View Full Version : Is there a way to give npcs items for fighting your party?

March 6th, 2016, 18:50
I want to be able to give an npc I made oathbow so that if he dies, the party can potentially get it. The problem is I cant figure out how to attach it to the npc so that it can be used as an action in the combat tracker. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.

March 6th, 2016, 19:06
You don't attach it to the NPC, what you do is to create a parcel, add that to the story entry, and then adjust the NPC statistics to accommodate the weapon.

That's the short answer, the longer one is;
Create a story entry that has the text etc. Create an NPC (adjust stats or add actions for the special weaaons etc you want them to have). Create an encounter, add the NPC to the encounter. Add the encounter link to the story entry. Create your oathbow as an item. Create a parcel, add the item to the parcel. Add the parcel link to the story entry. If using a map, I also add a map link to the story entry and add the NPC tokens from the encounter entry to the map.

Then, the GM can just open the story entry, and from there follow all the other links as needed (etc).

March 6th, 2016, 20:06
Oh ok. Thank you very much. I'll give it a shot.

March 6th, 2016, 20:14
For allowing the party access to a NPCs items after defeating them (or however they may access the items - bartering, stealing, etc.) LordEntrails is correct regarding item parcels. Info here: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/wiki/index.php/5E_Item_Sheet#Create_A_Treasure_Parcel

However, I drag the link to the "Other" tab of the specific NPC rather than to a story entry. I use treasure parcels in story entries for loot/items not on an individual but stored in a location which the story entry is tied to. This allows you to add the NPC relevant items to the Party Sheet on an individual basis (open the NPC other tab and drag the parcel link to the Party Sheet -> Inventory tab) and so allows granular loot distribution based on which NPCs were defeated, etc. and gives immediate access to the treasure parcel if the NPC was found outside it's normal location.

March 11th, 2016, 06:29
For allowing the party access to a NPCs items after defeating them (or however they may access the items - bartering, stealing, etc.) LordEntrails is correct regarding item parcels. Info here: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/wiki/index.php/5E_Item_Sheet#Create_A_Treasure_Parcel

However, I drag the link to the "Other" tab of the specific NPC rather than to a story entry. I use treasure parcels in story entries for loot/items not on an individual but stored in a location which the story entry is tied to. This allows you to add the NPC relevant items to the Party Sheet on an individual basis (open the NPC other tab and drag the parcel link to the Party Sheet -> Inventory tab) and so allows granular loot distribution based on which NPCs were defeated, etc. and gives immediate access to the treasure parcel if the NPC was found outside it's normal location.

Very clever...
I'll starting doing that!!