View Full Version : Looking for D&D5E Players for a PBEM Campaign

March 12th, 2016, 00:55
Want to play D&D 5E but don’t have time for tabletop play?
Want to play even more D&D 5E between table top sessions?
Interested in role playing in a slightly different way?
Want to play with people all over the world?
You can Keep the Borderlands! Campaign is for You!! (look for it on Tavern Keeper)

High content dynamic PBEM campaign where the players change the world based on their choices.

Instead of thinking on the fly, what if you had a week to prepare your party for the big battle? Basic items in your backpack now become integral parts of your battle preparation as you have time to get very creative on how you take down the bad guys. A basic wedge can hold a door shut quite some time, long enough to slow down a room full of Orcs while you dispatch the ones you are fighting in the other room, and then of course they have to negotiate the caltrops you put in the passage way.
You even have time from some simulated practice runs! That silence spell comes in really handy now and then.
A 10 turn combat sequence in 5E is only 1 minute, whatever is going to happen is going to happen fast so preparation and practice is key. Walking in with no plan and fighting fair is not the key to long life, make the other guy make his death saving throws!

Using your guidelines and standard operating procedures, the DM moves the party through the more mundane parts of adventuring offline to speed the game along. Of course your rouge is going to move slowly and check for traps when they enter a new passage way. Minor battles along the way are managed by the DM also. The DM will not make you ask every NPC line by line the basic questions and will make sure you get the information you need to get things done.
Key focus will be on roleplaying and epic battles with the major villains. Players are free to come up with their own solutions and tactics as the DM will have time to evaluate the more creative ideas instead of trying to determine them on the fly in a tabletop session. (nothing wrong with that, tabletop roleplaying is fun, just not always practical)

Of course the bad guys will have their own tactics to maximize their capabilities so when the big fights happen, we go round by round then to get the full experience.

DM will use:
Tavern Keeper for Campaign Management and the major battles
Fantasy Grounds to manage the PCs and most combat sessions, FG makes it very easy to create a lot of quality content quickly
Boardgame Geek to post some of the action going on in the campaign to highlight some of the fun of PBEM gaming

And we have a Cleric! :D

March 12th, 2016, 03:14
I'm willing to give it a shot!

March 12th, 2016, 03:58
head on over to Tavern Keeper, look for You can Keep the Borderlands!

we have a Fighter, Sorcerer, and cleric so far, we have someone who called dibs on a druid but has not created a character yet so...

March 12th, 2016, 04:02
Probably should have mentioned that beginners are welcome and while I played D&D many years ago, it has been a while and I am just getting back into D&D 5E. FG really helps but I still need to read up on some of the newer aspects like Sorcerers.

March 12th, 2016, 04:17
I also am very new... so new that i have NO IDEA where the Tavern keeper is...

March 12th, 2016, 04:25
I did not either until a week ago. It helps the DM and players keep track of everything. It is free and signing up is easy and quick. www.tavern-keeper.com

Not the most automated site but not hard to learn either.

Search for campaign You can Keep the Borderlands! and ask to join, I will accept and then start creating a character.

March 13th, 2016, 01:00
got room for one more