View Full Version : FG Con 8 Screenshots

April 8th, 2016, 16:17
Dungeon World with Metzik, Xazil, Wind Serpent and Kigam - my apologies Mortar!

The mighty adventurers saved the world (or at least some swampy corner of it) from the foul god Tian'Ti! Baltok plunged into its giant maw not once but twice! Fion severed tentacles and shot out its eye. Beyron inspired everyone to acts of great bravery and foolishness (see Baltok plunging into the creatures maw - again). Cleetos gave her soul to save them all!


April 8th, 2016, 19:38
No apologies needed, I am the one that needs to apologize to you guys I was really looking forward to trying out DW.

April 8th, 2016, 23:49
Accidentally letting out an undead horde in 13th Age


April 9th, 2016, 06:31
Winter Eternal - Cold Memories Long Forgotten

April 9th, 2016, 07:51
No! The Frost wurm!

April 9th, 2016, 12:49
Savage Secrets: Operation Skyhook was a huge blast to play last night, I never even thought to grab screen shots...maybe Ted did. The dice gods were definitely in our favor as cleared the cruise ship of terrorists. Which means I am totally screwed playing in my first 5E game in about 2 hours.

Hector Trelane
April 9th, 2016, 15:44
Here is a screen grab of damned's Trail of Cthulu game, The Kidnapping:


April 9th, 2016, 16:58
A screen grab of Zacchaeus' Incomplete breakfast going on right now. My first game in 5E, having a blast.

April 9th, 2016, 17:19
Woot! Thanks HectorTrelane. That was an interesting session. Started slow but picked up some steam.
Hector, Fred, Tim, Ian, Rob and Robert - thank you all for telling a great story together :)


April 9th, 2016, 17:23
Savage Primeval Thule ran by Skellan.
Thanks for a great game! I had a lot of fun.

April 9th, 2016, 19:32
Nobody was expecting this guy.


Brilliant game of Solomon Kane

Hector Trelane
April 10th, 2016, 06:36
FG Con 8 screen shots of our +Fate SRD tutorial session on +Fantasy Grounds.

We had a full house and a fun group of players did a good job or playing in-character!




April 10th, 2016, 06:40
Nice props Hector Trelane!

Hector Trelane
April 10th, 2016, 06:43
Nice props Hector Trelane!

damned thanks for getting one of our players successfully registered with a trial account. He joined us so we had 7 of 7 seats full. We had at least two players brand new to FG and many/all new to Fate -- so I'd say it achieved its intended purpose as a tutorial.

April 10th, 2016, 06:47
Rippers Resurrected: The Lost City via +Fantasy Grounds (https://plus.google.com/103619950996682740172) with +Perry Chalmers (https://plus.google.com/105264060317406432778)+Matt Stark (https://plus.google.com/109756489860852016703)+Bill Lear (https://plus.google.com/110675020350156869219) , Wind Serpent, Arran, +Jayson Goodnight (https://plus.google.com/104737784288062791123) and Will C. Pyranha-men, Bruja, patchworkmen and Titanoboa! Oh My!

April 10th, 2016, 06:47
A screen grab of Zacchaeus' Incomplete breakfast going on right now. My first game in 5E, having a blast.

You will note my (Rocksplitter) roll of 1 on damage. Let me just tell you, that was an aberration...

I usually rolled 1 on "to hit" and rarely got to ROLL "damage" :p

April 10th, 2016, 12:09
DungeonWorld with damned and gang just getting under way.

April 10th, 2016, 13:48
You will note my (Rocksplitter) roll of 1 on damage. Let me just tell you, that was an aberration...
I usually rolled 1 on "to hit" and rarely got to ROLL "damage" :p

Actually Rocksplitter's dice rolling misfortunes continued on into the next session as well :)

April 10th, 2016, 16:50
When you call yourself Rocksplitter you gotta be able to walk the talk!

Screenie from the second session of Dungeon World!
We lost 2 out of 4 players - Wandeean succumbed to the blood sucking cloakers and the party were forced to abandon her... and Mistress Gavrilla stole the Bards heart right out of his chest.

April 10th, 2016, 17:59
Kudos to Hector for a great FATE session last night. As seen from his screenshots above it was well done. I had never played FATE or used FG so I learned quite a bit and had fun!

Thanks, Hector!

Mike Ng

April 10th, 2016, 19:48
Primeval Thule with Skellan and the gang.

edit....holy jokers.....3 jokers drawn in the first combat, first round of the second fight another joker.....

April 10th, 2016, 22:49
Primeval Thule with Skellan and the gang.

edit....holy jokers.....3 jokers drawn in the first combat, first round of the second fight another joker.....

Wow, 10 jokers for the session, 2 in one round. What a blast! Jokers and adventure flying like mad. There was only 1 fight that went longer than 2 rounds, we had crazy luck with hits and damage till the last fight. The big bad ugly dude slowed us down for 4 or 5 rounds till our warriors dealt with his minions....then a flurry of adventure cards later and the big dude took a 9 wound arrow shot to the head. I wish I had been recording.

Hector Trelane
April 11th, 2016, 00:32
Kudos to Hector for a great FATE session last night. As seen from his screenshots above it was well done. I had never played FATE or used FG so I learned quite a bit and had fun!

Thanks, Hector!

Mike Ng

Glad to have you at the table TriOpticon. Keep in touch for future sessions.

Hector Trelane
April 11th, 2016, 19:43
One more screenshot to post from our Sunday edition of Fate Core Night Fears. We had a fifth player joined after this screenshot was taken, just when the PCs heard mysterious footsteps downstairs, spontaneously creating a lot of confusion about whose footsteps were being heard...

The players did another great job of telling an emergent storyline, with four of five continuing the story from the prequel session. Did the haunting turn out to be real? Did any last the night? My lips are sealed, but they may be able to tell their version of the story...

https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/3712144/FG%20Con%208%20Screenshot%20Fate%20Night%20Fears.j pg