View Full Version : Voting system new features

March 11th, 2016, 01:01
Have you guys looked at any kind of voting system for feature requests? I know you guys have ideas for the new version coming out and I'm sure you have a good grasp on what your users want to see. But a voting system would allow your community to better tell you what they would want to see first. While it doesn't necessarily mean you will work on it first as some features will be easier to implement then others.

I've seen this done in the early stages of dropbox and roll20 now does it. It would give some organization to the ideas and specific topics multiple people could comment on. The devs could also comment on specific topics.

As for # of votes each person would have you would set some guidelines:

-Forum users maybe based on age of account, this would prevent people signing up with multiple accounts just to vote.
-Standard purchasers/subscriber's would get extra -votes
-Ultimate would get more
-Maybe even have community contributer's and long time users get a few more since they have been there and supporting you guys.

March 11th, 2016, 01:05
like this? https://fg2app.idea.informer.com/

March 11th, 2016, 01:20
Yes exactly like that. I wasn't aware it existed lol. I'm relatively new to the forums and fg in general. I do remember when you guys first came out but back then I used table mostly, now things are changing and fg seems to be one of the top contenders of vtt. Roll20 is good in its own right but the more I read through the tutorial and these forums the more I'm liking where fg is at as a vtt.