View Full Version : Sharing portraits and tokens?

March 16th, 2016, 08:09
Bought a bunch of portraits and tokens on the steam store, and found out last week that I can't share them with players that are connected to me. I end up having to set portraits and let them pick. Tokens are the same way, but it seems that the problem there is that connected players don't get a "modules" button to open those packs!

Is this intended (for purchased packs)?

March 16th, 2016, 09:59
Hello again Anticept.

It is a design decision that was taken quite early in the development and requires a lot to unpick unfortunately. At this time this is correct - only the GM has access to her own Portraits and Tokens. She can assign them to PCs. Some GMs take a screen shot of the expanded token bag view and let players choose - but you still assign. I usually assign something and the players often go and use their own images... I know its not ideal but it is something the devs are aware that the community would like it changed.

There is a wishlist here that you can vote on and even add your own ideas/requests.