View Full Version : New to FG... and everything really.

April 13th, 2016, 19:01
I just recently started getting into Pathfinder with a friend who played 3.5D&D, and we're trying to figure it out together, obviously he has a better idea than I do.

Anyway, we had been taking about FG and I decided to get it, but I'm wondering how does someone this new (I've been playing loosely with one other person and we've only fought the first four battles in Rune Lords) finds a game to play in.

I noticed the Pathfinder Society boards but I've no idea what the difference is between that and Pathfinder Roleplaying is. Would someone please elaborate? Are they "new people" friendly?

Any help would be super. Thanks.

April 13th, 2016, 19:39
So, I can help some. I'm not a Pathfinder (PF) guy, but I understand the basics etc. Pathfinder Society (PFS) is organized play of the Pathfinder game. I've not heard the term Pathfinder Roleplaying, so I'm guessing that is just a reference to general role playing in the PF system and settings.

To get involved in PFS using FG, then I would suggest you go to the Game Organization sub-forum and check out the sub-sub-forum for PFS (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?71-Pathfinder-Society-Games). To find just a general PF game, go to the Looking for Group sub-forum (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?40-LFG-Looking-for-Group) and read through those threads plus post there that you are looking etc. Make sure to give a little background and what days and times (including timezone!) you are looking for.

Good luck and welcome!

April 13th, 2016, 21:20
Welcome StintedVisions! Hope you have a great time exploring the many adventures within Pathfinder and maybe even other gameworlds and systems too!

Ken L
April 14th, 2016, 09:02
PFRPG is the core game along with the suppliments. PFS is the organized play component. DnD likewise is the wizards equivalent with its organized play being the adventurer's league.

To start I'd recommend joining a few low level one-shot groups then as you get more familiar, join multi-session games. After that point I'd say you can choose the long term campaign route or PFS. You can skip the earlier steps but you may find yourself in turbulent waters.

PFS is a subset of pathfinder games which are more objective oriented where as custom games are varied. If you desire a high amount of structure go PFS. If you're more lax or want more PF options (as allowed by your GM) go for vanilla PF.

Personally I don't do much society play as I'm more narritive. But PFS has it's place as those who lack a home group can ferry their characters across games in the PFS structure