View Full Version : SW and CMP?

Lee S.
May 5th, 2005, 05:23
I read the announcement that SW and CMP will be working together.

Is there any information on how they will be working together? If datasets (rulesets) are available, will there be a discount rate for customers who own the etools version of that data set? Will we be seeing more module type content? How about a way to export character or npc information as an xml file from Etools and be imported directly into FG in the appropriate format?

Details man! Details!

When I picked up FG, I had no idea of this plan. I'm a long time user and fan of etools so you know I'm a fan of anything CMP works on. This is just icing on the cake.

May 12th, 2005, 15:52
No details for you! - the Soup Nazi.

I just want CMP to hurry up with the RPG Toolkit... that will be the companion piece I will use most when creating things for FG.