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March 23rd, 2005, 19:38
Greetings all..I am planning to run warhammer fantasy role-playing 2nd edition as it's being released next week. I already have the players and plan to use webRPG till i found this site. I have a few questions

1= If i am the only one to buy the full version, the players can buy the "lite" to connect right? Would hate to see them spend xtra money since they aren't running it.

2= any input as to how well u like the program. I have seen quite a few posts about the "bugs" of the program and it's concerning

3= Is the program only for the D20? Also how critical is a high speed connection? Thanks for any help I have to "sell" the idea to the players and myself..looks damn awesome..especially since I have a tablet PC to draw with.

4= Lastly if High Speed connection is best..can someone else with cable modem "host" and then "pass" the GM role to another connect user?

March 23rd, 2005, 19:49
Greetings all..I am planning to run warhammer fantasy role-playing 2nd edition as it's being released next week. I already have the players and plan to use webRPG till i found this site. I have a few questions


1= If i am the only one to buy the full version, the players can buy the "lite" to connect right? Would hate to see them spend xtra money since they aren't running it.


2= any input as to how well u like the program. I have seen quite a few posts about the "bugs" of the program and it's concerning.

As with any program, some people are going to have issues with it and you tend to seem them on the message boards looking for help.

For the most part, the program runs well. I've connected and played several times. A couple of times I got disconnected but reconnecting brought me back in with no issues. Its hard to say how your experiance will be. Working from behind a router/firewall definatly makes things more interesting.

3= Is the program only for the D20? Also how critical is a high speed connection? Thanks for any help I have to "sell" the idea to the players and myself..looks damn awesome..especially since I have a tablet PC to draw with.

By default, yes. Though much of the program works with xml as data files so people are putting in different rule sets. A 1st ed rule set has been done by Elric here on the boards and I've seen others saying they are working on Star Wars and Gurps.[/quote]

4= Lastly if High Speed connection is best..can someone else with cable modem "host" and then "pass" the GM role to another connect user?

No. I'm not sure how the program will work with dial up. I suspect it will depend on how many maps/graffics you try to send. To minimize the effect you can start to send the picture before you need it or bundle up all the files you'll need to download and send them before the game so they can download them at their leisure.
