View Full Version : What Currency is the Store?

April 22nd, 2016, 00:29
Tryign to figure out cost, what currency is the store? I live in Canada and was tryign to figure out if it is USD or CAD.

Moon Wizard
April 22nd, 2016, 00:31
I think the FG store is only USD. The Steam store will be native currency.


April 22nd, 2016, 00:34
If I bought my first license through the website, back in 2007, can I buy things through the steam store? Or should I stick with the website? Just returning to the client and looking to upgrade my client to DM for some friends.

Moon Wizard
April 22nd, 2016, 00:40
If you originally purchased a Full or Ultimate license, you should be able to add the key on Steam.

If you purchased the Lite license originally, you would have to use the upgrade button on the FG launch screen, and go through the FG store.


April 22nd, 2016, 00:46
The license I bought was: 1 x Fantasy Grounds License for $34.95. I believe it was a full license as I can create campaigns.

Moon Wizard
April 22nd, 2016, 01:16
You should be able to add the key on Steam already then.


April 22nd, 2016, 02:18
I get that having FG available on Steam is great marketing for the software, but is there a benefit for those of us that already have FG adding it into Steam?

April 22nd, 2016, 03:12
I was about to ask the same question Agamon. Questions I was going to ask were:

1) Like Agamon said, is there any benefit to havign the Steam version over the website version? Askign as I think it would be easier for the people I am getting to join me to install using the Steam if possible.
2) If I get the Ultimate license, which client would these players be able to get and play in the campaign I host? The Demo version?
3) Right now I have GM license. Is it possible to use the 30-day ultimate free trial license, as the game won't be starting till late next month but I was hoping to get a head start on getting them familiar with the client and creating the Characters.
4) Does the free trial work with the steam client as well?

April 22nd, 2016, 03:26
I was about to ask the same question Agamon. Questions I was going to ask were:

1) Like Agamon said, is there any benefit to havign the Steam version over the website version? Askign as I think it would be easier for the people I am getting to join me to install using the Steam if possible.
2) If I get the Ultimate license, which client would these players be able to get and play in the campaign I host? The Demo version?
3) Right now I have GM license. Is it possible to use the 30-day ultimate free trial license, as the game won't be starting till late next month but I was hoping to get a head start on getting them familiar with the client and creating the Characters.
4) Does the free trial work with the steam client as well?

1) None that I know of. But others might.
2) Demo (free) is all they need
3) I believe with a full license you can have one demo user connect at a time, but can't save any changes to the campaign.
4) I'm pretty sure there is a demo/free version on Steam, but you might have a different link.

April 22nd, 2016, 04:14
Buying from Steam allows you to keep all your game purchases in one spot and you may get a better price if you are in another country.
If you have Ultimate players can play with any of Demo/Lite/Full/Ultimate
If you have a demo client connect to a full client the game will switch to demo and will support only one player but it will save
You can download the demo from here or steam.

Moon Wizard
April 22nd, 2016, 04:30
No benefit to putting license on Steam, other than presence notification. (I.e. Shows on Steam when you run FG). The Steam version is just a wrapper that calls the standard install.

We mirror all Steam sales in our store, so no advantage there, unless you are in a country with currency differential on Steam.

Technically, it's better for SmiteWorks to sell directly, since there's no distribution charge.

You can actually buy DLC in either place, and the FG Settings have an option to check Steam for DLC or add your FG login to check FG store for DLC.

I think that covers everything.


April 22nd, 2016, 04:42
Thanks John, that's what I thought, but I figured I should ask.

April 23rd, 2016, 03:49
If you enter your non-Steam FG key into Steam I don't believe you can buy the "4 for the price of 3" deal.

April 23rd, 2016, 04:09
If you enter your non-Steam FG key into Steam I don't believe you can buy the "4 for the price of 3" deal.

If Steam is aware of you having ANY FG license you cant buy the 4 for 3. One of your players would have to buy and gift out.

April 23rd, 2016, 04:47
Ah, okay. Good to know.

So, was just about to make some purchases and went to go the monthly route for Ultimate License for now. Problem is, I can't seem to figure out how to do this.

I visit the main page, https://www.fantasygrounds.com/home/home.php , and go down to the section right below the "Watch the Trailer". So in the the section "Subscription Pricing", I look at the Ultimate one and I only see a button for "Start 30-day Free Trail" right underneath the "$9.99 Monthly" text. But I thought this trail was a mere demo and would mean that my client would be just a demo client of the ultimate License and thus not have the full abilities of the Regular ultimate client.

Buying from Steam allows you to keep all your game purchases in one spot and you may get a better price if you are in another country.
If you have Ultimate players can play with any of Demo/Lite/Full/Ultimate
If you have a demo client connect to a full client the game will switch to demo and will support only one player but it will save
You can download the demo from here or steam.

The reason I was going to go Ultimate was so the other players could use the Free/Demo client and connect to me as I host the game at full capabilities, not a game that turns to a demo game. Or am I misunderstanding things.

Am I signing up for this 30-day Trial or is there another link to upgrade my Full License to a Monthly Ultimate? (Don't want to use the Upgrade to Ultimate that costs over $100 dollars atm as I wish to buy the Players handbook and DMG first, then upgrade at a later time).

April 23rd, 2016, 05:09
Thats the right one.
You get your first 30days free but you have to fill out all the payment details. If you hit 30days your billing will start.
Also start with the PHB first.
There is a lot to learn and you prolly wont have the mental hands to juggle everything straight away.

April 23rd, 2016, 05:16
Thanks for clearing things up. I'll start with the PHB first. I used FG a while ago, first signed up in 2007 but I'm sure much has changed since then.

April 23rd, 2016, 06:20
okay, I went and did the 30-day trial thing, payed the $0 through paypal, got the email saying: "You set up an automatic payment profile"

I am not seeing anything that allows me to upgrade my account to Ultimate. No new license or anything. Am I missing something?

April 23rd, 2016, 06:36
It will be emailed to you once PayPal send notification to SmiteWorks.

April 23rd, 2016, 06:41
Ah, okay. Thanks, will head off to bed then and hopefully get it by tomorrow morning then.

April 23rd, 2016, 11:53
Sadly still no email. I have noticed in my order history it isn't showing and order involving this ultimate subscription, but it does show me buying the PHB/Core Classes right after. Also not sure if this would have mess things up but I use email1 for this site but use email2 for PayPal. Not sure if the different email for PayPal messed things up as it it not linked to my FG account.

April 23rd, 2016, 12:24
Yes the different email addresses is what has messed you up.
You will need to contact [email protected]

April 23rd, 2016, 14:57
For subscriptions, Paypal handles setting this up as a recurring payment plan and they email us back the email address that we use. This is occasionally set to a different address then what you used on the site. If you log onto Paypal and check your Profile Settings, you will see an entry for the Primary Email Address. That is the address that will have been emailed. It's a little confusing on how to change this since Paypal doesn't let you edit the address marked as the Primary Email Address. Instead, you need to add a second email address, then edit the new address and mark it as the Primary Email Address. Then you can delete or edit the old address.

If you started a subscription already and didn't get your key and have no access to the old email address, please email us at [email protected] and provide us the address. We can look it up and email it to you.

Alternately, you can log into Paypal, reset it and then cancel your Recurring Subscription and then start a new one. I'm not sure if this method would still honor the 30-day trial, though, so you may still need to email us and ask for a refund if it ends up charging you during the trial period.

April 23rd, 2016, 18:16
okay, figured the email would be the issue. Sent support am email, two as the first one my phone sent before I could finish it (big fingers).

April 23rd, 2016, 19:52
So that worked, all upgraded now. Thought instead of opening a new thread I just continue to use this one. For the players who are connecting through me using the demo version, do they need to have a forum Username here or will they be given a chance to pick a temp username each session?

April 23rd, 2016, 20:12
They don't need either. The username that they enter is something that you will know who is entering the game. Some games I will put my forum name, my real name or my character name.

April 23rd, 2016, 21:10
Okay. Thanks. Guess I got my next question:

Following this video to get an understanding on how to create a character so I can help those who connect to me. I went and bought the following modules: 1 x D&D Complete Core Class Pack, 1 x D&D Complete Dungeon Master's Guide.

At 4:18 in the video he is opening the DD PHB PC Customization Pack. Right beside it there is also the DD PHB Deluxe. Now I have the PHB Deluxe but thought by buying the Complete Core Class Pack I wouldn't need to buy individual class packs. Why don't I have the PC Customization pack?

April 23rd, 2016, 21:13
I figured out how to do it all through the PHB module, but still curious if I'm missing something or has something changed since that video was made?

April 23rd, 2016, 21:15
The individual class packs and the PC Customization are included with the Complete Core Class package. All of that info should actually show up right inside your PHB.

edit- I also haven't seen that video so it is possible it was made before the actual release of the Complete Core Class kit.

April 23rd, 2016, 21:39
It is a tad confusing with all of the options.

Essentially the Complete Core Class pack is the PHB by another name. So the Complete Core Class Pack contains all of the individual class packs and the PC customization pack. If you own the PHB then you have everything from all of those class packs and the customization pack. In other words you have it all. :)

April 23rd, 2016, 22:55
Both answers are correct. The PHB Deluxe is the single, consolidate file with everything in it.

April 24th, 2016, 03:57
okay, cool. Was thinking thats how it worked after playing around a little more with the client. Got another question though.

When creating a character, say I want to create a lvl 5 fighter. I start off making a lvl 1 fighter. When I drag and drop the fighter icon on his class again to go lvl 2 fighter, it takes the average roll for hit points. how do i go about rolling instead? Or is there an option to choose to roll or take average somewhere I am missing?

April 24th, 2016, 08:24
that is correct. you have to manually remove the average hp and add the player rolls if you want to use them.

April 24th, 2016, 08:33

April 24th, 2016, 19:36
okay, another question. When playing around with pointers and the cone one, how come when I draw a 15' cone going form left to right, it shows proper size. but when I try to draw the same cone going on a angle, lets say from the bottom left corner of one square to the top right of another square, the number that shows 15' makes the cone almost twice size? Am I doing something wrong?

April 24th, 2016, 19:46
Because you don't have the diagonal distance variant turned on. Therefore 3 diagonal squares is measures at 15 ft. If you turn on the variant rule (in options) then 2 diagonal squares is measures as 15 ft., and you get the cone you are expecting. Myself, I always draw the shapes away from other things, then move and rotate them into place.

You will also notice is you do not place the orgins on an intersection (say with a circle) that the indicated squares are not symmetric. That's discussed elsewhere, but I don't know where that thread is.

April 24th, 2016, 20:11
Ah, thanks.

April 27th, 2016, 01:36
okay,w as tryign to create a Note to share with party members who have Find Familiar spell with all the creatures stats. But when they loaded the share note and and tried to view lets say the octopus, it said:

Could not open sheet with data from unloaded module. (DD MM Monster Manual)

But if I share dthe Octopus link from the MM first, then they could view it and then the link in the shared note worked as well. Any way of making it work the first time around without me having to go and share each individual creature?

April 27th, 2016, 10:29
You need to share the links as well. Right click on one of them and select make links shareable and they will turn green. Your players can then click on the links to see the information. Watch out you don't share too much with them :)

April 27th, 2016, 10:42
Typically sharing stats from the MM is a no-no.... :)

April 27th, 2016, 11:36
Ah, thanks. And yeah, I understand that MM is usually a no no when it comes to sharing but wanted the wizard to have the stats of any of the familiars he could summon without having to share the MM itself.

April 30th, 2016, 06:46
okay, back in this thread to ask some more questions, should really change the til of the thread lol

1) One player is using a homebrew class. Right now I have just manually entered in th edata for it, may look into doing a par5e thing for it, but not worried about that. Question is: he has a class feature that allows fighting styles. The style he picked is:

"Brutal fighting Style: With every hit of a weapon you are wielding with two hands, you can choose to subject a tiny-medium sized opponent to make a Strength save where the DC is 8 + proficiency bonus + your Strength modifier. Upon a failed save, the creature is knocked 5 ft away from you."

He is wielding a warhammer, which is versatile, meaning it does d10 instead of d8 damage when wielded two-handed. First thing I asking is how to set it up so he can roll the d10 damage. Does he need a weapon entry on the actions tab? So he'd have 1 handed warhammer and 2 handed warhammer? Or is there a way of having just the one entry handling both 1 handed an d2 handed attacks?

And then next, whats the best way of doing the Brutal fighting style? Is there any way of when he rolls an attack it will auto cause the DM to roll a Str save? Or will I need to personally keep track of this and manually roll such save each time?

April 30th, 2016, 08:50
Yes, you should create a new line in the weapons section for the versatile weapon. See here (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/wiki/index.php/5E_Character_Sheet#Add_a_new_Weapon) for an example.

You will have to set up the Brutal fighting thing as a power in the actions tab. There isn't a way to force a saving throw off of an attack. Create it as if it were a spell. See here (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/wiki/index.php/5E_Character_Sheet#Spells) for how you can do that.

And yes, you should start a new thread with any further queries since I might well miss them buried in here :)