View Full Version : Drawing Tools

Ken L
April 25th, 2016, 12:01
Who here still uses drawing tools to draw a map by hand?

I'm one of those that do, especially for improvised encounters.

Here are a few roadblocks I've hit using the drawing tools:

1.) All newly created drawings are a pre-set size. It's more configured for simple doodles as opposed to large scale maps unless you wish to have grids of 10x10 pixels. The Drawing expansion tools are buggy at times and often crop off part of a drawing. They tend to conflict when re-sizing the window. (I use a wacom tablet and often resize to a large dimension)
2.) There's no way to distinguish a drawing by the GM or the player either by color or some method to distinguish who drew what.
3.) Lack of colors "this is lava" "this is a lake of water"

Now to address some of the above.

1.) I can draw the map and prepare it in <insert graphics application> but the point is to handle 'winging it' as the general rule of thumb is that you can't plan for everything your players will do.
1.1) I can upload a white background image of AxB dimensions which will fix my canvas which I can draw on. If I choose too small or too large though I can't adjust it as needed.
2.) I could rule that players can't draw, also there are legitimate reasons for a player to draw on a map still.

I'm curious if this feature is used by other GMs as much as I plan to. Drawing things as needed is fast'n cheap. Not that I don't like to plan out large maps and fancy settings, but when there's so much going on and I'm starved for prep time, I can either postpone the game, or run minimal; and I choose the latter. It's also a throw back to the old days where your brain was the graphics card, and the little notations on the grid aided your players for encounters. One's game doesn't live or die by lack of graphics; at least for me, as my groups are social affairs where we joke and make voices.

Being able to draw manually with better tools would greatly help. I wonder if FG sees this feature as overlooked too.

April 25th, 2016, 12:35
I just spent time building a library of generic maps which I can drop in as needed. If I need some set dressing, I can drop tokens onto the map. After all, does it matter much if *this* generic road through the woods looks a lot like *that* generic road through the woods?

April 25th, 2016, 12:48
Better drawing tools would be nice. It is an oft requested feature.
One recent suggestion that might help was to use your wacom along with your favourite drawing tool and just set the save location to be the campaigns image path. Not what you are asking but it might help...
I did use FG to draw one single map in a recent game at FG Con. It was the only map I used for the whole game - it was a very high tech drawing too! 2 rectangles and some arrows :)

April 25th, 2016, 14:54
I simply have a lot of tool and generally prep my maps ahead of time.

April 25th, 2016, 16:30
As mentioned, this has been discussed before. You can find related requests and vote and comment on them here: https://fg2app.idea.informer.com/

April 25th, 2016, 16:57
Actually, I just tried something. I loaded up a map from one of my test campaigns in GIMP. The I fired up the campaign, and loaded up the map. I made some changes in GIMP, and saved the changed image. I closed the map in FG (leaving FG up) and reopened it, and the changes were there.

Since this is true, I wonder if we can make an extension that just adds a menu option to reload an image? This way people could use whatever tool they wish to draw their maps, then just do a "reload" on them in FG...

April 25th, 2016, 19:16
Doesn't look like the FG Drawing Tools actually saves to the actual image file. Also if you change the resolution of the base image you lose the markings you made with the drawing tool it seems.

April 25th, 2016, 19:52
Yea, the FG drawing tools are overlayed on the image file. I'm not sure which file they are stored in, but it is different from the image itself.

Andraax is suggesting that all the editing be done in another tool and then the image just reloaded as needed.

April 26th, 2016, 06:41
drawings are stored in a mask layer.
its not the resolution changing that matters its changing the dimensions - fg writes the dimensions of the file when you open it initially - if you chamge the dimensions but keep the filename the same it will mess up - so if you change the dimensions save it as something else.

Ken L
April 26th, 2016, 16:31
I guess I'll have to make do with the AxB blank image for now.