Deadlands Noir)

Time Zone: Pacific Standard Time
Day of week and time: Saturdayys at around 11:00am
Planned start date: As soon as we have 2 players.
Planned Frequency: Weekly/Bi-Weekly
Term: Until module is complete

Text or Voice: Text ONLY
Voice software used: N/A

Roleplay & Combat mix: 80/20- role play/combat
Number of Players in game & needed: Need 2 to start, 3 players max
Character starting level & equipment:Pregens will be provided
Character restrictions: Pregens will be provided

Details of your scenario: New Orleans, 1935. It’s Sunday on Bourbon Street at a quarter to seven. Fat Dan Waller is the booze-slinger at the Old Absinthe House, the oldest bar in the quarter. Maybe in America. The pirate Jean Lafitte himself opened the place way back in the 1700s. Fat Dan is rough as sandpaper and half as friendly. He’s asked you to come down to his ancient watering hole and paved the road to hell with a free shot of the house’s trademark—the “green fairy,” or absinthe. It smells like licorice, tastes like brimstone, and goes down like boiling water and gravel. “Delilah’s gone missin’,” Fat Dan grumbles as he lines up shot glasses on the worn counter.

Link to Gamecalendar page: This post interest check for now

Again, if I seem brash, please don't feel that I am a harsh or mean GM. I just want to experience a really fun, story and character driven game. Thank you so much all for looking at this post and I really hope to get this game going! Please let me know if you are interested. Thanks all!

May 1st, 2016, 10:34
Welcome (back? Zempher!

May 1st, 2016, 20:00
Thank you!