View Full Version : char sheet inventory - assign location creates extra list entry

March 9th, 2016, 12:36
A cursory search did not find anything on this, although it seems someone must have already pointed it out, but here goes...

When you assign an item in your inventory to a location, by typing the name of the container on the location line for that item, it moves it to the indented location under the container.

But it does this by creating a new line in the inventory, and erasing, but *not deleting* the old line.
So when you do this several times (like when you first load up the backpack for a new PC) you wind up with a bunch of extra lines.

It is a behavior common across rulesets so perhaps part of FG itself (or at the level where every game I play is derived from). So I don't know wether or not something like this can be "fixed" by a ruleset extension.

Now... (a) it's simple to just go and delete the new blank lines if it bothers you (I usually do but not always), and (b) the only real impact of this is moving whatever is below the inventory list in that particular ruleset down where you have to scroll to find it.
Most users of FG get to a point where they are very comfortable editing lists on the PC sheets such as the inventory, so not a big deal.

It has been this way since at least December 2015 / January 2016 however that fits the revision release schedule.

March 9th, 2016, 12:49
I'm not seeing this but you don't say what ruleset you are using so maybe it's not 5e.

EDIT: Ah, wait I think I see what you are doing. Don't press return. When you start typing in Backpack (or whatever) it will auto complete once it recognises what you are doing. At that point press tab. No new line will be created.

March 9th, 2016, 13:00
How 'bout that! Thanks for the tip.