View Full Version : Looking for DM in fantasy grounds 3.5E ruleset

March 11th, 2016, 07:24
Hi, we have a relatively new group with one person who has played since they were a child. Unfortunately our current dm would rather play alongside us instead of leading the group through campaigns. We are looking for an easy going DM who has no problem teaching the game one part at a time (We already know some of the game) and who is also good at working with the group to create an enjoyable experience.

If you are interested you can reply to this thread or private message me and we can sort out days/times that would work for all parties (Fridays and Mondays would work very well). I look forward to your replies, and thank you for your time if you invest it into replying.

March 11th, 2016, 12:16
Welcome to the forums and community Seraph! You would probably have better luck looking in the LFG section higher up in the forums. Also you could look into https://extraordinarygamers.com/

April 8th, 2016, 18:24
This might interest you - Click here for a SoloPlay module! (https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1141200191/the-lair-of-the-black-dragon)

September 11th, 2016, 06:58
Hello, my name is Larry, I live near Red Deer, Alberta. How many people will be playing, I may be interested in starting up a campaign and your group sounds perfect to start at first level and learn and play D&D 3.5.