View Full Version : Help needed: implement a template for a characteristic tree in a PC sheet

April 18th, 2016, 17:40

I'm working on RuleSet for a RPG that is currently taking some momentum in my region. I'm working on the "core" RuleSet: i.e. implementing the character sheet on top of CoreRPG.

Since they have a characteristic tree and an ability tree, I am looking to simplify my character sheet code and have reusable template.

The characteristic tree is the most simple since there is only 2 level before reaching the leaf:

trunk -> characteristic
branches -> (characteristic label) physic, social, mental
leaf (score) -> 3 sub-characteristic label and their score value [1:6]

I'm confident that if I manage to understand how I may efficiently use template for such scenarios that I will be able to implement the more complex ability tree: this one is a boolean tree concept. You require to have fully achieve the lower level before mastering the higher ones.

trunk -> Abilty
lvl 1 branches (novice) -> 11 items (ability label and 1 boolean value per item)
lvl 2 branches (praticien) -> 2 sub-novice items (praticien label and 1 boolean value per item)
lvl 3 branches (expert) -> 2 sub-praticien items (expert label and 1 boolean value per item) (a total of 4 items)
lvl 4 branches (master) -> 2 sub-expert items (master label and 1 boolean value per item) (a total of 8 items)

The main reason for doing this is that I already have to go through 18 sections only for the characteristics if I want to change the width or padding, etc. This is prone to error and don't think is the proper way to go.

I will be honest, the current API documentation is way to barebone for me to comprehend and I have not yet been able to find such a pattern in other RuleSet bundle with the ultimate edition.

What I gathered so far that I require to achieve final implement:

Define the XML template
Create a LUA code to populate the tree and associated sheetdata values

I will be more than happy to post a tutorial once I'm done.

Moon Wizard
April 18th, 2016, 20:21
There's an Anatomy of a Ruleset topic in the Developer section of the wiki, which is a good place to start.

Also, you should review one of the simpler rulesets that build off of CoreRPG to review, such as Numenera.

Then, focus on starting simple. Just start replacing one panel of the character sheet at a time.

For your specific game, it's good to know that the fields displayed in Windows on FG are a combination of strings (labels and entry), numbers, generic controls (basic icons and layout), buttons, lists of child Windows and containers of child Windows . Everything within FG is built that way. The way you would like to display and manage in the UI is up to you as a ruleset developer.


April 19th, 2016, 17:28
There's an Anatomy of a Ruleset topic in the Developer section of the wiki, which is a good place to start.

Also, you should review one of the simpler rulesets that build off of CoreRPG to review, such as Numenera.

Thanks! I have read the PDF you spoke of but I have found someone else issue (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?14137-Trouble-with-Anatomy-of-a-ruleset) with a slight different perspective, yet same goal, that may help me understand were I fail so far.

If I manage to resolve my issue I will post the generic code within this thread and try explain my solution for other developers to freely reuse.

Thanks again Moon Wizard.