View Full Version : Change color of frame element

March 14th, 2016, 01:47
Hi, this is my first post here :)

I'm trying to work on my first easy extension. Is it possible to change the color of a frame element? I have the same bkg framed image but I need it in 4 different place with different colors. It would be very good if I don't have to create 4 times the same resource.

Many thanks!!!

March 14th, 2016, 05:02
Welcome st4lk3r87
All graphic elements are images. you will need 4 different copies of the image and update the definitions or each appropriately.

March 14th, 2016, 12:30
Thank you for the answer, but I saw there's an iconcolor property for the GenericControl which change the color of the applied <icon>. I wonder if that's possible to do to a frame too?

Moon Wizard
March 14th, 2016, 18:23
Icons and frames are 2 different concepts. The icons are just simple graphics that are displayed by a control. Frames are the background 9-slice image assets that are displayed in the background.

Icons are generally only defined directly for genericcontrol and buttoncontrol, though they are used in a few other places too. If there is an iconcolor setting, then the icon will be shaded with the color defined.

Every windowcontrol type can have up to 6 different frames.

normal = Base frame
keyedit = When the control has the keyboard focus
hover = When hovering over the control
drop = When mouse is dragging an object type that this control accepts
drophover = When mouse is dragging an object type that this control accepts AND mouse is hovering over the control
pressed = When mouse is depressed over control, before it is released

There is no shading for frames.


March 14th, 2016, 18:28
Yes, I know they are 2 different stuffs. I didn't know about the possible 6 variants, that's cool.

I think I'll go back to the same suggestion of damned and create 4 different images.

Thank you.