View Full Version : Greetings!

March 18th, 2016, 15:51
I havent actually downloaded FG yet, but i keep looking at it on steam and thinking about it. The only problem i have against getting it is, i dont know anyone else that uses it! So here comes the forum thread, Im wondering if there is a group out there who needs/wants a player, i have done DnD before with some friends, so it would be that im loking at going into. Edition isnt a problem i will get used to it, im not sure how the whole thing woks so i can do some research etc. but yeah, something regular would be good. i have a family etc so not every night, but 1-3 nights a week?

Gimme a shout either on this thread or in a mail.

Thanks in advance!

im UK timezone by the way :)

March 18th, 2016, 21:53
There are a few games with openings posted and a few UK'rs around doing different stuff (not all of them doing ADnD or pathfinder). But having your range of times you can play is important when a group or DM is looking for a fill. Make sure you have your timezone correct in Fantasy Grounds so when you look at the postings calendar it will always show the times of games in your local time. The forum you will have to know your difference from GMT to figure it out if they don't have a calendar posting.

Welcome to FG forums and I dont think it will be long before you find a warm home here. There is coming up shortly the FGCon which will have many games going on during that weekend here so keep your eyes on that if you want to try to get in a few games or try something new there.

March 18th, 2016, 23:00
Hey, FaithJr, I dunno if you'd be able to, but I have a game I'm starting, a homebrew 4e DnD on fridays from 11 PM to 2 AM your time. I know that's late, but I have another player in the UK so I thought it'd be possible. And welcome to FG and the forums!

It starts on the 25th if you're interested, message me on here if you want to join. ^_^ Here's the link to my post if you want to read it. https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?30372-4E-Homebrew-Shards-of-Magic

March 19th, 2016, 06:30
Welcome to the forums, it's a friendly and helpful place :)

March 19th, 2016, 06:47
FaithJr there is a Call of Cthulhu game run by a very experienced CoC Keeper starting in 3.25 hours which would be about lunch your time.


March 20th, 2016, 03:25
I'm going to be running Curse of Strahd at 10am Sundays GMT. Flick me a PM if you're interested.

March 22nd, 2016, 17:27
Hi guys! Im still looking for anyone running a group. Im UK based, want to be playing in the evenings, and doing something AD&D. can someone ell me aswell, do i have to download the rulesets for something i want to join in with?

March 22nd, 2016, 17:55
can someone ell me aswell, do i have to download the rulesets for something i want to join in with?
You don't need to download any additional rulesets. If you don't have them you'll get them from the GM when you join their game.

March 22nd, 2016, 17:57
thank you thats great.

March 22nd, 2016, 23:58
Do check out FG Con. You will meet other players and gamers and this will broaden your network and give you more gaming opportunities. Otherwise stay active on the boards and express an interest directly on any games that are posted and suit your availability.

https://www.fg-con.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/fgcon8-banner-05a.jpg (https://www.fg-con.com/events/)
FG Con 8 – Invite A Friend April 8-10th 2016
Register at www.fg-con.com (https://www.fg-con.com/) for all the latest info.