View Full Version : Pit trap with XdX spikes giving XdX damage each?

March 24th, 2016, 17:16
Like the title says, is there a notation or way to put this so it works? I did a search on the forums and the wiki, but I haven't found the answer.

PC falls into the trap, takes XdX damage, then is attacked by XdX spikes for XdX damage each.

For example, 60 foot pit with 1d3 spikes dealing 1d6 damage each?

I have the first effect as 6d6 falling damage, then as a second effect I have "spikes at the bottom, (Atk+10, 1d3 spikes, 1d6 damage each.)"

If I highlight the whole sentence, it rolls for the attack normally, but when I highlight the "1d3 spikes.." it highlights everything in the brackets and returns a "0" in the chat window.

Hopefully I can get this fixed so my vic--- err... players can "enjoy" this "surprise..." :)

March 24th, 2016, 17:58
You can't automate 1d3 spikes, roll the attack and damage for each one separately - the automation will just do attacks and damage, based off the standard Paizo statblock format. So take the 1d3 spikes out of the attack - and word it so that the GM knows to manually roll a d3 and then do attacks based of that number.

The last section of this document: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/wiki/images/b/b7/Adventure-a-Week_Module_Creation_Guide.pdf gives info on setting up traps.

March 24th, 2016, 18:22
I read the instructions there originally, and it's like a grey area. One way that I found sort of works is to put it like so:

[Effect 1] 60-ft. deep (6d6 falling damage) and (1d3 spikes at the bottom)
[Effect 2] Spikes Atk+10 (1d6) damage each

It seems to work okay.

Thank you for your help sir!