View Full Version : Adventure a week dot Com

March 27th, 2016, 02:33

Has anyone had experience with the Fantasy grounds modules on their site? Any recommendations on a first one?

March 27th, 2016, 02:40
There's one with estate agents in which was brilliant light hearted fun though I can remember the exact name of it.

The AAW stuff is generally regarded as good quality

March 27th, 2016, 02:56
I signed up yesterday. There was a free first month so I thought I would check it out. I think I might start with a00 module for 5e.seems like a good starting point, will also give me some ideas on how to use the software with a real adventure. :)

March 27th, 2016, 04:01
I actually just finished running to A00 adventure tonight. I only had 2 players, so it ran really quick, maybe 2 hours tops, and it was a pretty simple little adventure. It was a fun adventure, and I would recommend it , especially if you're fairly new to FG like me. There were some really nice maps in the mod.

March 27th, 2016, 04:02
I think the adventure referenced above is called "for Rent, Lease, or Conquest?" Great adventure.

March 27th, 2016, 04:40
I think the adventure referenced above is called "for Rent, Lease, or Conquest?" Great adventure.

It's 5E A00: Crow’s Rest Island. The one you named is B20.

Edit: sorry I think you were referring to skellens post. But the one I was looking at was the one I named. Lol

March 27th, 2016, 04:52
The AAW adventures are pretty good. The FG conversions that I'm familiar with are also well done.

The A00 + A1 + A2 are a quite good intro to the main AAW campaign environment.

BASIC1 + BASIC2 + BASIC3 are aimed more at beginning players and have cool themes. B20 is a good fun adventure too.

March 27th, 2016, 06:00
I was one of the early yearly subscribers to Adventure A Week.

Sadly, broken promises and lack of business ethics drove me away.

I pointed these things out to them, and was banned from their site. Only after I posted their actions on my website did they offer a pro-rated refund.

In fact, I've stopped using a products based solely on their continuing to support Adventure A Week, and I feel I just may have to do the same if FG continues to promote them.

Maybe others have had better experiences with them, but mine were so horrendous, that I've made the decision to stop using products that partner with them.

You can check out my blog entry here:


March 27th, 2016, 19:28
In fact, I've stopped using a products based solely on their continuing to support Adventure A Week, and I feel I just may have to do the same if FG continues to promote them.

I don't see any promotion going on. Users of the forum discussing a venue is not "promotion". Thanks for the heads up btw.

Black Hammer
March 27th, 2016, 20:07
My fondness for unhelpful criticism compels me to point out that in the same breath, dberkompas complains about FG promoting something then promotes his own blog.

March 27th, 2016, 20:15
My apologies Black Hammer, I did not mean to offend you, merely providing information for people that are thinking of subscribing to the site previously mentioned.


Black Hammer
March 27th, 2016, 21:12
My apologies Black Hammer, I did not mean to offend you, merely providing information for people that are thinking of subscribing to the site previously mentioned.


Oh, I'm not offended, just too easily amused. In all fairness, there are far too many creative and interesting things in this hobby to spend money on to indulge in all of them, and discussions like this thread are a good way to help discern which are actually worth it.

March 27th, 2016, 21:58
Just out of curiosity, does that mean you don't shop at Drivethrurpg?

March 28th, 2016, 00:06
I don't work for them at all I was not attempting to promote the product. I came across their site the other day and thought I would ask about the quality of their fg products.

I'm not sure if I would continue beyond the free month but time will tell and i ended up grabbing a00 to start and will be checking it out tonight.

March 28th, 2016, 00:44
I personally like the folks behind AAW Games and I like the quality that I see from them as a third-party publisher for Pathfinder and 5E compatible products. We allow people to express their opinions openly here and dberkompas was very vocal that he did not like AAW and an experience he had with them and their products. I have seen this to be the exception. We plan to continue selling AAW products in the store here because I believe they are good quality and they are welcomed by the majority of users. If that means you don't want to shop here or use the software, then that is your decision to make.

March 29th, 2016, 00:37
I really like the stuff AAW produce. They have some great ideas and well put together scenarios from a wide range of authors. They also provide a lot of their scenarios (Pathfinder, 5E and to a lesser extent 3.5E) in Fantasy Grounds format. If you have a monthly AAW subscription you can download two products a month - which includes FG conversions. You also get web access to the scenarios - so you can check them all out, run them from a web browser if you want and pick up the FG conversions for the games you plan to run. There are regular releases and some of the large products are very well put together (Rise of the Drow, Snow White, etc.).

There will always be one or two people who have disagreements/bad experiences with any company. My experience is that the folks behind AAW Games are decent people, invested in the industry and want to produce more and more products - with Fantasy Grounds releases having a firm place in their product portfolio.