View Full Version : 13th Age - 7PM CST Saturdays - Any Interest?

February 16th, 2016, 10:37
I'm posting to see if anyone has any interest in a 13th Age game. I am relatively new to FG and 13th Age, but I've been playing RPGs for longer than I care to divulge, primarily D&D clear back to 1E (except 4E...gross).

As the rules system more or less illustrates, 13th Age is a D20 variant that is more free-form and focused on story development rather than strict mechanics. As such, I would be running a game set in a highly customized world where player contributions to the setting and ongoing game are expected.

So...any takers?! =)

February 16th, 2016, 16:00
I am definitely interested. I'm new to 13th Age. Is that an issue?

February 16th, 2016, 22:16
Hello there! My longstanding group have been playing using the 13th AGE ruleset for about a year now and if your game happens to fall on Saturday eves I would love to participate. We currently play on Thursday eves (EST) and I am a player in a Saturday Noon game thus cant join you on that timeslot.

Also, if you should need help with the ruleset, or using FG to support your game, feel free to contact me.

February 16th, 2016, 23:57
If I wasn't already booked Saturdays I would love to join this campaign. My local gaming group played this a few months ago and said it was a lot of fun.

February 17th, 2016, 01:11
For those of you interested, I'll expand a bit further on what I have in mind for the setting.

I was particularly fond of the second paragraph in the Many Campaigns, Many Gods section of chapter 6 in the core rulebook. This section discusses gods in the game, particularly the presence of multiple pantheons of gods, some from our own world, some from other fantasy worlds. That, however, isn't the important part of that section. What stood out to me is that in the world there could easily be "Shipwrecked survivors of other oceans...", "Fragments of other realities...", and "Immigrants from any reality you want..."

With that in mind, we could start with the basic setting concepts and maps from the core rulebook and expand on that with what I mentioned above. You could theoretically create a character from any other setting or world (though keep it in the fantasy genre for now!) that has somehow come to the world in which our game will take place. However, true to the nature of the system, you will have to create an elaborate backstory for such a character and/or his or her ancestors and how they came to this world. Such occurrences would be very rare, but player characters are considered exceptional. If you would prefer to stick with creating your character as a native of the world in the core rulebook, that is fine as well of course!

I am also toying with the thirteen base icons outlined in the core rulebook. I like them all and how they tie into one another, but I encourage players to come up with others that might be added to this or used in place of another, if it suits your character and his or her background.

Simply put, I am looking to create a unique world that is created with the input of players alongside my own ideas - collaborative world generation through role-playing of heroic characters and their stories. We could go one step further and create a completely new setting that grows with each session as well. I'm looking for player input on where we want to go with this rather than me definitively saying where we're starting the game.

Thoughts or opinions?!

February 17th, 2016, 01:49
One additional thing I forgot to mention is that this game will initially be text-based, no voice or video. While this tends to make for a slower game, I also feel it makes for it much stronger in terms of role-playing and storytelling. If it's any consolation, I'm a fast and accurate typer! The game will not necessarily remain text-based, but it will be so initially.

February 17th, 2016, 19:36
I'm open to this style of play. I'm looking for a long-term, story driven campaign to truly develop a character. Seems to require some upfront time investment, but would pay off in the long run.

February 19th, 2016, 16:17
I would be very interested in joining your campaign if being a newbie to 13th age is ok.

February 21st, 2016, 03:24
I would be interested in playing as well. I GM 13th, but have never used Fantasy Grounds. This sounds interesting and rather fun.