View Full Version : language translate issue

February 17th, 2016, 08:28
can i use some mod or add font to FG?

if i type chinese,it's display like the pic....13061

how can i add font to FG,thx

February 17th, 2016, 09:03
Have a look here (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?27202-LanguagePak-%28LPak%29-Community-Project-Program) to see if that's what you need.

February 17th, 2016, 09:10
cool, i'm look at it,thx\

i don't want translate UI,just i can type chinese with out 'alien language'

February 17th, 2016, 09:24
And this is likely to be your problem. FG uses ISO-8859-1 character set (I believe) and that won't have any Chinese characters. And unfortunately I don't think you can change the character set that it uses.

February 17th, 2016, 09:30
THX,how can i change character??change that in system or software?

February 17th, 2016, 09:33
Neither - its hard-wired into the current FG engine.

I beleive that once the FG engine is re-written to use the Unity engine we'll be able to do that, but until then...