View Full Version : Mature established group looking for a few good players to join existing FG game

March 19th, 2016, 01:28
I recently have moved my Friday game session to fantasy grounds as our group of players was drying up.
Currently we have 3-4 people and would like to find a couple more to join our game.

We play on Friday's at around 7pm Mountain time. We play every other week because of scheduling conflicts.

Ideally, new players would be mature, and interested in playing in a game, with others in a cooperative manor please no "murder hobos", rules discussions happen, but not much rules lawyering. We play for about 4-5 hours a session. Currently we are running Legacy of the Crystal Shard - but not in adventures league format. I'm running it at my own pace. I and my group are getting used to Fantasy grounds and will eventually move on to my homebrew campaign.


March 19th, 2016, 02:00
I think I would like to join. The start time sounds good to me. What type of character does your party need?

I have played D&D for a long time and I have been playing on FG for a couple years.

March 19th, 2016, 04:30
Welcome AngusMcSmashie!

March 19th, 2016, 20:41
Consider this a good player reference; __Doug__ is a great person to have in your game.