View Full Version : Search system in FG

April 22nd, 2016, 10:45

I am just wondering if someone could help me here, as looking for "search" in the forum or google is not really helping. I am currently trying to understand how to quickly search stuff in FG modules. I bought the PHB for example and searching for invisiblity when opening the module is not giving any result. I need to go to spells, index, and then I can search for invisibility.
Same for equipement, I need to check in each part : gear, armor, etc. to find stuff like backpack & other.
Is there a specific command line to ask FG to look into sub categories to find items ?

thanks !

April 22nd, 2016, 12:38
Nope. The search function isn't all that refined. What you are doing is what you would need to do to find an invisibility spell or a backpack.

April 22nd, 2016, 13:08
I know in the Mutants & Masterminds ruleset there is a REFERENCE link in the handbook where you can search for things without clicking down into the modules. It was the only way I could find some powers. Not sure how thorough it really is, though. It may only pick up headings or something.

April 22nd, 2016, 13:36
I believe that Moon Wizard has made vague references to overhauling the search capabilities sometime down the unity path but he also mentioned the challenges around the different data types etc or something along those lines...
Basically when you are in spells all the windowclasses are spells so it knows how to present spell data, similarly for equipment, skills etc... at the moment I believe creating the search is not the big challenge, its displaying the resultant data in the right format.
Its also possible I just pulled that out of my rear end or imagined it or just plain made it up... Im not really sure...

April 22nd, 2016, 14:56
Indeed, we are experimenting around with a few options for future updates that could include some form of "super-search" as we are calling it internally. We still have to see well this works in practice with the User Interface changes, speed and memory usage requirements. There are a few interesting challenges that still need to be overcome.

April 27th, 2016, 09:33
Thanks a lot everyone for the provided answer, at least, I did not miss something :)