View Full Version : Looking for suggestions regarding using monitor as table for FG IRL

March 8th, 2016, 19:08
I have a group IRL that are resistant to FG because they want to roll the dice themselves with their antiquated hands. Ha!

They also like the experience of being in a room together rather than each person at their computer at home (or even sitting in a room with laptops together).

I will be running LMoP for them on Monday, and it would be cool to use FG to keep track on the Party Sheet, Combat Tracker etc. When they build their PCs, I can just build them in FG.

But to avoid theater of the mind, I'd like to connect my laptop to a flat screen monitor and lay it on the table AS THE MAP(S). It would need to be (basically) flat, sturdy, and not break the bank.

Any suggestions?

March 8th, 2016, 19:12
What about a projector? You can build a table fairly cheap (or use some white vinyl on a dinning table). And a projector is more portable.


March 8th, 2016, 19:13
What about a projector? You can build a table fairly cheap (or use some white vinyl on a dinning table). And a projector is more portable.


I actually saw this post. That's pretty cool, but I'm definitely looking for the lazy way out here. NO BUILDING ANYTHING! Ha.

March 8th, 2016, 19:21
A lot will depend on the free space you have on your table, the size of the maps you want to display and your budget.

I've recently bought this: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00ZVCZYTO

It gives 37 x 21 inches viewable screen, which equates to 52 dpi, so I can basically use my 50 pixels grid maps as is. Anything above this size tends to reduce the DPI to the point that you're losing detail. I also had to change the picture mode to movie to get a nice smooth, decent looking map view - the standard or enhanced messed around with the image too much and it didn't look good, but movie mode was great. Movie mode does, in general, reduce the brightness of the display (to get the nice colours) so you may have issues viewing fully if you play in a brightly lit area. In a normally lit area it was fine for me.

EDIT: Forget to mention portability. This unit is 20 pounds in weight and easy to carry. Anything larger might not be so easy...

Any TV with built in speakers makes it easy to play background/mood music too. :)

If you have budget and table space you may go for a larger TV but I'd recommend you then go to 4K otherwise the pixilation will be too much for sitting close around a table. But, with a 4K TV as essentially a second monitor you may get lag due to the extra processing required, unless you have a decent graphics card in your computer.

You'll also then want to buy some acrylic/plexiglass to sit on/in the TV to prevent scratches on the TV screen itself.

March 8th, 2016, 19:25
I've recently bought this: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00ZVCZYTO

Hoping to stay under $200, but a great option. ThanX Trenloe!

March 8th, 2016, 19:26
And a projector is more portable.
The projector itself might be more portable than a TV, but the mountings/mirrors etc. are not - and require setup. If you've ever seen anyone run with a project at conventions, it takes them something like 30 minutes or more to setup - and they come with a cart load of stuff they need for mounting.

Projectors are good if you have a static location you can get it all setup and leave it.

With a reasonably sized TV you can setup and go in a couple of minutes.

March 8th, 2016, 19:28
Hoping to stay under $200, but a great option. ThanX Trenloe!
OK, you'll probably have to go a bit smaller then (or look out for sales/reconditioned items - Woot have them occasionally). Make sure you get 1080p (full HD), not 720p (HD).

March 8th, 2016, 19:39
OK, you'll probably have to go a bit smaller then (or look out for sales/reconditioned items - Woot have them occasionally). Make sure you get 1080p (full HD), not 720p (HD).

I'm thinking 26" or so, but now I'm wondering if I actually want them to use miniatures, I would need to ensure the squares on the screen are literally one inch squares. Then I would have to scroll, sync, scroll, sync, etc. if need be, to keep the PCs correct on the map. Wow, ha ha, maybe I'll just stick to drawing it out and try and convince people how cool FG is, by constantly revealing my laptop screen to them.


March 8th, 2016, 20:20
26" will be 33"x16" - basically 3 x 2 letter size pages (landscape orientation). You would have to scroll/resync and move minis quite a lot and wouldn't have much space for a combat tracker, etc.. Or, don't use minis and have the map smaller scale and reveal the map using the mask as you go. The occasional scroll/resync would be fine in this case.

March 8th, 2016, 20:25
26" will be 33"x16" - basically 3 x 2 letter size pages (landscape orientation). You would have to scroll/resync and move minis quite a lot and wouldn't have much space for a combat tracker, etc.. Or, don't use minis and have the map smaller scale and reveal the map using the mask as you go. The occasional scroll/resync would be fine in this case.

I would use a second instance of FG and fill the entire screen with just the player map. I could still shade, and they would have a 33x16 square map to move there minis on. That sounds pretty doable. If I connect a 2nd monitor, I can open a 2nd FG on just that monitor right? The players wouldn't see the combat tracker or party sheet, just the map. My DM laptop would have all that other stuff. They would just roll dice and move their minis.

March 8th, 2016, 20:31
26" will be 33"x16" - basically 3 x 2 letter size pages (landscape orientation). You would have to scroll/resync and move minis quite a lot and wouldn't have much space for a combat tracker, etc.. Or, don't use minis and have the map smaller scale and reveal the map using the mask as you go. The occasional scroll/resync would be fine in this case.

It seems a 26" monitor however is = 12.7 (H) x 22.7 (W)

Still 22x12 is very limited, but workable.

March 8th, 2016, 20:54
So here's my DUH! moment...

If I have the map on the table, size doesn't matter if they're using FG tokens that I manipulate. Why would they even meed minis if they just point to where they want to move and I move them?

DUH! I think I over thought this, but here's what I'm considering because it's big enough for 6 people to see in the center of a table and it only weighs 6 pounds...


March 8th, 2016, 22:32
I've recently bought this: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00ZVCZYTO

It gives 37 x 21 inches viewable screen, which equates to 52 dpi, so I can basically use my 50 pixels grid maps as is.

Very clever!

March 9th, 2016, 18:50
Also consider a surface for token control. You can have your screen/table with the map display for all to move about, but if you also had a surface logged in as a player with all toekns claimed on it, then the players could pass the surface around for moving the tokens about the map. That way you would not have to move them for them. But, that's another expense that could be added anytime.

Note, at the size you're talking about deflection and screen stiffness is probably not a concern. But if anyone is considering going 50+", I saw mention in another one of these threads that the designer selected a TV that had steel internal bracing. Since TV's are designed to be placed vertical, and when used as a table the frame may not be very stiff.


March 11th, 2016, 22:38

I have tackled this problem recently. Minimal effort.

1) measure the surface of your tv/screen. Get a piece of plexiglass cut to size. Ran me about $45.
2) get very fine grit sandpaper. smooth the edges of the plexiglass so you don't cut your hand open like I did :-)
3) get a low profile tv wall mount from amazon, ran me about $30.
4) get two pieces of 1/2" x 1" wood. Cut to about 24 inches. Ran about $5.
5) drill pilot holes.
6) attach the wood to the tv mount. Screws ran about $2.
7) attach the mount to the tv.

March 12th, 2016, 00:16

I have tackled this problem recently. Minimal effort.

1) measure the surface of your tv/screen. Get a piece of plexiglass cut to size. Ran me about $45.
2) get very fine grit sandpaper. smooth the edges of the plexiglass so you don't cut your hand open like I did :-)
3) get a low profile tv wall mount from amazon, ran me about $30.
4) get two pieces of 1/2" x 1" wood. Cut to about 24 inches. Ran about $5.
5) drill pilot holes.
6) attach the wood to the tv mount. Screws ran about $2.
7) attach the mount to the tv.

Pics please!

March 12th, 2016, 03:50
I have a similar problem. Right now 80% of my group has agreed to try FG. My hold out has agreed to moving plastic miniatures about an old 40 inch flat screen. She will really be placing them on top of the FG tokens, as we will all be in FG, She has agreed to do both FG and the miniatures. She will also roll physical dice. I will manually adjust her target's damage when she hits them. It's the only way we got to a quasi 100% mark. If my other players do not like Fantasy Grounds, we will be trying some other options that still include FG, one of which is what you have outlined above.

Keep me apprised, I would love to know how things work out for you.

March 13th, 2016, 19:36
Hey! I do exactly this with my group. We all have the regular license, and they connect to my game. I run a 2nd instance of FG and output that to my 32" LCD TV that I have laid flat on my dining room table. Everyone else then sits around it with their laptops. We stream our sessions on Twitch, so the 2nd instance of FG is what I put out to twitch so viewers can see everything that's going on. Works great.

My group was also hesitant about trying FG in the beginning because of the dice thing as well. However, once they saw how integrated everything was, now they all love how streamlined everything is. If they knew how much easier it'd make things on you they might go for it as well.

It's a bit of a chore to move my LCD TV back and forth, but I barely use it anyway so it's almost always on the table, really. Being 32" (the screen itself is 15 1/2" x 27 1/2"), it makes it plenty big enough for the maps, especially if you're not concerned about the dice/chat area on there. I just take it off the base and it's perfect. You could probably fine a cheap/used one on kijiji or craigslist I'm sure. Wouldn't even have to be as big.

I used to use a projector, but I found it took up too much room on the side of the table for the mount, effectively taking up 1/2 the side of the table/play area. It was also an eye sore to see on twitch. haha.

Best of luck with the setup!!

I have a group IRL that are resistant to FG because they want to roll the dice themselves with their antiquated hands. Ha!

They also like the experience of being in a room together rather than each person at their computer at home (or even sitting in a room with laptops together).

I will be running LMoP for them on Monday, and it would be cool to use FG to keep track on the Party Sheet, Combat Tracker etc. When they build their PCs, I can just build them in FG.

But to avoid theater of the mind, I'd like to connect my laptop to a flat screen monitor and lay it on the table AS THE MAP(S). It would need to be (basically) flat, sturdy, and not break the bank.

Any suggestions?

March 15th, 2016, 10:43
Pics please!

Here you are, a picture of the front and the back. The front shot shows the tv/monitor powered on and attached to one of my Chromecasts. The back picture just has the angled HDMI adapter in of the HDMI sockets.

The angle is a bit low, so the legs look much longer than the tv/monitor. In the real world, the legs are about as long as the screen.


March 15th, 2016, 10:50
A bit of follow-up.

My group loved the digital map. We just used it to display the image and to mirror it to the far end of the table. We're likely to expand our use of digital tools much further.

It helps that we've several geeky folks in the group that really liked playing around with the setup I dragged along.

Primary monitor for players as above, a 42" tv.
Secondary monitor feed via a google chromecast -- we dragged a tv in from another room and set it up on the far side of the table.
Third monitor used by the gm as a second screen to his laptop so that he could preview what the players would see.
Bag of cables to hook nearly anything up to the monitors.

March 15th, 2016, 16:37
Very nice, thanks for sharing your set up! I think we will be using one very much like you have described. I can't wait!

August 24th, 2016, 15:42
Thread necro...

A lot will depend on the free space you have on your table, the size of the maps you want to display and your budget.

I've recently bought this: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00ZVCZYTO

It gives 37 x 21 inches viewable screen, which equates to 52 dpi, so I can basically use my 50 pixels grid maps as is. Anything above this size tends to reduce the DPI to the point that you're losing detail. I also had to change the picture mode to movie to get a nice smooth, decent looking map view - the standard or enhanced messed around with the image too much and it didn't look good, but movie mode was great. Movie mode does, in general, reduce the brightness of the display (to get the nice colours) so you may have issues viewing fully if you play in a brightly lit area. In a normally lit area it was fine for me.

EDIT: Forget to mention portability. This unit is 20 pounds in weight and easy to carry. Anything larger might not be so easy...

Any TV with built in speakers makes it easy to play background/mood music too. :)

If you have budget and table space you may go for a larger TV but I'd recommend you then go to 4K otherwise the pixilation will be too much for sitting close around a table. But, with a 4K TV as essentially a second monitor you may get lag due to the extra processing required, unless you have a decent graphics card in your computer.

You'll also then want to buy some acrylic/plexiglass to sit on/in the TV to prevent scratches on the TV screen itself.
I haven't been running face-to-face games at my place for a while, but last night I took the TV (and Surface Pro PC) to my FLGS for our semi-regular Star Wars: Edge of the Empire game. Some pics below:



Player view:

I also played some background soundscapes through the TV speakers.

I was running a second instance of FG (in player most connecting using localhost) and put that on the TV. The Surface Pro 3 definitely slows down when running the second monitor (TV) so you have to make sure you have appropriately sized images to not overly tax it more than necessary. I mistakenly shared the wrong image (the one that was very large, not the image I'd pre-sized) and my computer had a big go-slow for a few minutes. Other than that, it worked very well. :)

I put some plexiglass on the TV screen so that we could use minis, roll dice, etc. without worrying about it. The Star Wars: EotE d12's roll quite a lot on plexiglass (usually with one or two rolling off the TV screen), so I plan on making a thin wooden surround that protrudes a little above the edge of the TV to stop the dice rolling off, and also to stop dice rolling under the TV.

August 24th, 2016, 16:29
Nice :) Looks like a great time!

August 25th, 2016, 02:01
I reckon you would have been interrupted a few times to ask about it! Looks awesome.

August 25th, 2016, 02:13

August 25th, 2016, 02:13
I reckon you would have been interrupted a few times to ask about it! Looks awesome.
We were indeed. It was a bit of a last minute thing, so didn't relay prepare much in FG other than the maps. Next time I'll be doing more stuff in FG... :)

August 25th, 2016, 11:06
Looks good, but when I did some experiments (admittedly with a rather ancient monitor), I discovered a problem with looking at the screen at a sharp angle, especially when looking from the "bottom" of the screen, did you notice any similar effects? Basicly the colours tend to get washed out and distorted the sharper the viewing angle, meaning that the screen needed to be at about knee height off the floor, for the image to appear correctly. Any comments suggestions on this?

August 25th, 2016, 12:13
Welcome NickT you will need a monitor or tv with a decent viewing angle...

August 26th, 2016, 22:10
Currently I have a custom built table (4'x8') with the GM station at one end with 2 monitors and a monitor at the players end for Skype (for those connecting remotely) and a Yeti mic. A projector is mounted in the ceiling (the table is in my basement) and projects down on a white board in the center of the players area. The table is covered in felt (to make the roles a little less noisy for those connecting remotely, the yeti mic pics up great sound). There is one PC for the GM, one PC for the players and one PC for Skype (I use to run player map and skype on the same pc hooked up to the monitor and projector). All three PCs sit under the table on a built in shelf between the table legs so they are off the floor and mobile as the table is also on wheels.

I'll snap some photos of it as the ones I have are old before a couple upgrades.

I have a camera mounted on the Skype monitor so remote players can see those playing around the table (we usually have 3 or 4 at the table and 2 or 3 remote). I also have two Wii controllers mounted in the ceiling and IR pens to interact with the projected map, along with wireless mice, track pads and keyboards (depending on users preference for interacting with the map).

My plan is to replace the projector (which will eliminate cables running from the table to ceiling) with a 32" monitor mounted in the table (will be cutting a whole to let it sit in so it's not 2" or 3" above the table surface, it should sit just a 1/2" once it's in place) with a plexi glass sheet over the top and framed in so it looks like part of the table. We digital tokens instead of miniatures so map sizing isn't an issue. Plexi is just to protect the screen when the IR pens are used.

Eventually I would like to add a touch attachment so that players can just use they fingers to interact with the map.

August 27th, 2016, 17:50
Looks good, but when I did some experiments (admittedly with a rather ancient monitor), I discovered a problem with looking at the screen at a sharp angle, especially when looking from the "bottom" of the screen, did you notice any similar effects? Basicly the colours tend to get washed out and distorted the sharper the viewing angle, meaning that the screen needed to be at about knee height off the floor, for the image to appear correctly. Any comments suggestions on this?
Have a look at the third screenshot in my post above (#22). This was taken by a player sat at the table at a fairly low angle. No problem with colours or anything. It'll be your old monitor I'm afraid.

August 30th, 2016, 20:45
Sorry for my noobness but:

1 - How do you put the map in the tv while it is still in the laptop monitor?
2 - How do you hide the DM options in the tv (monster sheets, combat tracker, etc)?

August 30th, 2016, 21:08
You use the laptop with hdmi out to the TV... Then run 2 instances of FG. Ones on the laptop screen and one in the TV... Both are controlled by the laptop.
You run the TV FG and connect to localhost. It's like a player is connected. You share maps from the laptop and the they will pop up on the TV... Mouse over and resize.

Pure Mongrel
August 30th, 2016, 22:30
Not on the table, but that leaves us more space for beers and snacks. ;)


August 30th, 2016, 22:43
Well I don't own such a table but it is really awesome, but when I play in person I use FG to track monster stats and abilities, and characters stats.

August 31st, 2016, 01:20
I converted an old TV screen myself into something for tabletop gaming, here is a link to my website with images as well as a bit about how I built it. Cost was $60 in materials, Bottle of vodka (traded for TV) and about 4-5 hours on a Saturday afternoon in the basement shop.


Feel free to leave coments and feedback on my site as I am always looking to improve.


August 31st, 2016, 02:22
I use FG to run my local game, but I do not use a monitor as a table.

Instead, I use the Wide Screen TV at the head of our gaming table and I mainly use it as a narrative tool. I still manage combat with it, but I only show the players what a player client would see.

Here is the setup.

My laptop runs the campaign. It also runs a Remote Desktop window to another computer running the joined client.

The joined client is logged into the game but also has a Screen share running via Google Cast to the front room widescreen. The players are at the table, in front of that display.

When I do something, say share a map, I put a Mask Layer on it, then share it to the client. The screen share then rebroadcasts it out to the Widescreen, where the masked map appears.

As I reveal areas on the map, the rebroadcasted client version slowly reveals progress.

Also, if I want to display an image of an NPC or Setting, I can share that while I'm verbally describing them.

My players really like it. They can still play at a table and not have to haul out computers, while I get all the benefits of game management.

It's the sole reason I bought FG.

September 1st, 2016, 04:04
So I posted it in a Facebook group and a guy who uses FG there did it:


Don't know how to embbed here.

BTW: The post was a huge success in the d&d page in Facebook, so far 220 likes and 86 shares.

September 1st, 2016, 05:59
So I posted it in a Facebook group and a guy who uses FG there did it:


Don't know how to embbed here.

BTW: The post was a huge success in the d&d page in Facebook, so far 220 likes and 86 shares.

This is mine! :P Let me help you there.

I do not really DM in person anymore, I haven't invited friends over to play D&D for over 3 years. I have never ever played my favorite system that is Savage Worlds in person even though I own the books so I've never thought about creating a nice setup for play. But after I saw this post I started thinking about it and here's my setup:





And finally the video using it: https://www.dropbox.com/s/y70vdgv3oiwual0/VID_20160831_233731335.mp4?dl=0

What I have is: Two copies Fantasy Ground are running on my PC. One is the one I'll use to DM, the other one is on the big screen just to be used to look at the map from a higher perspective.
Another copy of FG is running on my GF's computer. Then I'm using a software to stream that computer's screen to my Android tablet using Splashtop HD and that's it. I'm yet to play like this, I might invite some people just to test this out but if I do I plan to play using real dice and their sheets in paper, but I'd assign their damage manually into FG and would use FG to attack them and stuff like that.

Myrdin Potter
September 1st, 2016, 06:05

FG shared this blog on their Facebook page. In my blog I have a link to a project (not mine) on building a table with an inset monitor.

September 1st, 2016, 14:00
Ok, so I've been playing on FG for the last few months now. I'm running a group of co-workers, friends and my wife. It's all been online so far. For this Sunday, though, we are holding an IRL session at my house. I'm still tinkering with the setup, but right now I plan to run FG with my laptop and connect the second instance (localhost) to my projector screen. I've then set up my texas holdem table, which can seat 8-9 comfortably in front of the big screen with the players sitting at the table. The players will have their character sheets and one very small laptop with a wireless mouse that they will pass around when it is their turn. The "chip holders" built into the table will function as dice holders. I plan to have the players manually roll checks and perhaps saves, but run actual combat through FG in the combat tracker.

The attached screenshots still aren't the best, but I'll try to post more later when I have it set up for Sunday. The laptop in the pictures is larger than the one the players will use. I set it up to test the setup and played my last session of Rob2e's Unknown Whom on it this past Sunday. It worked great! I love all the setups I've seen on this thread. Very creative group!


Myrdin Potter
September 1st, 2016, 14:12
Just be careful when you pass the laptop around to have changed the owner of all of the characters to the account that logs in. Otherwise the players will constantly be logging off and on again. You can just type the user name over the standard one in the character sheets and then change it back when you are done.

September 1st, 2016, 14:17
Yes, great point. I plan to have the one laptop log in to take ownership of all of the characters.

September 2nd, 2016, 19:12
you can use any flat monitor you want.. just take an appropriate sized piece of plexiglass and lay over top of it so nothing actually touches the screen... we do the same thing for our biweekly family game of heroclix

September 2nd, 2016, 22:58
A few more shots as I get ready for Sunday. The first shows the DM elevated nest with my laptop and resource material. The four players will sit at the green table and pass around the laptop and wireless mouse. The maps will be projected on the big screen. Ready for Sunday!1518315184

September 2nd, 2016, 23:31
Ok, so I've been playing on FG for the last few months now. I'm running a group of co-workers, friends and my wife. It's all been online so far. For this Sunday, though, we are holding an IRL session at my house. I'm still tinkering with the setup, but right now I plan to run FG with my laptop and connect the second instance (localhost) to my projector screen. I've then set up my texas holdem table, which can seat 8-9 comfortably in front of the big screen with the players sitting at the table. The players will have their character sheets and one very small laptop with a wireless mouse that they will pass around when it is their turn. The "chip holders" built into the table will function as dice holders. I plan to have the players manually roll checks and perhaps saves, but run actual combat through FG in the combat tracker.

The attached screenshots still aren't the best, but I'll try to post more later when I have it set up for Sunday. The laptop in the pictures is larger than the one the players will use. I set it up to test the setup and played my last session of Rob2e's Unknown Whom on it this past Sunday. It worked great! I love all the setups I've seen on this thread. Very creative group!


I wanna move to your town and be your friend.

September 2nd, 2016, 23:32
A few more shots as I get ready for Sunday. The first shows the DM elevated nest with my laptop and resource material. The four players will sit at the green table and pass around the laptop and wireless mouse. The maps will be projected on the big screen. Ready for Sunday!1518315184
Looking very cool. Game on! :)

September 3rd, 2016, 01:52
Just be careful when you pass the laptop around to have changed the owner of all of the characters to the account that logs in. Otherwise the players will constantly be logging off and on again. You can just type the user name over the standard one in the character sheets and then change it back when you are done.

Clear the owners on the Characters before you start.
Whoever logs in grabs all the characters.
At the end of the session you can clear all the owners again.

September 3rd, 2016, 01:53
Just be careful when you pass the laptop around to have changed the owner of all of the characters to the account that logs in. Otherwise the players will constantly be logging off and on again. You can just type the user name over the standard one in the character sheets and then change it back when you are done.

Clear the owners on the Characters before you start.
Whoever logs in grabs all the characters.
At the end of the session you can clear all the owners again.

September 3rd, 2016, 21:22
Clear the owners on the Characters before you start.
Whoever logs in grabs all the characters.
At the end of the session you can clear all the owners again.

Nifty tip that I haven't had to use yet. Thanks!

April 17th, 2017, 19:47
Trenloe, with the tv that you are using, in practice, what is the length and width of the map measured by 1 inch squares that you are able to use?

April 17th, 2017, 20:00
We built this guy and I use it as a DM (https://cnygamer.wordpress.com/2016/05/08/game-mastering-with-a-video-table/). The write-up is a little dated because at the time I used MapTool to drive the video table, but now I use Fantasy Grounds.

April 17th, 2017, 20:26
Trenloe, with the tv that you are using, in practice, what is the length and width of the map measured by 1 inch squares that you are able to use?
Mentioned in post #4.

Essentially, whatever TV you use, you can fill the screen size with a map. So, just calculate the width x height for your TV and that's what you can use. Calculator here: https://tvcalculator.com/ If your map is larger (in inches) then you can move the map around (left-click & drag) to show the area you want to see.

I've also recently been playing with a 48" 4K TV, that gives 41.8" x 23.5 - allowing me to fit common 36x24 inch maps (like the digital versions of the Paizo flip maps) with a teeny bit of loss on the 24" edge.

April 17th, 2017, 20:27
Soon as I get a room that I can setup a permanent gaming area this is what I'm planning. (https://imgur.com/gallery/FJN4B)

April 17th, 2017, 20:30
Soon as I get a room that I can setup a permanent gaming area this is what I'm planning. (https://imgur.com/gallery/FJN4B)
You mentioned that setup in post #2 of this thread over a year ago. Stop talking about it and do it! ;-)

April 17th, 2017, 21:18
Yea! you can talk about when you're working on it!

Well, ok, maybe not. But do want to encourage you to do it! I mean really, how often do you really use your dining room? (Note, if you figure out how to convince your wife regarding THAT, let me know, I could use the advice!)

April 17th, 2017, 21:29
Sorry - should have checked the chain before I posted the question - but how are you like the new setup? If you would recommend it, what model are you using now? (particularly interested in how stable it is when lying flat and the viewing angle)

I've also recently been playing with a 48" 4K TV, that gives 41.8" x 23.5 - allowing me to fit common 36x24 inch maps (like the digital versions of the Paizo flip maps) with a teeny bit of loss on the 24" edge.

April 17th, 2017, 21:37
...but how are you like the new setup? If you would recommend it, what model are you using now?
This is what I'm using now: https://www.woot.com/offers/vizio-smartcast-e-series-48-uhd-4k-tv-3

I like it - I can just fit it under my arm, so can move it around OK - having a free arm to open doors etc. which is useful as I take it to stores and friends houses. At this size you really need 4K as you will see pixelation when sitting up close if it's just HD. The main "issue" is that I usually run on a Surface Pro 3 - which really begins to struggle when you attach a 4K TV to the HDMI port. Dice rolling is very jagged and just using FG on the big screen is very laboured. But, as all I'm really using it for is displaying the maps, it works for me. I'd probably have to look at a much more graphics orientated laptop if I was going to use FG in more anger in a portable setup. When I'm running at home I can use my desktop computer and it runs completely fine.

April 17th, 2017, 21:52
Couple things... I recently watched this video on YouTube with a guy that uses 3 50 inch 4k TVs Infront of him to play games and make YouTube videos. Said guy was a 15 year Microsoft programmer.... Anyways he made a comment about going 4k.... Something along the lines of if your screen is going to be 40+ inches you want to make sure you can 4k other wise it will look pixelated at 2k.

4k fantasy grounds is awesome FYI.

Your crunching numbers to figure out battle map sizes and you really don't need to worry about it. With a 40 inch TV you'll have all the room you need.

Getting the grid sized to 1 inch will quickly fall to wayside...I end up just eyeballing the maps. As long as you have your map gridded and your squares close to an inch... No one really cares.

I plan everything inside of fantasy grounds. Battle maps, encounters, story, items, even copies of character sheets. Every week I pack my TV and laptop up and head to the store. I use real Bennie's and decks of cards and that's it.... Any dice rolling I do in fantasy grounds and turn on show DM rolls so my players can see in the battle map what I rolled.

The chat window isn't used so I drop the combat tracker over it, or stretch the map out over top of it.

You can get a really cheap, great 4k TV from Walmart called a Sceptre I think I paid less than 200 bucks for it two years ago.

April 17th, 2017, 22:14
4k fantasy grounds is awesome FYI.
It is indeed.

Your crunching numbers to figure out battle map sizes and you really don't need to worry about it. With a 40 inch TV you'll have all the room you need.
Here I disagree. But, everyone's MMV. For me, I run a lot of Pathfinder games, and their common map size is 36"x24" - any of these maps here, for example: https://paizo.com/pathfinder/accessories/maps/flipmats are at least that dimension. With a 40 inch TV (35" x 19.5") I'd be losing close to 5 inches off the 24 inch side - which makes a difference for some of those maps. And making the map a little smaller isn't really an options for me, as this makes the grid squares smaller and means that a close in melee with a few minis involved doesn't fit properly. So, for me, I found I needed (or maybe just wanted!) a 48" screen, so that I had just about the width I needed to display all of the map real-estate I wanted to display.

Getting the grid sized to 1 inch will quickly fall to wayside...I end up just eyeballing the maps. As long as you have your map gridded and your squares close to an inch... No one really cares.
That's what this extension is for: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?33834-Map-resize-to-TV-resolution-for-Face-To-Face-games Get's you a perfect 1-inch to grid square with two mouse clicks every time. :)

So, whereas the exact size of your screen/grid isn't that important to some people, it is important to others. Each to their own. I'm one of those where it is important - I want to be able to fully fit the maps I regularly use on my TV and I want the grid squares to be exactly 1 inch (not just close to 1 inch). That's why we're discussing TV size and what works for us. I'm happy with my 48" 4K TV. I'm happy you're happy with your 40 inch TV! :)

April 17th, 2017, 23:00
You mentioned that setup in post #2 of this thread over a year ago. Stop talking about it and do it! ;-)

Gotta buy a new house first, we don't have a seperate dinning room currently.

April 18th, 2017, 20:42
Well now, inspired by this thread I did something really quite lovely :)

I have an android box connected to my TV, just a generic one I got from Amazon for £30 (it had been £40; go go Black Friday!). I have a nice USB keyboard and mouse attached to it - £14. So for just £45 I have a usable android computer able to pump out up to 4K resolution. Lovely.

Anyway - I noticed someone had FG 'running' on android earlier in the thread, and he said it was a program called Splashtop. I think I love this program :)

My PC has Splashtop Streamer installed. This is a free app. I also found instructions to spoof my PC into believing it had a 2nd monitor attached, and extended the desktop on to this ghost screen.

The android box has the Splashtop app installed (also free for local network use), and connects to the PC. There's a button you can click to make the 2nd screen mirror (even though it is a ghost screen!).

The final touch is to have the main FG client run on my main screen, and a 2nd 'localhost' client connected to it running on the ghost screen. Now the TV shows the player map with tokens, and my kids can shout about where they want their tokens to go. I could also let them use the android box mouse to do it themselves, I guess, but I am a control freak.

This is lovely, and will make my gaming with them much more immersive (and also automate so much!)

As a side note - Splashtop will connect to the streamer over the internet for a $17 YEARLY fee. This would let me leave my desktop running at home and carry just the tiny android box and still allow me full access. I know everyone has a laptop, but what if you don't? £45 +$17 is far cheaper than a new laptop.... :)

Sorry if this reads a little disjointed - I just got it all working tonight and I'm as excited as a 12 year old :)


April 18th, 2017, 21:59
Very cool Maasq! :)

April 18th, 2017, 22:01
Here are a couple of photos from my preparation to running Weird Wars Rome tonight:



April 18th, 2017, 22:08
That's lovely. I am going to have to find a cheap TV to try that with :)

April 18th, 2017, 22:40
Nice Trenloe. Did you post more pictures and info about the table itself? It looks very nicely done from what I can see of the wood and finish. As an engineer, would love to see more details.

April 18th, 2017, 23:44
Nice Trenloe. Did you post more pictures and info about the table itself? It looks very nicely done from what I can see of the wood and finish. As an engineer, would love to see more details.
The table is from Carolina Gaming Tables: https://www.carolinagametables.com/

I quickly threw together the wood surround around the TV myself - to stop dice getting stuck underneath and to give a bit of a lip to stop dice rolled on the screen from falling off. Nothing fancy, just cheap wood with a couple of coats of black paint. Held in place by large velcro strips - makes it easy to move around and setup at stores etc..

I use a 1/8" plexiglass insert on the screen to protect it from scratches from minis and dice rolling.

April 19th, 2017, 06:41
The table is from Carolina Gaming Tables: https://www.carolinagametables.com/

Thanks. I think I've heard of them before.

April 20th, 2017, 12:22
Seems like this should be easy to find - but oddly enough - that hasnt been the case for me....where did you get the plexiglass and how do you cut it to fit?

April 20th, 2017, 14:04
Seems like this should be easy to find - but oddly enough - that hasnt been the case for me....where did you get the plexiglass and how do you cut it to fit?
Usually you can find it at home improvement stores (Home Depot, Lowes), which can cut it for you. Sometimes craft/hobby stores (Michael's, Hobby Lobby), which can't cut it.

April 20th, 2017, 14:49
Seems like this should be easy to find - but oddly enough - that hasnt been the case for me....where did you get the plexiglass and how do you cut it to fit?
Bought both the plexiglass and cutter tool on Amazon.

May 1st, 2017, 14:01
What license is required to run the 2 instances on a sincle PC? One for the GM and one to drive the Monitor that the players will use as a battlemat? Would you need Ultimate for this? Or would Standard be able to do it?

May 1st, 2017, 14:14
Welcome to the forums!

A single Standard license works fine. Open another instance of FG and "Join Game" with an address of localhost

May 1st, 2017, 14:14
None, start a second instance of FG (either by running the link on desktop, or finding the actual fantasygrounds.exe if installed through Steam) and connect to your game using the IP address localhost.

edit: Damnit, I thought I got an answer in before the Trenloe AI/Bot. ;-P

Moon Wizard
May 1st, 2017, 14:15
Any Standard or Ultimate license can be used to run two instances on a single machine. Just connect the second instance to "localhost" as the server address.
