View Full Version : Lfg [cet] new player

February 24th, 2016, 12:57
Hi guys! I am a fairly new player in Fantasy grounds, i have played some Savage Worlds, and i really like that setting, i would also like to try something new and different. I work with CET (GMT+1) Would like to have a game in the weekends, not sunday evenings.

In advance Thank you! :)


February 24th, 2016, 13:11
Hey there Ducky welcome to the community. I play with a group based out of England, most of their games run 7PM GMT which is close to you. They changed rules so you do not have to be a member of GMD to play. I think right now though we only have two campaigns on the weekends, my Resistance:Roman Britain and an End of Dayz campaign. Both are Savage Worlds however, GMD runs mostly Savage Worlds.They do have some Star Wars and such they offer at times in other rulesets, I'll send you a link and you can look it over. I play with another group that does Warhammer second edition out of Ireland, but right now their games have no openings, but if something should come open I'll note your nic and send you a notice. Good luck and Happy Gaming.

February 24th, 2016, 13:24
Hey there Ducky welcome to the community. I play with a group based out of England, most of their games run 7PM GMT which is close to you. They changed rules so you do not have to be a member of GMD to play. I think right now though we only have two campaigns on the weekends, my Resistance:Roman Britain and an End of Dayz campaign. Both are Savage Worlds however, GMD runs mostly Savage Worlds.They do have some Star Wars and such they offer at times in other rulesets, I'll send you a link and you can look it over. I play with another group that does Warhammer second edition out of Ireland, but right now their games have no openings, but if something should come open I'll note your nic and send you a notice. Good luck and Happy Gaming.

Thank you very much sir! If there are any weekend campaigns i could join please tell me! :)

February 24th, 2016, 13:39
Well my campaign is currently full, though we may have a drop before the next session, we have only just started if that happens I'll let you know. The End of Dayz I believe still has spaces, the weekday ones you would have to check the GMD calendar. There are a lot of Europeans here in the forums, so I am sure you will find something soon. For checking out different stuff the FG-Con coming up in April is a great time for that, and to meet other players and GM's. 3 days of one shots covering nearly everything you could do in Fantasy Grounds. GM's are already registering their games, player enrollment begins March 17th. Since that is entirely weekend check it out every game is newbie friendly there.

February 24th, 2016, 22:39
Check your messages, had an opening, sent you an invite.

February 24th, 2016, 22:50
Check your messages, had an opening, sent you an invite.

Yes thank you, i have signed up :)

February 24th, 2016, 23:19
Awesome, welcome to the team. All players are members of British Celtic tribes, joining the resistance to the Roman invasion that began in 43 AD. We have several pre-gens available, of if you prefer I will message you when I have time for a character creation session, this is a specialized setting I built, there are some special edges etc that aren't part of the Savage Worlds players companion, though it all comes from the Ultimate Guides for Celts and Romans for Savage Worlds. I accept any concept that is supported by the history and culture of the Celtic Brits in 44 AD.
I saw your concept on our calendar, so you want to play a disaffected Roman? we can do that.

February 25th, 2016, 05:52
Awesome, welcome to the team. All players are members of British Celtic tribes, joining the resistance to the Roman invasion that began in 43 AD. We have several pre-gens available, of if you prefer I will message you when I have time for a character creation session, this is a specialized setting I built, there are some special edges etc that aren't part of the Savage Worlds players companion, though it all comes from the Ultimate Guides for Celts and Romans for Savage Worlds. I accept any concept that is supported by the history and culture of the Celtic Brits in 44 AD.
I saw your concept on our calendar, so you want to play a disaffected Roman? we can do that.

Sounds awesome, looking forward to creatw that character, and playing with you! :)

February 26th, 2016, 23:12
Heya Ducky, I didn't realize you hadn't connected to the discussion about the game on the other thread in this forum. https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?28291-LFP-Resistance-Roman-Britain-one-shot We will be meeting tomorrow at 7PM GMT, or at least I will be on the GMD teamspeak for anyone who wants to work on their characters, discuss the setting etc. The teampseak info is on the GMD page you reserved your seat on, but if you want to get an idea of who else is in the game and other links being shared on the history of the period check thread in the link. Ignore the oneshot in the title,we managed to attach this group to an ad I ran for a one shot almost two weeks ago in this setting.