View Full Version : What is the Point of the (Story) Paragraph Type = Link?

April 9th, 2016, 02:31
Create a new 5E campaign.
Click on Story to open it.
Add a couple story pages. Say.. "Page1" and "Page2".
On Page1, in the main body, add five or six empty lines by hitting Enter (5 or 6 times).
Now right-click somewhere in the middle of those blank lines and choose "Paragraph Types" then choose "Link".
Now I have a little circle in the body of Page1, without a label.
Type in "Label1", so it has a name.
Now the question: Just what is this good for?
I can't add anything to it? I can't edit it (except change the label text).
If I had, say a map, I can't drag this on to the map. I can't drag it on to Page2.
Now I can drag Page2's link on to Page1, in the middle of my blank lines, and now I have a link on Page 1 to Page 2.
I can also drag the Page2's link on top of my little circle, and I have a link to Page2 on Page1 called Label1.
I could just have easily dragged the Page2 link on to Page1 and edited the label.
So, I reiterate, What is the little circle (the link) named Label1 good for?
Obviously I am missing something. Thanks in advance for your help.

April 9th, 2016, 02:52
So, how'd this come about?
Princes of the Apocalypse doesn't have a map for Beliard. I wanted one, so I drew one up and imported it into my POTA campaign. All I wanted to do is add stick-pin links on my map to mini-descriptions in the Beliard story. Paragraph Type = Link seems to be the obvious answer to my wishes. But it's behavior is not what I expected. Instead of actual links that I can drag on to my map, I have little circles in my story.

To remedy this, I can create one story entry for each of the items on the map that I want stick-pins for, e.g.:
Beliard - Tannery
Beliard - Smithy
Beliard - Watchful Knight Inn
Beliard - Town Watch
Beliard - Horse Stables
Then I can drag each of these Story entries on to my map, creating the little red stick-pins.

The problem with this solution is that I have just bloated my Story board, with micro entries. All I need is functional links, within the Beliard story to my map. In my mind I believe the Paragraph Type = Link is either not fully functional, or not robust enough (maybe there is some is some other functionality, say encounters, that I'm unaware of).

April 9th, 2016, 02:53
This is a link to another FG object - story entry, map, NPC, item, encounter, treasure parcel, etc.. Drag/drop the dragon/shield symbol (depending what ruleset and them you're using) from the object you want to link to the empty link icon in your Story Entry. This is a very powerful feature that allows you to make tables of contents, group everything to do with a specific area together (map, NPCs, encounter, treasure, traps, etc.), etc..

A good example can be seen in the following screenshot. The drag head links within the story entry on the left are link fields.


April 9th, 2016, 02:57
In my mind I believe the Paragraph Type = Link is either not fully functional, or not robust enough (maybe there is some is some other functionality, say encounters, that I'm unaware of).
You're looking at it back-to-front. Paragraph type = link is a place to put links, it doesn't create them. Think of them as similar to map pushpins, but within a story entry.

April 9th, 2016, 04:48
Thank you Trenloe for your time. I appreciate the rapid response. I didn't like the answer, but "we don't always get what we want". The utilitarian value of a "placeholder" link paragraph type seems, at least to me, of questionable value. I don't use the other types in such a manner. Simple body text, I keep typing; headings, I continue to type, bullet points (a.k.a. list items), plow right on through with the information.

As I sum it up in this manner, I guess that's the value.... Type, type, type, here a header, there a body text, then a list, oops, I need a link, keep on a going.... There it is in a nutshell. I'll revisit that link when I've defined the data!

Thanks Trenloe.. Enjoy FGCon

April 9th, 2016, 05:56
I use links within story entries all the the time. I find them incredibly useful for grouping links to related items together.

Sounds like you're looking for something completely different and will need to split your story entries up if you want to have links to them available on the map (or in other story entries using the discussed link paragraph type).

April 9th, 2016, 06:22
Precisely. I thought it is something that it is not.
I, too, use links often. In the past, I had the background piece written and it simply needed to be linked in to the "big picture". Grab the link and drag it in.
In this specific instance, I was developing what one might call micro-descriptions and was hoping for an almost "inline" link, similar to the functionality of an underlined word hyperlink on a web page but in reverse.
The little red pin on the map, when clicked jumps to the one or two line description that's inside the whole page story.
What I have found, from our discussion and from practical expermentation is, I have to define a story section, maybe it is as limited as a two to three word name and then attach that story section to my map.
Overkill, maybe, but it is the tool that I have.

April 9th, 2016, 06:30
Yes you would have one story item for each note you want to pin on the map.
You can link the same item, image, story, encounter etc to more than one pin but you cant link to a specific spot within one story.

April 9th, 2016, 06:34
If all you want is a two or three word name/label, put a small token on the map, type the name in the chat window and drag the text to the token. This will link the text on the token and display the text when you hover over the token. Just like the name of a pin on the map shows the title of the object linked.

I don't know of this is actually the kind of thing you're looking for.

April 9th, 2016, 06:40
BINGO!!! I think that's it. I'll give it a shot. Thanks Trenloe!

April 9th, 2016, 08:27
Another thing to try may be the locations extension. You could create your locations and drag those as links to your map.

April 9th, 2016, 21:08
Thanks Valarian. I knew of extensions, but not the degree of their versatility.