View Full Version : I wanna use FG on my second monitor ( TV laying flat on my table) but need help

February 20th, 2016, 01:06
I am currently demoing fantasy grounds. I would like to purchase FG, and use my laptop as a GM screen to nahdle the tokens, maps, notes, etc for my campaign, and use my second monitor ( which is a 40inch TV laying on my game table ) to display stuff for player views. I would like to be able to send npc portraits, regional maps, handouts, and especially battlemaps with monster tokens all to the player view as they discover these items.

Can i accomplish this with the full version of fantasy grounds, or would i need something else?


February 20th, 2016, 01:16
I do exactly this with my home group. I have a hdmi cable running from my laptop to my tv (which I sometime lay flat). I have two instances of fg running, the gm instance on my lap top and the player instance on my tv. You can do all this with the full version of fg.
Hope this helps

Moon Wizard
February 20th, 2016, 02:19
Just to clarify, if both GM and player instance are running on a single machine, you only need one license. Just start the second instance, select Join Game, and enter "localhost" in the server name field. You should be able to test this setup with the demo version.


February 20th, 2016, 04:09
Would that be the 39$ license, or the ultimate license. Also, since im playing 5e, would i need to purchase the additional MM,PHB, and DM book 49$ each??

February 20th, 2016, 04:31
The $39 license will accept a single localhost connection from the same computer - yes.
The $39 license includes teh D&D 5e Basic Rules and the D&D 5e SRD to get you started. At some point I think yes - you will want to buy the PHB for sure and at some point you will want more options from the MM and DMG but you can get started with just the $39 license.

April 4th, 2016, 17:39
Depending upon how big or spread out your group is, you might want to consider adding an additional monitor via Google's Chromecast. It works really well with FG!