View Full Version : Thanks, SmiteWorks. Thanks, Community. Thanks, Everyone.

February 26th, 2016, 05:19
I've been using Fantasy Grounds for what feels like forever. I think something like a decade or so. I've had so many questions answered on these forums, and seen so many valuable contributions to the rulesets, maps, and tutorials that support everyone using this software. Along the way I got inspired to make my own videos (with varying amounts of annoying voice modulation/incredibly jarring dubstep), and over the years I've waxed and waned in how much I'm using FG at any given time.

In June of 2014 I started playing 5E D&D with a group of friends in a face-to-face game, and it was really amazing. By October I was actually using Fantasy Grounds with a projector to put our maps and combat tracker up on a screen for everyone to see.

In November 2014 I accepted a job that was 1400 miles across the country, and we moved our game fully over to Fantasy Grounds. We've continued playing, two-and-a-half hours per week, for over a year.

Tonight was the finale of our campaign, finishing off Tyranny of Dragons with a great Tiamat showdown.

If it wasn't for Fantasy Grounds, that wouldn't have happened.

Thanks again everyone, whether you write the software, the wikis, the rulesets, the modules, the tutorials, or even just answer questions on the forums. I'm so proud to be a part of this VTT experience.

Xorne (Jason)

February 26th, 2016, 07:00
Man, I was afraid to read this at first. Thought it was going to be one of those "It's been fun but I'm outta here" posts. Glad to see that's not the case. :bandit:

It was your adventure building and Par5e video's that really got me hooked on this software and what it was capable of so you should probably add yourself into that thanks.

February 26th, 2016, 08:28
Yup, my childhood AD&D friends got scattered across Poland and even Europe, thanks to FG we've managed to play again after 10 years. We're still playing.

February 26th, 2016, 08:35
Yep, you put a great deal in too Xorn. And I echo Gunnar above, those par5e vids were a big part of me getting much more deeply into FG that I had ever intended. :)

February 26th, 2016, 10:52
I have expressed my thanks to this amazing community before, I heartily agree with everything Xorn has said. I want to add that Fantasy Grounds has opened up the world of RPG's for me, and many who really never had access to table top gaming, either it came along at the wrong time in life, communities where it never took off, so many reasons. A little over 2 years ago I had only the vaguest idea of what RPG's were, that limited to hearing or seeing stories about DnD. A good many of them were framed very negatively. Because it was accessible online a friend invited me to try Fantasy Grounds and RPG's, and a bit over a year ago I came here looking for information, games and a better understanding of the entire world of RPG's.
My background is in theater, and the opportunity to play roles is always something we seek. But the support and help here has made it so much more. I have tried as many different rulesets as I could manage, met so many people and after running a few one shots have begun my first limited term campaign, and none of it would be possible without a safe, supportive community where I could ask questions, meet players and other enthusiasts. Unlike so many here RPG's were not a part of my childhood (the first one) and my adult life was pretty well full. The fact that it came to me when I was semi-retired, and fills the space in my life that was once active theater, I look forward to spending what they call the Golden Years enjoying this amazing hobby here with the fantastic people on these forums.

February 26th, 2016, 11:41
I, too, started reading this thread thinking "Oh no, not Xorn (leaving) as well" - but I'm glad it wasn't that. Mate, you were the one that gave me the inspiration to put together my Tutorial Vids, and I thank you for it. While the Community here at times has given me the "poops" and while at times I have felt unappreciated and "unloved", its been people like you (Jas), and Gunnar, and Doswelk, and Tren, and Nylanfs, and Zacc, and damned, and Dr. V, and Dakadin, and P.Whale, and Obe, and JohnD, and the SW boys, and all the others who I'm not going to name here because this is dragging on too long - its all you guys who have made FG and the Community such the great thing that it is...

To all of you...

Thank you!

February 26th, 2016, 12:12
The Fantasy Grounds community has introduced me to some great people - great friends and professional connections. Makes me very glad that I got invested in this virtual table top a couple of years ago.

February 26th, 2016, 13:32
Thanks for being an awesome DM Xorn!

What Xorn fails to mention is that the job he ditched his friends and moved 1400 miles for was to start up his own cat herding business in Montana. Otherwise known as "CATtle" I guess they're a delicacy in some countries.

February 26th, 2016, 13:54
Okay, so I'm late to this game. Xorn, from the bottom of my heart! Thank you for all that YOU have done for this community. I LOVE the tutorials, PAR5E is a god-send. It makes everyone's lives that much easier. So, as us Canadians would say, NO, THANK YOU!

February 26th, 2016, 14:16
You're welcome, eh?

Couldn't resist. Trying to learn the language since we're going to Canada this year.

February 26th, 2016, 15:32
You're welcome, eh?

Couldn't resist. Trying to learn the language since we're going to Canada this year.


February 26th, 2016, 16:45
In 2007 I lost a bunch of friends to a big falling out. I had played D&D since i was 9 years old in the early 90s and this year makes year 23 of enjoying the wonderful world of tabletop. I have entertained myself with other online things like MMOS and other video games but I never felt a community so closely involved like this one. In 2008 I started playing and using fantasygrounds. 8 years with all you loveable characters. All the ways my life has changed and gone for better or for worse this was the one constant that recharges my batteries and keeps me sane. And all of it run by John and David who I want to specifically thank for being the torch bearers of tabletop tradition into the new digital age.

February 26th, 2016, 17:00
Great to hear, Jason - thanks for posting this, and for everything else you do for all of us in the FG community!

February 26th, 2016, 17:22
Thanks to you Xorn! The community is full of amazing people who are very generous with their time and expertise and who reinforce everything that is great about roleplaying. You are definitely one of those shining examples.

If it wasn't for the great community, I would have never even considered investing in this company called Smiteworks. As it is, I have made great, lifelong friends within the community and within the industry as a result.

Moon Wizard
February 26th, 2016, 17:43
I was thinking the same thing. ("So long, and thanks for all the fish!") Glad I was mistaken. ;)

As Doug mentioned, it's the amazing community that got me hooked on FG, and had me continuing to work on it even when I didn't have any games running.

Xorne (Jason) has been one of the longest running posters on this community, and made great contributions to boot.

Thank you!


February 27th, 2016, 01:21
I can honestly say that if it were not for Xorn I wouldn't be here- and it is because of him I am playing D&D again. It is he who deserves the thanks in my book.

Of course the community is freaking amazing as well. I am hooked for as long as I can possibly game.