View Full Version : Equipping Items/Armor reflected on character sheets?

February 13th, 2016, 21:54
Hi all, first post here as I just started a month trial of the ultimate software. So far, though the learning curve is a bit steep I am finding it a lot of fun learning the ins and outs.

I have one question currently which is stumping me.

While experimenting with Quests/Encounters and Parcels, I am attempting to test our giving a magic piece of armor to a PC after completing an encounter. To test, I used a really fancy +3 piece chest piece so that I would definitely see an improvement to the PC's AC.

I have figured out how to "divvy up" the loot properly so it appears in the PC inventory. But for the life of me, I can't figure out why the newly acquired/equipped item is not changing the AC of the PC on the character sheet. It's remaining completely static whether I 'tick' the item equipped or unequipped in the inventory panel.

What am I missing?


February 13th, 2016, 22:01
Hi Implacable and welcome to FG and to the forums.

You aren't missing anything. Equipping armour doesn't automatically alter the AC in the character sheet. AC is all manually entered by the player/DM.

So when you equip a new item you need to go in and alter the AC in the main tab of the PC sheet. See here (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/wiki/index.php/5E_Character_Sheet) for more information on character sheet completion.

February 13th, 2016, 22:23
Hi Implacable and welcome to FG and to the forums.

You aren't missing anything. Equipping armour doesn't automatically alter the AC in the character sheet. AC is all manually entered by the player/DM.

So when you equip a new item you need to go in and alter the AC in the main tab of the PC sheet. See here (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/wiki/index.php/5E_Character_Sheet) for more information on character sheet completion.

Thank you!

I had suspected this may be the case, but I wanted to be sure I wasn't overlooking some crucial aspect of the software that would screw everything up. :)

Appreciate the clarification.

April 22nd, 2019, 00:01
This is the info I came to get. I haven't been able to figure out why equipping items doesn't change the AC. It seems... like it should? Wouldn't that be very easy to program in for the people who know that stuff? Kind of annoying. But at least I know now that I'm not doing something wrong.

April 22nd, 2019, 00:06
This is the info I came to get. I haven't been able to figure out why equipping items doesn't change the AC. It seems... like it should? Wouldn't that be very easy to program in for the people who know that stuff? Kind of annoying. But at least I know now that I'm not doing something wrong.
This is an old thread. Since the date of these posts equipping armour or a shield does now calculate the correct armour class.

April 23rd, 2019, 22:15
Well, the reason I came to this thread is (at least for Pathfinder), no, it doesn't.
Equipping armor and shields does not add their AC values to the character.

April 23rd, 2019, 22:34
Well, the reason I came to this thread is (at least for Pathfinder), no, it doesn't.
Equipping armor and shields does not add their AC values to the character.

This thread is specific to 5e.